Chapter 25

I sat in my room with my headphones in and I was texting Kristen and Bella while I worked on homework. It had been a pretty stressful week considering that I had five tests coming up and I was constantly learning new things. That's something that didn't make any sense to me. The teachers taught you lots of new things right before a test and gave you minimal review days. It made it all so much more stressful.

I had been studying for two hours now. I got up from my bed and walked downstairs. I needed a study break. I went to the refrigerator and looked inside. There wasn't really anything I wanted right now. I looked in the freezer and found the ice cream. Chocolate chip cookie dough. That was the best kind.

I took it out and got a bowl. I scooped it into the bowl and put it back in the freezer. I sat in the kitchen and ate it at the counter while I continued to text Kristen and Bella.

We were talking about the people at my old school. We talked a little about Jason, but they knew the subject was still sensitive. I asked them if they were friends with him and they said no. They told me they stopped being friends the minute they found out he was cheating on me. They were really good and loyal friends. It was nice to know that I could count on them even when they were 3000 miles away.

They told me that the girl that he was cheating with, Jessica, had lost a lot of friends because people at school found out and Jason did too. I was surprised that his friends would do that. I mean it's the right thing, but I didn't think they would actually leave a friend because he did something like that. I though they would have congratulated him on scoring two chicks or something like that.

I was about to tell them more about Jared when Chase walked upstairs. He stopped in front of my room and looked at me. "Hey," I said.

"Hey, uh I saw Jared down at the park. He was playing football with some guys from school but it seemed like they were about to leave." He came in my room and sat down at the wheeley chair by my desk. "Do you want me to bring you down there to see him?"

I thought about it. It could be a bad idea. I mean, what if he was cheating right then and there. My thoughts were interrupted by Chase again. "I mean, you don't have to. I was just thinking that you could do one of your plan things with him again. If not that's fine too." He stood up and started walking towards the hall.

"Wait," I said stopping him. He turned around and faced me. "I'll go just give me a minute." I said standing up and closing my door. I looked in the full length mirror that was by my closet. I applied a bit more make up and put on some jean shorts. I had been in my sweatpants. I was wearing a gray t shirt and I grabbed my jacket.

I went back downstairs and found Chase in the kitchen eating. These guys were always in the kitchen, I thought to myself. I smiled at him and he followed me out to the car. We got in and drove down the road. He asked me how school was going so far and I told him that it was alright. "I'm really good friends with Paige which is nice. She's really sweet." He nodded and smiled.

"I'm happy you are feeling welcome here." We sped down the road and it wasn't long before we made it. I saw a small figure from the parking lot. There was quite some space between so I wasn't sure if it was Jared or not. He was standing by a bench and was kind of blocked by a tree as well.

"Thank you for bringing me," I said and smiled at Chase.

"Of course. If you need anything just call." I nodded. "And, uh... be... uh be careful." He seemed kind of worried.

"I will, don't worry." I started to walk away from the car and I could hear him pulling out of the parking lot.

I walked towards the tree that the figure was standing near. He became more clear as I was coming closer and I could definitely tell that it was Jared. I saw the basketball shorts and the hat he wore a lot. I could hear him talking to someone. One of his friends must have still been there with him.

I stayed back a little further and I was going to let them finish their conversation before I walked up to him. I waited behind the tree that they were near and I listened to their conversation. Jared hadn't stopped talking yet.

I was hoping that I would be able to hear them talking about him cheating, but it seemed kind of strange when I listened to what he was saying. "Baby, I swear. I was just here with the guys. We were just playing basketball, I swear." After I heard him say the first word I knew that there was something else going on here.

"Okay, I believe you, I was just worried because that girl, Ellie or whatever, she's still always around you and I thought you said things were over between you two." The girl spoke in a whiny voice that I had never heard before.

"Babe, I promise. Me and that Ellie girl are done. There's nothing between us anymore." Jared's words cut deep into me. I knew that what was going on between was nothing from the start and that it wouldn't last, but it was a terrible feeling. The person that I had spent time and effort on, had just betrayed me right to my face. I knew that this was all true, but a part of me didn't want to believe me. A part of me thought it was all in my head and hoped that it wasn't true. But it was. It was true. Jared was cheating on me. He was cheating on me and didn't think anything of me.

