chapter nine

Laurance had taken the news surprisingly well. I was surprised when Garroth came to tell Vylad and I how it went. Hopefully his attitude will change and he'll go back to being the old Laurance.

I'm walking through Phoenix Drop to pick up some coffees. I don't have to pick up many, and the walk sounds nice. It'll allow for me to clear my head out before having to deal with a ton of people. That way I'm all set for the show with a positive mind frame.

It's early enough in the morning where there isn't that many people around, so it's peaceful and quiet. I see an occasional person here and there but not often.

On the walk there, I accidentally bump into someone. I apologize and try to offer a shy smile. They look at me with a little bit of a grimace before shaking it off. It grows awkward as we stand still.

"I feel like I've seen you before, but I can't place my finger on it."

The look on his face tells me that he's being genuine about this and not toying around. I laugh and look around.

"Well, I'm in a band. Phoenix's Flame? Maybe you've heard of it. I don't know," I say, my smile being happy. "I'm the lead singer."

He narrows his eyes to examine my face before it lights up. "That's how I've seen you! I've seen you on the Internet. Wow, I sound like a dick." There's a little chuckle that slips past his lips. It's kind of cute. "I've heard a few of your songs. I feel bad for admitting that I don't really listen to your music. The genre isn't really my thing."

"That's understandable," I say, shrugging it off. "Everybody has their own taste in music. Not gonna hate on you for not liking mine."

We continue to talk for a little while. He eventually decides that he'll walk me to the coffee shop. I'm only picking up three things of coffee, but he insists on carrying them. I don't refuse even if it's unnecessary.

The guy and me actually got a long really well. We had some of the same interests and were okay with others. I think we hit it off pretty well. So much so that we exchanged numbers to talk again.

He ends up walking me to the studio and gives me the coffee. I thank him once more for everything and remind him how I was thankful even if he didn't have to do it. He insisted it was his duty anyway.

"Oh, hey," I say before walking into the building. "I didn't quite catch your name. I'm Y/N."



"I don't like how you're talking to him Y/N."

I roll my eyes. He's been hounding me all day since he stalked me in the window when I arrived at the studio. He was more concerned than Vylad. Vylad was just happy that I was talking to someone.

Laurance. . . He's been up my ass because it was a dude.

"I don't know why you're so concerned. You decided to date a fan a short time after meeting her," I say, annoyance clear in my voice. "And Gene's not even a fan. He only recognized that I looked familiar or that he's seen me somewhere. You're overreacting."

I reach to grab onto my guitar so we can do the sound check. I don't know why he's so concerned about this if he's with Aphmau. It's honestly kind of annoying. And if I were Aphmau, I think I would be a little concerned that he's so concerned about a different girl.

"Gene?" He asks, his eyes widening before he repeats himself and grows in volume and pitch. "Gene! You're on a name to name basis?"

"My Irene Laurance, yes! That's what you do when you meet someone! You learn their name so you can remember it. Didn't you ask for Aphmau's when you first met?" He doesn't respond so I know I struck him silent. I smirk in satisfaction before strumming a few cords. "I'll be fine. I'm a big girl who can take care of herself."

"But your last relationship-"

"I'll be fine."

He doesn't say another word after this and doesn't doubt me anymore. I let out a content hum before looking up at the sound check dudes. They give me a thumbs up that I can start checking the microphone.

I'm in such a hyped up mood that I honestly think that tonight's concert is going to go extremely well. I'm honestly really excited about it. I'm sure it's because I met Gene, but I'm feeling good about this. I'm feeling good about today and this concert. I'm sure it'll go well.
