PromptA man wakes up with no mouth
Character(s): Yuuri Katsuki
Scenario: As the prompt says

Right when his eyes opened, he knew that something had to be wrong. It wasn't completely obvious until he picked up his phone and saw his reflection

He had no mouth. 

'What the heck?!'

He immediately started to panic, he was supposed to be practicing with Viktor today! If he didn't show up, his coach would come find him. And this whole situation was scary enough. 

'What do I do?'

Yuuri sat up and looked around his room, nothing was going to help him here. How did this even happen? He drank the night before but he didn't drink enough to still make him hallucinate the next day. He touched where his mouth should be and sure enough, it was smooth. Like it wasn't even a part of him in the first place.

"Yuuri! You're late!"

'Crap! It's Viktor!'

The sound of knocking echoed throughout his room "Yuuri? Are you still sleeping?"

'Should I show him?'

Making a decision, he grabbed his phone and opened his messages. He clicked on Viktor's number and debated on what to say

Come in, but don't be alarmed. 

The knocking stopped for a few seconds before the door opened, Yuuri frantically put his hands in front of his face. He shouldn't have worded the message the way he did. 

"Are you okay?"

The darker-haired man shook his head and then peaked through his fingers to look at his coach, Viktor was standing in front of him with a concerned expression. 

"What's wrong? Did you drink too much last night? Are you not feeling well?"

Yuuri took a deep breath through his nose, it was now or never. He took his hands away from his face and watched the latter's expression as Viktor's eyes widened in shock.

"What the..?"

The darker-haired man looked away from his coach, this was becoming too much for him. The silence between them was horrifying. 

"How do we fix this?"

Yuuri shrugged, he hadn't a clue how this happened in the first place. Let alone trying to fix it. 

"Should we take you to a doctor?"

Once again the latter shrugged, he didn't know if a doctor could do anything. The silence was deafening as the darker-haired man turned to look at his coach. Not a word was said for a while, they just stared. 

Would he be like this forever? 

He could probably compete in competitions just fine, except for the fact that it would probably raise so many questions. Dammit, he was so close to the Grand Prix Finals too! 