I backed away from the tree and began to make my way towards the parking lot. As I turned around to see him one last time, I wished I didn't. I turned around to Jared and that girl kissing. She had long blonde hair. She has small and short. Skinny and beautiful. Was I not enough? Was I not enough for him. She had more curves than me and was heavier built at the top.

I ran towards the parking lot not wanting to be around him anymore. It hurt. A lot. I let him in. I listened to him tell me his story. I fell for it. I fell for him. The tears started to spill from my eyes. I wiped them away with the sleeves of my jacket, but it was no use. That wasn't going to stop them from coming. It wasn't going to stop me from hurting.

When I made it to the parking lot, I collapsed. The minute my foot hit the pavement I fell to my knees. I sat on the ground with my head in my hands and my hands resting on my thighs. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and I went to my contacts. I clicked on Chase's name and waited as it rang.

The tears hadn't stopped yet and I didn't think they ever would. The pain in my chest was growing. It was like every time I thought about them kissing a part of my heart ripped off and fell all the way through my body and crashed at my feet.

"Hello? Ellie? Is that you?" Chase's voice came through the phone. It was rushed and worried.

"Chase? Can you come get me?" I said between sobs. I sniffed and wiped more tears away. I heard a screeching from the other end of the phone and I heard a car accelerate.

"Ellie, what's wrong?" ha asked frantically.

I sniffed again. "I'll explain later. Please, just come get me," I pleaded.

"I'm already on my way. I'll be there in a little bit. Don't move okay?" he said.

"Okay." He didn't have to worry about me moving anywhere. I couldn't feel my legs anymore. I was still curled up in that position and I didn't think I would move. I didn't want to. I wasn't even enough for a player. I wasn't enough for anyone. This was the second time it had happened. I knew that this was going to hurt, but I didn't think it was going to hurt this much. This was a terrible idea. I wish I hadn't gotten into this whole mess. I should have listened to the guys.

Everyone leaves me. My parents left me. Jason left me. Jared left me. I'm sure Kristen and Bella are glad that I'm gone. They probably thought I was a burden to have around. They probably made up all of that stuff about Jason and Jessica losing friends. I bet they are so popular now and they're probably happy together. He's probably happier than he ever was when he was with me.

I wasn't enough to save my parents. I couldn't just call the police earlier. I couldn't go out of that room and try to help them. I wasn't enough to save them. Now they're gone and it's all my fault. As I thought about that the tears flowed even more. They were gone because of me. I'm a terrible daughter.

I wrapped my arms around my legs and nuzzled my head in between my legs and my chest. This was a terrible idea. Trying to play the player. I should have known that players can't be played. I should have known they can't be changed. I'm so stupid for falling for this.

I heard a car door shut, but it was barely audible. My sobs were too loud and the ringing in my ear wasn't helping either. The thoughts that were running through my head were too loud for me to concentrate on anything going one outside of myself.

A hand rested on my shoulder and my head whipped up to see who it was. I was immensely scared that it was Jared trying to come help me after he did that, but I was relieved when I saw light brown hair through the spots of tears in my sight. He crouched down next to me and tried to talk to me, but I couldn't understand what he was saying.

I felt him trying to get my attention, but when it wasn't working he wrapped his arm under my legs and around my back. He picked me up bridal style and carried me to the car. He opened the door and put me on the passenger seat. He slid his hands behind my ears and moved my head in his direction.

"Ellie! Ellie can you hear me?" he yelled frantically. He was worried. I could see it in his face. My hearing was still a bit fuzzy, but I could see fine now. I nodded slowly. "What happened?" he asked slowly and quietly.

I looked past his shoulder back at Jared and I could see them kissing still. I started to cry again and pointed so Chase could see. He was crouched down in front of me and had his hands on the seat. He turned his body and looked towards the tree. When he saw them, I could see his chest grow as he inhaled deeply. He stood up and started walking towards them. They were very far away, but he looked like he was determined to beat Jared up.

I pulled myself out of the seat and ran after him. With every step I took my head pounded. I caught up to him but I was out of breath. I grabbed his arm, but he pulled out of my reach. I jogged in front of him and tried to stop him. "Chase, please stop." I placed my hands on his chest and tried to push him back and stop him. He was too strong though. With little effort he kept walking against me.

