PromptA child finds a crayon drawing of a strange family — it's inscribed with the words we live in your walls
Character(s):  Vanitas (Kingdom Hearts)
Scenario: Young Vanitas is trying to avoid his brothers when he finds a drawing. 

Vanitas normally hated playing with his brothers because they were too out of his league, they were always so nice and he couldn't relate to that. Even Roxas was nice to people, and he had the worst temper out of all of them. Vanitas coming in second of course. 

It bothered him.

His brothers of course tried everything they could to get him to play with them, it never worked. The boys parent's, Cloud and Leon, tried to play with him and take him to places without the brothers but he was still reserved. The only thing they could get out of him was anger it seemed. 

"C'mon Vani! Play with us!"

The boy was currently trying to avoid them as much as he could, they were going to head to Destiny Islands to play with their friends. He didn't have anyone to relate to there at all so that was out of the question. He ran into Leon's office, no one would go in there because that was against the rules. He knew no one would find him there. 

Vanitas was leaning against the door, prepared to hold it closed if the time came. A sound on the other side of the room caught his attention, a paper had fallen on the floor from kingdom hearts know's where. He took one last look at the door before he walked towards the paper to inspect it.

It was a crayon drawing, it looked like something Sora would draw. 

He picked it up off the floor and pulled it closer to his face to look at it better, it was a drawing of a strange family. It was definitely not there's because they didn't have a mom in their family. He studied it a little closely and found words on the bottom:

We live in your walls

His blood ran cold when he read that, he was old enough to understand what that meant. He had no idea what to do, were they being watched?

The door opened behind him and he jumped

"What are you doing? You know you're not supposed to be in here."


He ran towards his guardian and hugged his leg, he was scaring himself so much. This picture probably didn't even mean anything at it was just a prank Roxas did, but he couldn't calm down. The boy had tears streaming down his face now.

"What's wrong?"

He gave Leon the drawing he had found and waited for him to say something, he didn't say anything, he just stared at it. Vanitas couldn't see his face so that's what he assumed was happening. 

"Vanitas, I want you to go with your brothers to Destiny Islands. Can you do that for me?"

The boy nodded and walked out of the office, he walked outside to see his brothers preparing to leave. Cloud was with them, he was trying to fix Roxas' necklace that had broken.

"Why are you crying?"

The youngest's voice caught everyone's attention and they turned towards the black-haired boy

"Did Leon make you come? Did you get in trouble?"

Cloud stood up and walked towards the crying boy "You don't have to go if you don't want to."

"I want to go!"

He wanted to stay on the Islands forever if he could. 


Their guardian turned towards the other boys 

"Be careful. Roxas and Ven, watch your brothers."

Each boy gave their acknowledgment before they were off, Vanitas glanced back at the house and movement in his bedroom window startled him. 

There stood a little girl in his room, smiling at him. 
