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Category: Fanfiction
singer!laurance x singer!reader

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To Escape (Michael Myers Fanfic)

There once was a regular girl, going to a regular school and leading a regular life.Up until the moment something in her was awaken, leading her to murder her friends in cold blood.She is taken to Smith's Grove. From plotting murder to friendship with the infamous Michael Myers, her life has sure taken an interesting turn.//I actually received death threats cos the title used to say "x reader" like it's that hard to stop reading a book ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€
ใ€Žแ€›แ€”แ€บแ€žแ€ฐแ€กแ€ญแ€™แ€บแ€›แ€พแ€ฑแ€ทแ€™แ€„แ€บแ€ธแ€žแ€ฌแ€ธ / แ€›แ€”แ€นแ€žแ€ฐแ€กแ€ญแ€™แ€นแ€ฑแ‚แ€ฝแ‚•แ€™แ€„แ€นแ€ธแ€žแ€ฌแ€ธใ€

Mm Name- เญงแ€™แ€แ€ฑแ€ฌแ€บแ€แ€†แ€›แ€”แ€บแ€žแ€ฐแ€”แ€ญแ€ฏแ€„แ€บแ€„แ€ถแ€€แ€™แ€„แ€บแ€ธแ€žแ€ฌแ€ธแ€›แ€ฒแ€ท แ€€แ€œแ€ฑแ€ธแ€€แ€ญแ€ฏแ€œแ€ฝแ€šแ€บแ€‘แ€ฌแ€ธแ€›แ€•แ€ผแ€ฎ๊ช†เญงแ€™แ€ฑแ€แ€ฌแ€นแ€แ€†แ€›แ€”แ€นแ€žแ€ฐแ‚แ€ญแ€ฏแ€„แ€นแ€„แ€ถแ€€แ€™แ€„แ€นแ€ธแ€žแ€ฌแ€ธแ€›แ€ฒแ‚• แ€€แ€ฑแ€œแ€ธแ€€แ€ญแ€ฏแ€œแ€ผแ€šแ€นแ€‘แ€ฌแ€ธแ€›แฟแ€•แ€ฎ๊ช†Name- Accidentally having a baby with the enemy princeAuthor(s)- ่‹ฅๅ…ฐไน‹ๅŽAssociated Names- ๆ„ๅค–ๅ’Œๆ•Œๅ›ฝๅคชๅญๆœ‰ไบ†ๅดฝๅดฝๅŽMm Translator- HanaKim, Iku
ุงู„ุนูŽู€ุตุฑ ุงู„ุฏูŽู…ูŽู€ูˆูŠ||BTS

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The Alpha and the Maid

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