Good Morning Text Message

•Good morning baby girl, I hope you slept well😊I’m so lucky to be able to call you mine and you make me the happiest guy in the world. I can't wait to see you later. I love you so much gorgeous😘❤❤

•Morning baby! I'm really sorry I had to rush off this morning, wish I could be there to see your gorgeous face right now😍I'll still be over to pick you up this morning at normal time😊I love you baby❤❤

•Good morning my love, I hope you slept well😊Can't wait to see you at school later, I'm missing your perfect face already😍I'll be waiting outside the doors to give you a hug and tell you how much I love you, see you soon😘❤

•Good morning my princess! I hope that you slept well and woke up smiling because your smile is perfect and it could light up a whole room😊I can't wait to see you later and make sure you're ready by 12 because I'm picking you up and taking you out on a date❤I love you❤❤

•Morning boo! I'll be over to pick you up this morning and I have a surprise for you when I get there😊I'm sure that you'll love it❤I love you Y/N, see you soon😘❤❤

•Good morning lovely, I miss you🖤I can't wait to see you later😊I love you and hope you slept well😘🖤

•Good morning my love! I missed you last night and can't wait to give you a hug as soon as I see you later😊I love you and will see you at school😘❤❤

•Morning Y/N! I hope you slept well last night and I will pick you up this morning like normal😊I love you❤
