2. What Do You Mean With that

Boi it's not my picture enjoy some creepy ass dad.
Spades p.o.v

Lancer need to be pulled down a few steps. Making friends, having fun. It isn't fair. Luckily i got one off his friends, this female looked quiet cute. Am an king, am getting a little temper at my jealousy. And then I saw an beautiful girl walking into the view, I could see that they were talking but I was to concentrated on her. Lancer start hugging her and she seems to enjoy it. My anger began to rise, he was hugging my perfect human. Without thinking I began stomping to them. "Lancer" I said in my coldest voice. I saw that lancer grabbed her arm tighter. "We have to g-go" lancer said pulling them along. "Why" jevil said. "It-s my fat-ther" he said "what" she said looking a bit cute and afraid. But my giant hand was covered over her mouth. Pulling her with me. She start screaming in my hand but I made sure her sounds came out like nothing.
I smiled as I ran through the woods with the unconscious beauty. They can't have her, she's mine. I made sure that nobody was following us. As I walked into my house I walked into the closest room and locked it. I layed her on the bed as I watched her chest rise and fall. She would probably be scared so I pulled an rope and start making knot's. As I finished I had the bun tied to the bed so she couldn't unknot it. She moved a bit as I rubbed my hand along her face and neck. My body automatically began climbing in the bed and luckily it was an twin side bed so it didn't matter. "Urg where wha-" she said as I jumped off the bed. I hid in the shadows so she won't scream. "Huh" she said as she looked at her hands. She began moving her whole body but she wasn't strong enough to break it. I can't wait to introduce me to her. "You know I can see your shadow right" she said looking at me. Crap she found out. "Am not mad if you are going to untie me" she said looking back at the rope and then at me. I tried to be so sure as I could. "Hello little one, am sorry I had to do this in that way" I said stepping out oof the shadows into her sign. "Yeah yeah nice to mean to I don't want to now anything off you" she said ignoring me.
Why isn't she as nice to me as her friends, she looked so kindly. I walked closer till i was at the edge off the bed. She didn't look at me. How dare she. "LOOK AT ME" I screamed and I grabbed her chin to look at me. Her eyes showed that she was a bit afraid. I will apologize when she understand me. "What is you problem! Untie me now" she screamed back. And all that fear disssapeard in that one second. I shaked my head, "no you are going to stay here" I said."savely with me" I wispered at the end as I walked to the door. "Don't you dare leave me here"
She yelled. "I'll come back when you are calmed down"I said. And I forgot the ask her name but I don't think she would give me that."what do you mean with that" she said . She struggled again, I signed as I closed the door behind me and locked it.
"This was going to be difficult"
"She was going to be difficult"
Woep woep reader. So he kidnapped you right?. How mean can he be. Wait till the next chapter.
Word count 636
