4. let me go you sick freak

Boi why is he like this, why is he such an pervert. Warning some cursed words and stuff that will make you uncomfortable. Enjoy.
Your p.o.v

Struggling was all I could do. How this all happened I mean k now I was hanging around with the boy's and Suzie but what happened after that. Oh yeah the father of lancer had kidnapped me, how dumb. My eyes hurts from not blinking, I needed to escape him but how. Oh yeah try to escape form him but with my hands tied up I couldn't really do much. I flew my legs up for more power but I use. The door opened and there he was my kidnapper. "I got some soup for you" he kindly said. It's getting me on my nerves, he is getting in my nerves. "Ya know my friends will find me and kick your giant ass after this" he only  grinned at my words. "I don't think so, we are far away from were we where" he laughed. Oh just you wait I laughed speaking in myself. "So I had some plans in store" he began to say. He walked closer to me, I held my breath. "So you better work with me or else" he held my chin and spook darkly. Oh what is he going to do.

Spades p.o.v

I unlocked her from the bed she didn't looked happy though. I lifted her body up and carried her with me. "LET GO" she screamed struggling and kicking as mush as she could. I sighed so the hard way it is. She kicked again but this time harder, it almost was going to be an blue spot. "So the hard way huh" I said throwing her in the floor. "Am not afraid of you" she said kicking against my leg making me almost fall over. And when she tries again I grabbed her legs and forcedly them to the ground. "Stop kicking me!" I said holding back some fire that was boiling inside. "Then let me go" she tried again by looking brave but that wasn't working in me. "Never and you know what?"I asked leaning towards her, "you choosed for the hard way" her face went from angry to shocked. I pushed her into the Gor me again making her whisper. An tear left her eye but she was holding the others back. "Are you going to behave?" I asked and she began to sit on her knees, "yes yes but plz don't hit me again" she said holding on my legs for support.

I didn't know I had hit her that hard. But everything went fine when I began to lead her around the place. After some time she spoke again. "When can I see my friends again" she said innocent. "When I know your name" I lied, I just wanted to know her name. She was scared, I could she it at her body language. "It's...." She wisperd her name to softly so I couldn't hear it. "Speak louder" I demand. She sighed as she began to sit back up. "Y/n" she yelled, dusting her clothes clean. "Then y/n you are very beautiful just like your name"

Your p.o.v

That was just disgusting, but I'll play the game. "Thank you but what is your name" I asked. He touched the side of my face, "it's king spade, but you can call me spade" he said before holding his hand out for you. I just took it so he new I was innocent. "Nice name two" and at the look at his expression he seems pleased. He held his hand in mine as we began to walk out this torture room.
"I can smell the freedom from here"
Not the longest chapter but it's fine right, Got some plans for the new chapter.
Word count 646
