
Life has a funny way of working out. When I was younger, I always thought that I would have a happily ever after with a nice husband and children of my own. I never knew that the world would bestow terrible things upon good people. I was blinded by the thought that everything would turn out fine in the end. I didn't know there was something called cancer and that it killed people. I didn't know that there was an event called the Holocaust. So when something terrible happened not only to me, but other peoples around me, I started to think of the reasons why it happened. For a while, I never found an answer. But the same fact continuously ran through my head, you can't control what happens in the world.

And if you try to, it won't work.


Hello my beautiful little roses! You have just now stumbled upon the remake of Sharing The Spotlight!

I can honestly tell you that this book will remain true, but also differ, from the original. I will keep the original book up, but I hope you enjoy this book nonetheless!

I'm also leaving the original book as is, so that means that it won't be edited unless I actually edit it. But even then, it won't change how it's written and goes.


