Sinners and Saints

Sinners and Saints

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Category: Mystery
Olivia Silver is accused of the murder of her husband and strives to gain her freedom and clear her name. She meets Rafael Okonkwo, the extremely rich, handsome, arrogant, selfish young man who also happens to be one the best lawyers the world has ever known and the only one who could actually save her life.

Rafael is reluctant as first because of his horrible past, but then agrees to help her find evidence to clear her name, find the real murderer of her husband and reunite her with her daughter who was taken from her in jail on the day she was born

Complications arise,
Emotions, and loyalties become tested

Love, hate, Trust, justice, betrayal all in one book and it all started with one question;

"Who on earth killed Andrew Silver"

Written in-May 2019
First edit- October 2020
Second edit- January 2021

Chapter list

- Last updated at 08:44 23-09-2023

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