Chapter 16

I woke up the next morning and got ready for school. I went downstairs and ate breakfast. The boys walked around as well, taking things out of the refrigerator and sitting down to eat. I didn't speak to any of them. I sat on one end of the dining room and the boys filled in the other spots, away from me.

William was up early this morning and came to sit next to me. "Good morning Ellie, how did you sleep?"

I laughed at him being so cute. "Good, thank you. How did you sleep?"

"Good, after Mommy read me a story to go to bed. I can't go to bed unless someone reads to me. It helps me fall asleep." William put his spoon in his cereal bowl and moved it around. He took a spoonful and put it in his mouth.

I smiled at him and got up to put my cereal bowl away. I picked up my bag that was by my chair and rub William's hair. The boys were all finishing their breakfast and were getting ready to leave.

While I was putting on my shoes Chase walked past me and went out the door. I rolled my eyes and continued to put my shoes on. When I was finished I walked out of the house and got in the back seat of the car. I watched as Ethan got in the passenger seat and Wesley got in the back seat next to me.

"Does everyone have everything?" Chase asked. Ethan and Wesley nodded. Chase looked at me in the mirror and I rolled my eyes at him and looked out of the window. Chase started the car and drove out of the driveway.


When we pulled into the school parking lot I got out of the car as quickly as I could. I walked through the school halls, getting glares from girls as usual. I just brushed it off and went to my locker.

I saw Paige bending down at her locker and I went over to her. I groaned with annoyance and she looked up at me shocked. She zipped up her bag and shut her locker with her foot. "Morning sunshine," she said to me laughing at her own joke.

It was hard not to find Paige funny when she thought she was so funny. I lightly laughed at her and started on my morning rant that I used to give Kristen and Bella every morning.

"Last night Jared came over for dinner," I plainly stated.

Paige looked at me confused. "And? How did that go?"

"It started good. Until Chase brought up Jared touching my butt and then he started yelling at Jared. The night ended with Chase throwing pasta at Jared. Jared was helpless last night. He didn't do anything back. He just got up and said he should leave. He seemed so sad. I knew he was looking forward to the dinner and he was behaving. The boys weren't," I said.

"Well throwing the food seems a bit harsh," Paige said as we made our way to our first class.

We walked into the classroom and took our seats. "Yeah it was. He didn't have to bring up the butt thing in front of everyone either."

"Well maybe he had a reason for saying that in front of everyone. Has he ever tried to talk to you about Jared before? I mean clearly he doesn't like Jared, but maybe he had a reason for saying it in front of everyone and not just to you." Paige was very smart. She broke the whole situation down, seeing it from both sides. She'd be good in a court room.

I thought about it. He has said stuff about Jared before. He has tried to warn me about him for some reason. It just doesn't make sense why he had to say it in front of everyone at dinner.

"Maybe he thought you wouldn't listen to him. By the face you're making right now it seems like he's talked to you about it before. Why don't you ask him about it all later?" Paige suggested.

"Okay I guess I can," I said. Just then the teacher walked in and told us to be quiet. We all did as he said and that's basically how the rest of my day went.


Ethan walked up the stairs and the room was silent again. Chase stood by the door with his bags still in his hand. He started to walk towards me and when I thought he might apologize, he walked the other way past me.

"Chase," I said without hesitation. I didn't know what I was going to say but I knew that I needed to stop him from walking away.

"Look, I'll apologize for throwing food, but not for what I said. I don't regret any of that." He lifted his head up and looked at me.

I moved over on the couch. "I don't want an apology. I want an explanation."

I closed my books and put them on the table in front of me. Chase rolled his eyes and dripped his bags by the couch. He sat next to me.

We sat there quietly for a while. He just didn't say anything. "Why did you freak out at dinner?"

"Because I hate Jared and he was in my house, sitting across from me." Chase spoke like his reaction was acceptable.

"But why did you throw food at him. He wasn't even talking back to you. He never did anything to you, so I don't understand why you hate him so much," I said, defending Jared.

Chase shifted on the couch uncomfortably and he started breathing heavily. I saw his hands turn into fits. I moved back further into the couch. "You don't know what Jared's done to me," Chase said deeply. He stood up and walked towards the wall. He rested his head on it and his breathing was heavy again.

"Chase?" I said softly. I got up from the couch and walked towards him. I rested my hand on his back an he instantly turned around. His eyes were wild and his face was streaked with tear stains.

I stepped back and my hand dropped to my side. I looked into his eyes. All I saw was fear. I put my hands up again, but he backed up. I knew he wasn't going to let me near him.

"Ethan," I screamed. I needed his help. I didn't know what was going on. Chase just stared straight ahead. "Ethan, hurry."

I heard footsteps upstairs and I watched as Chase slid down the wall and sat on the floor. His hands were still in fists.

Ethan came running down the stairs. "Ellie? What's wrong?"

He came running into the living room and the minute he saw Chase sitting on the found he ran over to him. Ethan looked up at me questioningly.

"I was just asking him about the other night and Jared." Ethan looked back at Chase.

"Chase, can you hear me?" Chase didn't say anything. Ethan put his hand inside Chase's and said, "If you can hear me squeeze my hand." I watched as Chase's hand gently squeezed Ethan's. "What did he say about Jared?" Ethan asked me.

"I said Jared never did anything to him and he said I don't know what Jared did to him." I came towards him, but Ethan told me to stay back. "What's going on?"

Ethan just ignored me and kept talking to Chase. "Can you stand up?" Chase didn't do anything. "Chase, everything's alright. Jared isn't going to hurt anyone anymore."

"Brandy," Chase said slowly.

"She's alright Chase. Let's stand up." Ethan draped Chase's arm over his shoulders and helped him stand. "Let's go upstairs, okay?"

Ethan and Chase slowly started to make their way upstairs. I walked towards them. "Let me help."

Ethan shook his head. I stopped where I was and watched as Ethan took Chase's bags. They slowly walked up the stairs together and I heard Chase's door close after three long minutes of hearing whispers from upstairs.
