Hello yes this again

Someone tagged me again. I ain't complaining.

1. My favourite hoes are these two: lotso69 (he is a rl friend sksk)

2. I think. Do you know the Sony Sketch app? Great. Last year I wanted to leave it because I don't even know why, but I was in a 'realationship'. The girl I was with said that she was crying  her eyes out. I ended up leaving the app, but when I came back I checked her profile and she was all happy and seemed like she didn't really care. Again, I'm not really sure.

3. I like making people compliment me and what I do. Like, a lot. I don't think it's healthy anymore but it feels really good. So when I ask you if you liked a chapter I made, I'm just really thirsty for attention :'') (that sounded really sexual lol).

4. Drawing, writing (no crap) and theatre.

5. The person who tagged me (I will tag her later) is really nice. I don't know her well, but she tags me a lot and writes a fan fic basted on my fan fic (a fan fic of a fan fic, wow).

6. Aw man

All my realationships have been pretty bad, so I am single and not looking for anyone for at least a couple of years

I am a boy, damn it! Get it right! 😂 Stop using 'they' and 'she'! I've said this at least 3 times before but you seem to still get it wrong

My favourite game franchise is FNAF, fight me

I don't think I have anything else to say, so moving on-

I'll tag some of you who read my book because you complained last time and got on my nerves (just kidding, I love you all):


And finally, the person who tagged me is the lovely GoldWitherPhoenix1

This was normally going to be the 100k special, but when I asked for ideas to what it should have expect the classic 'omg thanks', nobody really said anything. The only one who did suggested smut, but sorry I can not do that :/. Anyways have a good day and stay hydrated
