Search: tinasuppanad
24 stories
Don't Doubt My Love [COMPLETED]

[TIAOM COMPLETE]Once upon a time, there was a blind girl who happened to fall in love with a person who she thought to be her soul mate forever. Four years of relationship, nothing caused them to break apart. The happiness and faithfulness however did not stay as strong as how they have built them and it all started when the long kept white lie was happened to be divulged to the blind girl's knowledge so soon. Follow their love journey till the end. Don't Doubt My Love is a re - posting fan fiction which was originally published in asianfanfics.comThis story was written fully based on genuine imagination and some life experiences of the writer. Credits to the owner of the quotes which were included in some parts of the story.

219.6K 54 5.7K Full
My Sweetheart Is A Gold Digger [COMPLETED]

[TIAOM COMPLETE]She is not a sly neither a play girl. In fact, she is just an ordinary poor girl who is so naive and innocent. Entangled by a fateful silly incident she happens to meet a stranger whose later she found to be a tomboy or just tom for short. Not by her luck, things went wrong out of her expectation. Being insulted by the boastful newly met stranger, she started to feel sick of living in poverty. Desperate to have a better life yet pressured by the hardship that she has gone through, she sought a short cut to change her current condition. Not even once she thought of indulging herself into this kind of work but she chose this one career - A GOLD DIGGER.Back to the newly met tom, their story didn't end just like that. Terrified of being forced to be wedded with a man whom she doesn't love at all, that tom is also desperate to free herself from the ridiculous plan of her parents. Their story began with an unexpected deal which later changed their life tremendously.

204.9K 45 5.8K Full
She's The Bridegroom [COMPLETED]

[TIAOM COMPLETED]Pie Mindara Manaying, a young maiden teacher has never thought that being single and enjoying her carefree life could lead her to a complete misery. It all started when she has been acknowledged that she was being promoted for a rural teaching placement. Despite the main purpose for the transfer was due to teacher shortages in remote schools, Pie also learned that it was not the only reason for the call; just because she held the status of being single, her name was selected to be on top of the list for the recruitment. Reluctant to go for the rural teaching placement, she was drawn to make an impulsive decision which ultimately turned her life upside down. She admitted to the Principal that she was about to get married to her lover in a week of time. The truth was she has never dated anyone at the present time. Eventually, she managed to tie the knot with someone but then, the thing she figured out soon after was too shocking; she married a woman just like her instead of marrying a man.They have been brought to meet one another because of an arrangement which could fulfill their own importance. A mistake they said, their marriage was not one they wished to have for. Lacking of understanding neither have any mutual trusts between them, the unwanted marriage eventually led their life to crises. Tides after tides of conflicts struck them hard and it become tougher when another wave of obstacles came to add the damage. Nevertheless, circumstances had them spent lots of time together and gradually, without any of them perceived it, they silently fell for each other. Would it be a chance for love to bloom inside their busy hearts? The biggest question is... would it be a chance for them to stay forever when it seemed that it was too late for either of them confessing her love to the other?

86.4K 32 3.5K Full
Out Of The Blue

Expect the unexpected, or so they say. What will you do if suddenly 'out of the blue' you'll feel something that you've never felt before? What will you do if you'll realize that you're falling for someone who's exactly the opposite of your ideal person? would you rather fight it? or embrace it wholeheartedly.tina suppanad- daughter of the owner of famous hotels (SUPPANAD HOTELS) not just in thailand but around the worldaom sucharat-simple; smart, sweet, and ordinary girl who persistently got the job of being the manager of one of the hotels owned by suppanad familyMike Piratt- famous ballader/celebrity in thailand and other placesMean Appitha- mike's best friend/famous singer and modelLay Jarudd- zee and tina's friend/ ex girlfriend /rich kid/family friend of tina alsoZee Matanawee- tina bestfriend/owns her own bar and restaurant/independentNam Chai- aom's childhood friend/her secretary

10K 28 473

9K 1 155 Full
Treasure Part II - The Best Choice

4.1K 1 77 Full
BE MY GIRL ( tiaom ) ( gxg)

How could you tell anybody that you just fell inlove of someone because of her unique scent..-Kim

8.7K 17 294
Treasure Part 3- Stupid Couple?

7.6K 1 85 Full
The Beautiful Prince

A story of a royalty whose face can launch a thousand ships and also confuse a thousand hearts....

10.2K 6 340
If I Could Turn Back Time ✓

Hai, aku Aom. Pernah mendengar penyakit Alzheimer? Yang pada umumnya hanya diderita oleh para lansia. Aku menemukannya pada diriku ketika umurku 24 Tahun. Dokter yang memeriksaku berkata bahwa hal ini telah berlangsung dalam sepuluh tahun terakhir. Penyakit ini sama seperti halnya Amnesia. Bedanya, Alzheimer yang ku derita memberikan efek yang cukup besar untuk otakku. Perlahan ukurannya menyusut bersama hilangnya memori memori yang bagiku sangat indah. Aku ingin mengingat semua masa laluku dengan baik, mengingat ketika aku berada di masa SMA. Bagaimana aku bertemu suamiku, atau bagaimana aku bisa menjalani hidupku. Sekedar untuk memotivasi diriku kedepannya. Namun, yang ku miliki. Semuanya kosong, seperti bayi yang baru mengetahui bagaimana caranya berjalan, merangkak, berbicara, aku kembali seperti itu tanpa mengetahui bagaimana aku yang kemarin. Setiap harinya terasa hari baru bagiku, karena tak sedikitpun memori yang tersisa. Yang ku tau, setiap harinya aku masih bernafas, jantungku masih berdetak. Bagaimanapun, aku berterima kasih. Karena Tuhan memberikanku suami yang tidak pernah mengeluh dengan penyakitku meski terkadang aku tidak mengenalinya. Sampai akhirnya, aku tak lagi memiliki orang yang sangat berharaga itu. Lalu seperti apa aku akan hidup kedepannya?

