Important Note

Hi again. Some quick little information but before I'd just like to say thank you again. Everyone who has read this has been kind and polite and excepting and I love the support I've received from writing this book.

This book has blown up in the last couple of weeks. It's incredible how much people seem to love it and I am so grateful for every single read I get. Since this book seems to be such a hit, I've been thinking about writing short story spin offs of the characters and what they go through in their lives.

I probably wouldn't start publishing these until I have finished my other book, Wanting the Bad Boy, which I am currently writing. At this point I would just like feedback. Do you guys think this is a good idea? Would you read them? And if so, what spin offs would you like to hear about? What characters would you like me to talk about more and go into depth with more?

Please comment any ideas, themes, or characters that interested you throughout the story. Please don't be shy. This feedback will play a key part in the next step of writing. Once I have gotten feedback and heard your thoughts, I will hold a small contest to see which spin offs I will write about. I will choose three or four of them. Everyone will get to vote for their favorite four and I will determine the winner. Those four ideas will be written about in the future.

There will be more information about this process in the future once the story ideas are chosen, but for now I need you guys to tell me your thoughts and ideas about this. I would really like to do this, but only if you guys would enjoy it. Please let me know. Every idea, thought, and comment matters. Thank you again and I hope to hear from all of you. Love you so much <3
