•Dating Montgomery de la Cruz•

•Dating Montgomery de la Cruz would include:

-Him being very protective of you all of the time
-Especially when you guys were hanging out with the jocks
-You low key loving it
-Him threatening anyone who even looks at you in the 'wrong way'
-Him being extremely touchy when he's jealous
-You being his first proper relationship
-Major PDA constantly
-He never cared who was around
-He would literally grab your ass in a classroom full of students and teachers and then just smirk at you
-Constantly getting told off by Mr Porter for making out in the hallway
-Being on the cheer squad
-Going to every one of his games to cheer him on
-Him giving you his letterman jacket so everyone there knew you are his
- Being the loudest person in the croud every time Monty scored
-You surprising him after the game when the team wins ;)
-Him constantly getting into fights
-Just you walking towards him and making eye contact with him mid fight would cause him to stop
-You always bringing him back to yours and cleaning him up after fights
-Him opening up to you about how his dad is abusive
-You letting him stay at yours whenever he needs to
-Passionate makeout sessions in his jeep
-...Or anywhere really
-Midnight car rides around town together
-Dates to Rosie's
-Constantly having to keep him safe when he gets drunk
-Him giving you hickies in obvious places just to show everyone that you are his
- "Babe I have cheer practice today and you know the dress won't cover that"
- "I didn't hear you complaining a minuet ago and it just shows everyone that you are mine"
-Constant sexual innuendos
-Cheesy inside jokes 24/7
-You losing your virginity to him
-Him being the first one to say I love you after a game
- "Y/N I love you so much"
- "Awh baby...I love you too"
-You trying to tutor him to up his grades so he can stay on the football team
- 'Trying' being the key word as the study sessions included about 5 minutes of actual studying 
-The rest would be filled with passionate makeout sessions
-...Those makeout sessions would more often than not turn into something more ;)
-You never expected him to be the romantic type but he would always bring you flowers and take you on cute, unexpected dates
-Neck kisses
-Nose kisses
-Forehead kisses
-Kisses everywhere
-Him being very kinky and sexual at all times ;)
-Sending inappropriate texts in the middle of class and making you meet him in the janitors closet or behind the bleachers ;)
-You wearing his letterman jacket everywhere
-You stealing his chequred shrits to wear because they look good and smell like him
-Him thinking you look extra hot in his clothes so he didn't mind
-Him being totally in love with you and not knowing what to do because he's never felt this way about someone before
