5. He is letting you starve? No way

Why are u so mean bro. Stop him. Enjoy you wierdo.
Reader p.o.v

When was the last day you've eat again? Two maybe three days. Luckily he give me some water but now I wanted some good food. Pllllllzzzzzz gimmi some foooodddddd. Never let an women like me starve. The door creeked open. And guess who? The one you've seen no serval days to ask "And?, Do you agree with my decision?" And then you simply said "go fock yourself" yes you had an very bad mood so saying things nicely wasn't on the list. But then you really had a heart attack, he had a plate with delicious roasted meat and some vegetables next to it. Ohhh what a dirty game he plays. When you're out of this you are going to hit him, and very hard. But his 'decision' turned out to be a real shock. He would let you roam free if he got a personal kiss on his mouth. Like hell you will do that. It was sad you wouldn't get the food but so be it tight?. Or should you do what he want and get some energy so you could escape?.

"Alright you win, I'll kiss you for the food and if I can walk around" he didn't say anything about the food he was holding but you could as well say what you wanted for a kiss. And he accepted it because soon you were liberated. Finally you could move freely. "I want mine request first" he said leaning down because his length. You felt really small, and you weren't even that small for you age. Whatever you smacked you lips against his ones? He wasn't a human or was made from flesh but you just guessed were his lips should be. From his expression he thought you wouldn't kiss him, ha jokes on you. And when he wanted to grab you cheek you pulled away. You wipe your mouth clean with your arm. Disgusting.

King spades p.o.v

She kissed me, she really kissed me hard. I got what I wanted. "You happy now?" She asked as she stared at the food. "Yes you earned it" my plan was successfully as always. It looked like she didn't care about the kiss, but what if someone kissed you and you have an crush on them, yes exactly. She took the plate hungry and ate everything till the last crumb. And then my second plan activated. I walked back from behind the door and held out some favourite dessert. "Hungry for an dessert?" I grinned. In this dessert was a drug that made you slow and a bit high. Don't ask me were I got it from. (He stole it from me) And her eyes lit up but one word came out. "Nah" as she looked around. WHAT?!, this was not my plan. Already I just win her heart then old fashion way.

She should expect me now as a friend. I didn't let her starve.
Maybe it was a bit short but I thought this would be nice. And thx for so much reads. If you react to this chapter I will make a lemon maybe. Nah probably not
Word count 539
