His Favorite Thing About You (Personality)

Zach- Your Supportiveness
•Zach loves how you always support him through everything and he knows that you will always be there for him at each step of the way. When he told you he wanted to be a marine biologist, he expected you to think that was stupid, but in reality, you were supportive of his decision and you're always there to give him support.

Monty- Your Caring Nature
•Every time Monty gets into a fight, you are always the first one to run up to me and make sure that he is okay. You are always there to bandage him up and clean up his cuts. Even when it comes to his emotions, you are always the first one to ask him what's up and try to cheer him up when he seems down.

Justin- Your Humor
•Even when Justin has had the shittiest day and feels like he is at rock bottom, you are always able to crack a stupid joke that would cause him to burst into fits of laughter. You can literally lighten the mood in any situation.

Jeff- Your Intelligence
•Both you and Jeff are intelligent, just in different things. You are academically smart and that means you are able to help him by giving him extra tutoring sessions to help him pass his classes.

Scott- Your Determination
•Scott loves that once you have your mindset onto something, you won't stop until you get it. This works in his favour too as if he wants something, you will help him and use everything in your power to make him happy and make sure he gets what he wants.

Alex- Your Trustworthiness
•You are the first person that Alex has fully opened up to and that was tough for him. He loves that he can be completely honest and open with you and you won't judge him and you will keep it a secret.

Charlie- Your Thoughtfulness
•Charlie loves how caring you are when it comes to other people. You will always put other people before yourself and your kindhearted nature always makes him smile.

Clay- Your Positivity
•Clay isn't throat positive person at times and he loves how positive you are towards life at all times. If he's in a bad place, your positivity helps him to start feeling more positive too.