"Chase please," I said. My voice was quiet and faint. He stopped walking and looked down at me. That was the first time he looked at me since he started walking. I reach up to his face and placed my hand on his cheek. "Please stop."

He looked like he was hurt and sad. He slowly nodded. I took his hand and started to walk him back to the car. He came here to rescue me and I was trying to save him. But what was I saving him from? He could easily take Jared down in one punch. Maybe I was trying to save myself the humiliation in front of him.

We silently walked back to the car. When I was about to get into the passenger side of the car, Chase grabbed my arm and spun me back towards him. He pulled me close to him and his arms wrapped around me. One arm was wrapped around my waist and the other was wrapped around my neck. The hug caught me off guard. I slowly rested my head against his chest and wrapped my arms around his torso. I didn't really understand the hug, but I knew that I needed it and it felt good.

He pulled away after a long time and looked down at me. He was probably a whole head taller than me. "I'm sorry. You don't deserve this." His hand was still on my waist. "You're one of the sweetest, kindest, most intelligent, and most beautiful girls I've ever met." He dropped his head after he said those last words. He smiled at himself and then looked up at me again. It was the most charming smile I had ever seen. His perfect white teeth were shining as the sun was setting. I know this seems like it's somewhat cliché or hard to believe and that's true. It was definitely hard to believe.

We made eye contact for a long time, then I turned my head and looked down. "Uh, thank you." His smile slowly faded. He looked upset, like he was starting to remember where we were and what was happening. What had just happened. I reached my hand up again and touch his cheek. "You're sweet and kind and smart too."

He wiped the tears from my eyes and helped me over to the car. I got in and he closed the door for me. He walked to his side and when he got in he immediately started the car and drove out of the parking lot.

When we got home, Chase helped me inside. I was still pretty shaken up from all of the things that had recently happened. He walked me to my room to make sure I was okay, or at least as okay as I could be. "Do you want me to stay?" he asked.

"Uh, no it's fine. You can go. I don't want to take up more of your time than I already have," I said. He probably didn't want to be around me anymore.

"It's not a problem, I can stay if you want." He stepped into my room a little more. He was probably just being polite.

"Uh, no. I'd rather be alone." I was trying to save myself from more heart ache. "Sorry."

He smiled a little. It was a reassuring smile. "No, it's totally fine. I completely understand." He started to leave my room, but he turned around quickly and spoke once more. "Uh, if you need anything, just let me know. Or someone else. I mean you don't have to come to me if you don't want to, but I'm always happy to be there for you."

"Thank you, Chase," I said, "for everything you did today."

"Of course, and thank you for keeping me out of a fight." I smiled to him as if I were saying, 'no problem.' He understood that I wanted to be alone and he left after that.

Chase was a sweetheart and he was there for me. In any other situation I would ask for him to come back, but this was just something that I needed to think about on my own. No one else would understand my thoughts and feelings and all they would try to do is tell me they are wrong, even though I know they are right. They would say that I am wrong and I would tell them, yeah you're right, and then I would go back to my usual thoughts and I wouldn't talk about it with them because they don't understand. I like Chase. I don't want to lie to him so if he were with me, that's exactly what I would end up doing. It's better that I just be alone.

I laid in my bed and got under the blankets. When I was waiting for Chase to come get me from the park it was a bit chilly and my sniffling wasn't from crying this time. I grabbed a box of tissues that was on my night stand and put it in bed next to me. I just wanted to be alone and watch Pretty Little Liars on my laptop.

I pulled my laptop up from the end of my bed and pulled in its charger. I opened it up and logged in. I had been watching it before bed last night so it was already open. I clicked the play button and resumed the episode I had been watching. Netflix was how I let my stress out. I sat there wishing that I had all of these things happen to myself. I wished that I was in these nice cute relationships and that I had these amazing friends and that I had the crazy adventures people have in movies and TV shows.

I laid there for a while curled up with my stuffed bear that I had gotten from my dad on valentines day and watched the show. About halfway through I started thinking about my life and how much of a mess it was. That made me cry. It was tiring, having to be so strong all the time, so I just cried. I cried into my pillow trying not to disturb the other people in this house. I cried and cried and cried, until I couldn't cry anymore and I fell asleep.
