10k reads, this is a lot

How the heck did I get from 4k to 10k in less than a month??? You people are the best! Now because I've already said thank you a million times before and you are probably tired of hearing, I will try something else. I will post a chapter every week and, if I can, even two! (It's still pretty late but I'm really busy so I can't post more often, sorry).

Now to the shoutouts:

-Flowertakel. She is really talented and has written 6 books (2 of em are memes) ! She is also a good friend of mine and has showed me a lot of support, so go follow her!

-TheUnofficialMoon. Has showed me great support again! Hasn't written any books though but I believe will do in the future.(If you are reading this, you should give it a shot! Except if you don't want to I guess.. XD).

Eeeeh... I don't have anyone else XD. If you want to get a shout out just tell me and I guess I will.

Now again you can ask me any questions you want. Personal, about the book, random stuff, anything. And if you are okay with it I will post the answears too.

Also about the drawings I was talking about. Some days ago I made another book called "Mah Countryhuman Artworks" so yeah, if you are interested go take a look at it. You can also request drawings from me if you want.

And last things last, I want to remind you about the other book I'm thinking about. Yeah I've told you a thousand times before about it, but I can't tell if you want it or not because only 2-3 people have told me their thoughts! So if you are kind enough please tell me. This will propably be the last time I talk about it too.

Okay thanks you guys again very much and see you on the next chapter! ♥️