9.9K 23 360 Full
Yes or No 3 (stay with me)(2017)

its the latest version of YON3hope you enjoy reading..:)#forevertiaom

5.7K 9 106
In Love With A Star

In Love With A Star is a fanfic-made novel life story of a very successful Thai actress, Aom Sushar, gets to live her lifelong dream in rich and famed world. She has everything she could ask for. Career, money, cars, all the luxuries she could buy and a love life flourished under the limelight. But all doesn't complete the hallow space inside-her missing puzzle piece. It has been her long journey in finding her missing piece and discovering herself her true gender preference. Along the journey, she once again finds Kimhan-a successful young Architect- smart, brilliant and beautifully handsome. Unable to resist the forces of nature to let them meet again, Aom admits she wants her in her life, too. Just when it seems things are going smoothly the way they want it, nature has its way to test their strength together. Now, Aom must battle head on with the life she had chosen facing all the obstacles, misfortunes and conspiracy to make their fate turn to reality.

17.5K 25 491
Reality or Fantasy?

"The best thing about FANTASY is its magic to turn itself into REALITY."Kim Jittaleela: Heir of Jittaleela Co.; an 18year old happy-go-lucky kid who never take things seriously not until she finds the right person to make her life a living rollercoaster. Pie Manaying: A consistent academic scholar whose life is an everyday struggle ever since they moved out from their province and her father died in an accident.Yameana Apittha: Kimhan's ex-girlfriend; an uprising professional model who started her career in a modeling agency before getting the opportunity to work in some famous fashion events.Fern Pimchanok: Pie's cousin; she goes to the same university as Pie's because her family can provide for her education unlike her cousin. Van Yupanun: Pie and Fern's childhood friend and neighbor. Van comes from a lower middle class Thai Family but because of her mother's hard work from working as a clerk to putting up a flower shop business, their family thrived. Zee Matanawee: Kim's best friend. Their fathers are business partners and even at a young age, he is already managing a bar called Havana Social where socialite crowds are usually seen. Jane Arisara: Zee's girlfriend. She happened to have a crush on Kim before but decided to become a good friend instead when she saw how much Kim loves Yam. P'boy & Nerd: Pie's only set of friends aside from Fern. Their group is usually being bullied because of their social class.

10K 20 328
How Can I Love You [REWRITING]

To : Mr. JittaleelaI love you, just like I love my own father. But it doesn't mean that I love your son too. I have someone in mind.

63.1K 3 298
Love Is You

Love, friendship, betray.. I don't know how and when this story will end up. I just write following my heart and the surrounding. Hope it will end well and soonnnnnnnn...

20.7K 11 609
the blue rose

This is the story of how I fell and went to heaven 😊..This is the story of how my world turn upside down by a moody beautiful girl..Kimhan!!!!!!That's my Aom my one and only..Ok Ok..this a story about how my heart was being captured by this beautiful soul and honestly she's head over heels on me :-) Kimhan!!!!!I'm sorry folks but I guess you have to read about our love story...Whimsical Kimhan let's go!!! grrr this kid..what took her so long??Aom, Im coming...Gotta go...come with us and will take you to our story.....

11.3K 22 324
my yes or no

when you are about to give up you'll find someone who will hold your hand, make you believe that love, hope, fate still exist. but will you do if one day you wake up that person is gone. all you have is memories.

8.7K 11 245
A Little Drama

[TIAOM ONESHOT COLLECTION]Berisi kumpulan ff oneshot Tina Aom.Beberapa fanfiction terinspirasi dari lagu.WARNING! Kemungkinan berkonten dewasa.Lol

9K 5 291
Guitar Chords

Songs from OPM, anime (if I'll be able to find any), bands (All Time Low, Green Day, etc.) and other singers

27.5K 197 213
Unexpected Denial (Tiaom Fanfic)

Showbizzines are really cool! The spotlight , fans screaming, autograph, dramas And everything I'm amazed by how they made a script for a drama even for a REALITY SHOW to keep their show rated goodLucky to be an acctress. YesBecause u know how the story endI've been read many script for variety show, Dramas, Reality Show, and etc. But mom hates itShe thought that it would be good if I back to my normal life, being an ordinary girl, graduate, and get married to a perfect manGiving birth to her grandchildBut what if i followed her plan and got trapped into 'Unexpected Script' Should I deny it? Well Nobody tells me the end of this showThis script is made by God I'm pretty curious about how this endSo I take the role Would u mind to watch me playing the role?

4.7K 5 152
Empty Promise

Pie (Aom Sushar) who is left hanging with the pledge made by her childhood sweetheart, she's been waiting for a long time already when someone came along, someone she doesn't expect...What if her heart start to yearn for that someone?But then, What if the person who vow to her came back to fulfill the promise that she have been waiting for so long?Will she persevere to the promise given to her or will she let her heart fall again to some one else the second time around?What choice will she choose?How can Pie be brave enough to face the outcome in every what if in her life?Together lets find out the answer to the question that linger in her head.This is my second story, as per requested I now used the name kim and Pie, hope you like it. Please leave your opinion tru comment or pm 😊 I will surely appreciate it and will help me improve.

2.6K 6 68