Prompt: None
Character(s): Beelzebub and Luke  (Obey me!)
Scenario: After trick-or-treating, Simeon tells Luke that he can't eat any candy. Deciding to go behind his back he goes to the only person that he knows will eat some with him. Even if he's a demon. 

"Don't get the wrong idea, Demon!"

The young angel just wanted to eat candy with someone, Simeon had told him he couldn't eat candy at all since they got back from trick-or-treating. It wasn't like he was going to eat all of it!

"This is good."

"Ah! You're eating it with the wrapper on!"

Maybe this wasn't a good idea. And the avatar of gluttony was eating his as well!

He would only have a few pieces left at this point if he was lucky!

"Stop eating my candy!"

"But I'm hungry."

"Stop it you foul demon! This is mine that I got fair a square!"

Beelzebub didn't seem to be listening.

Maybe he should've listen to Simeon. Or at least gone to someone else.
