Prompt: A man is texted pictures of himself in various stages of torture that he has no memory of
Character(s): Tadashi Yamaguchi

Scenario: Yamaguchi is in his college class when he gets a mysterious message

Tadashi had been feeling uneasy all morning, it started out that some random number kept calling him. It was starting to be a distraction. He never checked his phone while he was in class but if it wasn't for the fact that he accidentally left his notification sound on he probably wouldn't have. His teacher wasn't very pleased that he had his phone with him in the first place. 

It was apparently vital for all students to keep their phones in their dorm, Tadashi liked to ignore it because Tsukki had recently moved to Tokyo and he liked getting messages from him. It wasn't very often so he liked to have his phone just in case so he didn't miss them. 

Tadashi sighed as he opened his phone, the teacher had chose to just ignore him at this point. He was too nervous to check his notifications because his classmates were staring at him, it was none of their business. 

He opened the most recent message, it was an unknown number. It did look pretty familiar though. Was it the caller? 

Immediately, Tadashi became horrified. 

There were many pictures of him being tortured in horrible ways. 

But yet, it was peculiar. He had no recollection of these happening and from the pictures he saw, he would think that he would have deep wounds or scars. But he had none of those. Was this photo-shopped? 

Who would even do a thing like this?

He didn't really have any friends in his classes, he had one but they rarely talked. He doubted it was that boy. So who the heck did this?

The green-haired boy looked around the room, hoping to spot maybe somebody looking at him. Luckily, no one was. 

His class seemed to drag on forever, not that he was upset. He didn't really want to head back to his dorm, and hanging out with his friend didn't seem like something he wanted to do. 

'I don't have class for a few days, maybe I can hang out with Tsukki for a bit?'

The bell interrupted his thoughts and he jumped, he hurriedly packed his things and headed back to his dorm. He was much more aware of his surroundings. 


The green-haired boy stopped in his tracks and turned around, behind him stood this beautiful girl who was definitely older. She seemed to be at least in her third year. 

"Ah, I'm sorry. Do I know you?"

"Of course you do. You come over every Friday."

Tadashi tilted his head in confusion "Uh, I do?"

The girl smiled at him "Yes, come on we don't want to be late."

"Actually, I'm going on a trip this afternoon. I won't be able to go with you Senpai." 

"I wasn't asking." 

The girl grinned as she grabbed his arm, Tadashi tried to struggle but her strength was unimaginable. He has no memory of what happened next. 

He was in a hotel in Tokyo when he came to, and when he opened his phone he noticed that he had many more pictures of himself being tortured. And in the background, his Senpai smiled wildly at him. 
