30 ↠ Camping : Shared tents & morning activities.

A/N - Play the song when indicated! 😁

Camila's P.O.V

It's been a good night so far, especially with the kick-ass steak my father grilled with Y/N.

After dinner, we're all delegating who's sleeping with who and who's sharing a tent together. Meredith and Sofi are sharing a tent while Lucas sleeps with his parents.

Normani and Dinah were sharing a tent and I, was made to share a rent with Lauren even though I wanted to share with Y/N.

You see, my father may like Y/N but after the hickey incident, he's reluctant to let his teenage daughter to share a tent with her girlfriend considering his head probably imagined a lot of possibilities.

The team captain settled on sharing a tent with her Canadian best friend and his Australian boyfriend in the 3 person tent.

We were currently sitting on our camping chairs, the ones that are placed in front of our tents as my parents wanted to brief us on tomorrow's activities.

"So, tomorrow's plans are gonna be quite relaxing but fun," My father started off, smiling at all of us as he stood with my mother before adding, "The rest of us are gonna go to this lake nearby and apparently it's a wonderful place to hang out."

"Are we only going to a lake tomorrow?" Meredith voiced out, making all of us wonder the same question.

My mother shook her head with a small smile before she said, "There's also a small town nearby and apparently there's a really good BBQ restaurant there so we might drop by for dinner or something."

Everyone nodded in agreement as my father spoke up and added, "I'm sure all of you know that the adults are gonna sleep in the RV with baby Lucas but the door won't be locked so you guys still have access to the bathroom and whatnot."

"Now," Rayyan chimed in, clapping his hands once in the process before he added, "You kids should go to sleep as it is rather late right now so goodnight, children."

"Dad, there's like seven high school seniors here." Y/N chuckled out, teasing her father as he rolled his eyes playfully.

He waved dismissively at the taller girl before saying, "You're all still children in my eyes," Rayyan jested, igniting a small laughter from the group before he continued saying, "Now goodnight, kids." Rayyan walked over to Meredith, placing a chaste kiss on her forehead before walking over to Y/N, doing the same process. I could see the team captain smiling at the action, making me smile as he softly said, "Remember, I wanna see you in the very same tent tomorrow morning when I wake up." Rayyan teased, now earning a playful eye roll from Y/N.

She gave me a quick glance before looking back at her father, giving him a defeated nod. Rayyan then said his goodnight to all of us before going into the RV with baby Lucas in his arms, leaving my parents and Emilia outside.

My parents made their way to Sofi and gave her a kiss on the forehead before making their way to me and doing the same thing. I could see my father telling Y/N something through a whisper and it must've been something funny because the team captain immediately chuckled as soon as he told her something.

Emilia went to Y/N and Meredith and had a few minutes with them, probably lecturing them to behave themselves because both of them had this dull look on their faces which honestly made me giggle in amusement.

As that was going on, I could see my mother making her way to me before she kneeled in front of me and whispered, "The doors won't be locked but it'll be too dark for your father to see," My mother vaguely said, making me furrow my brows in confusion before she added, "Look, I've been a kid in love before but if you want to sleep in the same tent as Y/N, I expect both of you to be fully clothed tomorrow morning."

I gasped in disbelief as I knew what my mom was trying to indicate. I crossed my arms and glanced around me before looking at her and saying, "Oh my God mami, it was one hickey! Stop making it sound as if we had sex!" I whisper yelled, making sure no one heard me, especially Y/N.

My mother shrugged innocently before she defended by saying, "Hey, I'm not sure what hickey means these days! You kids are redefining everything I was taught so you can't blame your mother for being a little bit naive," My mother said, making me roll my eyes in response before she added, "But seriously, be fully clothed tomorrow morning."

I groaned, nodding my head nonetheless as I said, "Good Lord, yes mami," I said in an embarrassed tone before I continued saying, "Now, can we please stop talking about it? It's kinda embarrassing."

My mother just chuckled before she stood up and went inside the RV. From the corner of my eyes, I could see Emilia doing the same thing as she placed a kiss on both of her daughter's forehead, earning a faint 'goodnight' from the both of them.

Now, I contemplated in switching tents tonight, even having a small discussion with Lauren about it but I know that Y/N's way too polite to disrespect my father's wishes and after telling her what my mother told me, she kindly rejected, even though she wouldn't mind in a different circumstance.

We were currently standing opposite of each other, about to go to sleep as the others finally settled in their own tent. It was rather dark, the only source of light was the campfire but I could still clearly see Y/N and the small shine in her eyes.

