Thank you for 1k!

I know that 1k is really small and I don't need to make a post about it, but I thought it would be a good opportunity for you to ask some questions if you want, tell me ideas that I could put in the story, or with a brand new one, post my drawing and basically anything else.

Ok, first of all, thank you people of 1k! I didn't think I would get to it so quickly! Also big thanks for the support and really nice comments that encourage me to keep writing. I love you all ❤️❤️!

Now if you have any questions at any time you can ask me right away and I will write the answers here. I will also say who asked me the question (except if you tell me not to).

Now hear me out cause I have an idea for a new story. I thought of making a USSR and Nazi Germany story. Nazi Germany is dead and as a ghost is seeing all the horrible stuff he did. After exploring Berlin and seeing what has been done he decides to see how USSR is doing after the war, where he discovers that USSR had feeling for him. Anyways, you get the point. Is it a good idea though? Because some chapters may be boring because nothing very interesting will happen. Also tell me if you have any ideas for me to put on the Rusame story or anything else in general.

Now some shoutouts because.... Because I want to, alright? You can just skip this part anyway XD

-Kwaquq. The one that supported me the most. Also made a countryhumans story called "Slowly building back". You should go check it out, it's really interesting!

-Cyclonetide. Is the only famous person that is actually interested in my story, and I am more than honoured! Has made 3 great works (all of them with countryhumans) and also supports talented creators which don't get much attention. I strongly advise you to check 'em out!

(I'll maybe put more people here later but that's all of them)

And finally, a cringy drawing of our boy America with the crappiest hands ever! Yay! :D

Welp that's all for now. See you on the next chapter!
