7. The king sees his mistakes and fix it

You've guys decided for a good ending. So here it is. Hope you enjoy.
Reader/king spade p.o.v

You never felt so protected. And better, you absolutely felt better to. You were doing better but the king didn't. The moment he came back with something to drink you were gone. But he loved you. Why you'd left him?. He would take care of you. He blinked a few times as the cup with water fell to the ground. Guess you didn't loved him. Well you showed emotions that he should've see and accept. But the time he spent with you were the best days he had in years. He couldn't deny that. He held his head as he sat down on a chair.

He took good care of you. Why'd you left him. You didn't liked him that way no doubt. It wasn't fair. Did he treat you wrong?. Probably, alright yes he absolutely should have done it otherwise. But he couldn't control himself. He just wanted you for himself. Ugh this was his fault. All his fault. He should apologize for his behaviour.vyt he couldn't just walk back towards you. You had a wrong view of him. He couldn't blame you because he did it himself.

The feelings for you didn't dissapear though. Your voice was like a lullaby for him. And your body was just as beautiful as your whole design. You were just perfect. And he would accept that you didn't loved him back. But would he be angry back at home and slam a hole in the wall. Yes. But maybe you would forgive him and be friends. Then he could still see you. Yeah, he hoped you would say that.

He stood up from his chair as he moved out the house searching for you .

Your p.o.v

You talked and drank something with Kris. Slowly forgetting everything. It you almost fell over as you saw king spade walking towards you. Spitting out your drink and scream. Kris did fell over. "What?" He asked. You pointed towards him. And he followed your finger. Kris jumped up. "Are you here to kidnap y/n again?!" He screams as he pulled his sword. King spade shook his head. "I've come to apologize" he said as he stopped a few feet away from you and Kris. "Apologize? How do we know it's not a trick" Kris said. You stood behind Kris. Almost that he couldn't see you. "I've been thinking, I handled so very wrong" he began as he toyed with his fingers.

"You see, I really do love you. But when I saw you I didn't k ow how to react. It's that I just wanted you to love me back" he moved closer to you. And held his hand out. "Please trust me" he said. You looked at Kris who strugged his shoulders. Did he really change?. Should you even trust him. Maybe he'll take you again. Or he was telling the truth. Why. You walked forward and grabbed his hand. He smiled kindly this time. His other hand over yours. "Forgive me for my actions, I'll change and never do something like that again" he said. You raised a brow. "And?" You asked crossing your arms as he let your hand go. "And I'll give you space and again sorry for my behaviour" he said.

"And?" You asked again. He didn't seemed to know what you meant now. "It's starts with the letter L" you said. He still didn't seemed to know what you meant. "Be a good father and go spent time with your son" you said tapping your foot against the ground. You wern't just thinking about yourself in this. "Right, I'll be a good father and raise my son as I should've do" he said. You nodded to that.

You looked at Kris. "Problem solved?" He said scratching the back of his neck. You looked back at spade who seems to sweat a little. "I want space, and maybe step by step we can we friends" you said. He smiled at it. "I don't do anything like that no more" he said. "And now I must speak to Lancer" he said and you smiled to that.

And that's how a good ending is made.
Word count 715