"We should probably be sleeping." Y/N chuckled out, running her fingers through my hair as I tilted my head to the side while my eyes shut in content.

I sighed softly, scooting closer to the team captain as I wrapped my arms around her waist before the side of my head rested against her chest while saying, "Are you sure you don't wanna share a tent? Lauren's still awake and she doesn't mind switching."

The taller girl hummed slightly as she said, "As much as I'd love to, I still have to earn your father's trust and I can't do that by doing the one thing he told us not to do."

I chuckled while tightening my hold on her before saying, "Babe, it's not like we're planning to make babies."

"Well, not yet at least," Y/N teased, making me pull my head away slightly as I look at her with surprise as she continued saying, "My point is, your father's overprotective over you and sharing the same tent with your girlfriend does not sit right with him."

I sighed before resting my head against her chest once again while saying, "If you're worried about my father's approval when we're still dating, I wonder how you're gonna ask him for his blessing when we get married." I joked, laughing in the process as I didn't really take it seriously.

Y/N however, took it quite seriously as she said, "Well, by the time I'll ask him for his blessing, I'll probably be fine." She said softly, making me look at her with widened eyes as her lips formed a small but warm smile.

"You want to get married?"

The taller girl nodded as she placed a chaste kiss on my forehead before saying, "If it's with you, then yes," Y/N said softly, making my heart flutter at the thought before she continued saying, "But I want to be done with college and graduate with a good income job so we'll be financially stable." She said, making it look like she's got everything figured out and by the look of it, she probably has.

I couldn't help but smile and gave the taller girl a long and passionate kiss as I pulled away with the most rapid heart beat ever.

I'm not confused that Y/N sees a future with me though because every time I touch her, I see the next 80 years of my life with her and I pray every day that it'll happen.

We both know that it's too early on in the relationship but it's long enough for the both of us to know what we want for the future and I already know what I want for the rest of my life;

I want her.


Ugh, sunlight.

I groaned as I stretched my body while still lying down, not giving a damn if I'm disrupting Lauren's sleep or not.

Honestly, I have no idea what time it is but from the look of how dim the sunlight is, it's probably still way before 8 in the morning. Why am I up this early? Good God, I'm trying to figure it out myself.

After my talk with Y/N, we both went to our respective tents where I was met with a sleeping Lauren. She literally took up most of the sleeping space, to the point where I had to physically push her aside so I can sleep. Not to mention she's such a blanket hoarder too.

Also, I curse the world for being fucking cold last night but thank God for the fire pit because it was the only source of warmth through out the night. As I sat up while yawning, I instinctively slowly and quietly got out of the tent, making sure I don't wake up my best friend before I stood up straight, realizing that I am the only one awake.

I also noticed that the fire pit was about to go out so I decided to add more wood so it'll keep us warm through this chilly morning.

I walked towards the RV and went to my bag where I took my toothbrush and face wash as I went to the bathroom and did my business there. I am actually quite surprised as to how early I woke up. Camila Cabello, are you a changed woman now?

But God, send me a savior because nothing changed when I screamed at the top of my lungs when I felt arms wrap around my waist and when I saw who it was through the mirror, I turned around and shoved her.

Y/N laughed loudly as I continued to glare at her, my toothbrush still in my mouth as I turned back around and rinsed my mouth, wiping it afterwards.

"You're such a fucking dick, Y/N!" I exclaimed, wiping my hands on a towel before turning around to face Y/N with crossed arms.

Y/N kept on laughing as she said, "Remind me to bring you to a haunted house one day." She teased, a smug grin playing on her lips.

"Do you have a death wish?" I deadpanned, glaring at her.

The team captain just laughed once again before she adorably got closer to me, one of her hands on my hips as her other one uncrossed my arms while she said, "I don't have a death wish but I do want to thank the Gods for granting my wish by giving me a beautiful girlfriend."

I playfully rolled my eyes as I placed my hands on her chest, biting my bottom lip as I played with the ends of her hairs while saying, "Cute but I'm still annoyed with you."

The taller girl chuckled softly as she leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on my head before saying, "How can one look so adorable when they're annoyed?" She asked above whisper, her lips twitching into a smile as her eyes just oozed out love.

Soon after, she pulled away from me so she could brushed her teeth and being the creep that I am, decided to wait for her. I didn't have my phone with me so I was honestly left with looking at her side profile which was quite adorable when I realized that she had a tiny scar on the side of her head.

"When did you get that scar?"

The team captain looked at me with furrowed brows and I raised my hand and gently touched the scar, before she spat out the mouth rinse in the sink, wiping her mouth and turned towards me.

"It was when I fell during a bike ride with Shawn." She said with a shy smile, making my heart flutter at the sight.

We didn't really do much after that, the both of us making our way back to our tents when we saw Shawn, Troye and Normani had finally woke up.

[Play In Between Days by The Cure from this point on!😌]

Soon after, the rest of the clan woke up and we all had to shower because my father said we were gonna do an activity soon. We all dressed appropriately before we began walking towards the lake nearby.

It was a nice quiet walk and we saw other families who decided to take the weekend off as well. I walked next to Dinah the whole time as Y/N was walking with Shawn and Troye with baby Lucas in her arms.

It was a completely adorable sight to see and it was more adorable when Lucas had the biggest smile on his face when he finally saw the lake.

And I'll admit, the lake was beautiful and there was a lot of people but it wasn't too crowded to the point where you're annoyed by it. For example, Sofi and Meredith instantly took off because they were really excited to swim while our parents set up a mini bbq for us all.

Dinah, Lauren, Normani and I had went to the public bathrooms and changed into our swimwear as Y/N, Shawn and Troye settled with swimming with their clothes on, with their spare clothes in hand.

Baby Lucas was never away from Y/N, clinging to her like a literal koala and it was so cute when Y/N slowly brought him into the lake. I can imagine the water being cold so when the water made contact with Lucas, he squealed in excitement as he wrapped his arms tightly around Y/N's neck.

The team captain couldn't help but laugh at the reaction as she brought him deeper and deeper into the lake.

My cheeks were hurting from all the smiling but that was all cut short when my idiotic Polynesian best friend decided it was a good idea to push me in the cold water.

I screamed, inevitably, and that earned me a few amused looks from some families but I was more worried about how I was gonna kill Dinah.

"Dinah Jane!" I exclaimed, wiping my face as I added, "You're so lucky we're in public right now because I would so curse you like a potty mouth!"

Dinah only laughed, hard, as she said, "Y-You should've seen your face!" She laughed out, making me glare at her as she added, "God, it was so ugly!"

This earned laughs from Lauren and Normani as I glared at them too before a familiar voice said, "You should've known Dinah was gonna do that," Y/N laughed out, making me turn towards her as she added, "It was bound to happen anyways."

I huffed as I crossed my arms before saying, "Well, she should've considered at how cold the water was."

"Be like Lucas," Y/N said with a playful grin as she added, "He's happy to be in cold water."

I glared at the team captain before pointing out, "He wasn't pushed, Y/N."

The taller girl laugh as she swam towards me, Lucas still in her arms as she stood in front of me, placing a kiss on my forehead before saying, "Hey, it'll be a great story to tell our kids one day."

As soon as she said that, my face soften and I couldn't help but blush at that as I said, "You're not allowed to be cute right now; I'm supposed to be mad." I said, trying my best to fight off a smile.

"You can push our kids in the future; how about that? Okay?"

I finally lost as I playfully rolled my eyes with a smile on my lips as I said, "They're gonna kill us if we do that."

Y/N laughed as she said, "So what? We're parents, we can get away with any excuse we think of."

At this moment, Lucas began splashing the water while adorably laughing, making Y/N and I laugh as well before I said, "If our kids are as cute as Lucas, I'm not gonna have the heart to push them."

"It's okay, Meredith can; that girl's brutal as they can be." She joked, not realizing that her sister heard that.

"Hey! I can hear you, you know?!" Meredith exclaimed from a reasonable distance, her eyes locked on her older sister.

The both of us just laughed again before Emilia took Lucas from Y/N because she didn't want him getting sick and the rest of us began playing random water sports.

It ranged anywhere from chicken water fight to swimming lap competition. Honestly, it was the most fun I had in a long time but during all of this, I would often see Y/N talking to Shawn about something, as if they're discussing about something.

What makes it more mysterious is that, whenever they talked, Shawn would always look at me with a subtle smirk. What were those dorks planning?

Currently, we were sitting around the table, eating our bbq hot dogs and chicken wings as everyone was tired out from all the games. I was next to Lauren and Normani before Y/N stood behind me and whispered in my ears, "Tonight, 8pm; we're coming back to the lake so dress up."

I furrowed my brows in confusion as I turned my head back to the team captain but she was already next to Shawn, discussing whatever they were discussing.

Seriously, what were those 2 dorks discussing and what's going on at 8pm tonight?

A/N Hola! Look, double update! Pretty much a filler chapter but there'll be much going on in the next chapter 😁

Anyways, I hope you're enjoying it so far and thank you so much for your support! 💖

Till next time! -Ash
