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Tired. That was the emotion Sam was feeling right now. He was tired of fighting Leah every single day. He was tired of their continuous fighting, it all started to get worse after he shifted. Sam always listened to the quileute stories but he as everyone thought they were false.

One day he was arguing with Leah when she said something about her father. Sam'sย  father Joshua was a very bad person, he left him and her mother when he was young. So he had to mature earlier and help his mom with the bills of the house, after that happened he got close with his mom Allison. His father used to sit in the couch and drink alcohol until he couldn't take anymore, always fighting his mom sometimes hitting her. So when her father left for them it was like a relief.

When Leah said that he immediately got angry and left her house, he started running thru the woods just to be alone and cool off but it made the opposite, that's how he shifted for the first time. Harry Clearwater and Billy Black found him in the woods and helped him shift back to his human form.

They explained to him about the tribe stories and how everything was true but what they didn't explained to him was about imprinting. Sam took his role of being the Alpha very seriously, he was all alone before Jared Cameron shifted for the first time and then Paul Lahote too that happened when the Cullens came back and made them shift. He started taking more time for himself because he was afraid that he would hurt Leah. He also changed a lot, he immediately got more handsome, he was warmer, more built from every part of his body and he was definitely more stronger.

After everything happened, he decided to move out of his house where he lived with his mother and found a medium cabin. It was a two story cabin with 2ย  bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, an open big kitchen that connected with the table and living room, and a big porch in the front. Everything was open and with windows that's what he liked the most, it was always so fresh and clean. It was everything he possibly wanted it.

He started repairing everything, changing stuff and getting it ready so he could move when everything was finished. He bought the house for him, he wanted to have a place where he could be alone or just feel like himself where he didn't need to be in control of his anger or worry about him hurting any human.

That's when the fighting started more and more. Leah wanted to move to Forks once they married. Something of course Sam didn't want to and couldn't because of him being the alpha and the patrol every day. That was the most common reason for why they fought but it was also the way Sam physically changed that also bothered Leah. She couldn't understand why Sam wanted to change so much and have a house for himself. Part of her fury about him having a houseย  was because she thought Sam was going to ask her to live with him once he moved to his new house but when he didn't ask her she became completely irritated, always wearing a scowl on her face and starting stupid arguments with him. Of course, she never said that to Sam, she was too proud to say that to him and make her look sentimental.

Sam was leaving his house when he saw John and Estella Ford with a girl who he assumed was Ophelia Ford. He hasn't seen her in five years. Before he started dating Leah he used to have a small crush on her, who wouldn't. Even though he was 3 years older than her, every boy in school used to have a a crush on the girl. She was always confident, funny and kind with everyone. That happened before Leah asked Sam out, at that time he wasn't interested or looking for a relationship he already had too much responsibilities with his job and school. But because he never got out with anybody and never had a relationship he accepted her invitation. He never knew how to talk to a girl or plan dates, so he let Leah arrange everything.

He felt some sort of pull towards John and his family but Sam shrugged it off because he just thought it was something in his head. He said his goodbyes to John and when to his mother's house. He was going to pick her up and drive her to the bonfire that was made for Ophelia's arrival and so everyone could hear about the tribe stories. That's how he spent his afternoon before Leah arrived and started arguing again.

"I just don't know why you wanted to move out of this house, Sam." Leah screamed to Sam in the living room while his mom was preparing the food for the bonfire in the kitchen listening to everything.

"Leah, I already told you that it was for myself. I want to be able to be alone and just bring Paul and Jared without giving my mom trouble." Sam explained calmly to her looking at her eyes.

"But why do you want to be alone now? Why did you started working out? It wasn't necessary."

"Because I wanted to do it for myself." Sam said at her while taking deep breaths trying to calm himself.

"I already told you that I wanted to move to Forks once we got married. I don't want to stay here in La Push. I want to have my own space."

"Leah, the cabin is for me. I did it as a gift for myself."

"And you didn't think of me? What is your problem? You're so selfish." Leah shouted at him before walking out of the house. When she left, Sam sighed and sat on the couch with his head down running his fingers thru his hair.

"I already told you, Sam. You shouldn't have proposed to her. I love Leah, but you two fight a lot and I don't like that. A couple shouldn't fight that often, she is the one being selfish because she doesn't let you have time or anything for yourself. She is too controlling that's not gonna end up fine." Allison said to Sam softly. Allison saw a lot of changes from Sam. The thing that shocked her the most was his temperature, he was always burning. Of course, she heard about the tribe stories they made a bonfire every month. So what she found as an explanation was that they were true, she didn't ask Sam about it. She trusted him if he wanted her to know then he would tell her at his time.

"I know, mom. But I can't do that to her." Sam said sighing softly. "She just doesn't listen to me. I feel better now that I have time for myself and it's like she doesn't like that. I just don't know what to do anymore, we fight every day."

"There is just a solution for that and you already declined it." She smiled sadly to him before changing the subject. "The food is ready! I can't wait to see Ophelia, she's even more beautiful than how she left. You should have seen the picture Estella showed me. She is a kindergarten teacher, very intelligent and lovely!" Allison was best friend with Estella of course she was with Sue too but John and Estella lived two houses away so they had almost every week a dinner between the three. Also, Allison and Estella every day had a coffee or tea time were they just spend her time just joking or talking about anything and everything. In that time Allison used to vent about Sam and Leah's relationship something that she didn't approve anymore.

"I bet, I remember how she used to be. Let's go already so we can arrive a little earlier." Sam said helping her mom load the food in his truck before driving to the beach. They just talked a little bit then it was just a comfortable silence. When they arrived they saw that they hadn't arrived yet. Sam helped his mom unload the food before going to Jared and Paul who they had been waiting for him. They were talking and playing when they heard a truck arrive.

"Damn. Ophelia got more hotter." Paul said making Jared agree with him while Sam just shook his head with a smile.

Paul and Jared always had a crush on Ophelia like every other boy. They were like two years younger than her but they always treated her the opposite way and she didn't mind. They were still in contact with her and some days they would just send a text to each other.

"God Paul! She is my cousin." Leah mumbled to him with annoyance making Paul roll his eyes while Ophelia was greeting everyone.

"So what? She's like the cutest and hottest girl in La Push. Right?" Paul asked to the boys making Jared nod at him and making Leah look at Sam with narrowed eyes.

"Come on Leah, Sam. Let's greet Ophelia." Harry Clearwater said to them. Leah took Sam by the arm and dragged him to where Ophelia was. In a circle was Billy Black and his son Jacob, Sue, Seth and Harry. Leah let Sam go and went to give Ophelia a hug and a greeting before gesturing Sam to do the same.

"Hello Ophelia. We're very happy you're back." Sam said walking to Ophelia before he stuck his hand out for her making Ophelia smile and take his hand giving him a light squeeze. Sam just thought that she had a very soft skin.

"Well, that's very good to hear. I'm happy to be back!" Ophelia said smiling with her dimples showing making Sam look up and stare at her eyes. Everything changed. Sam immediately thought that she was the most beautiful, exquisite and cutest girl in the whole world. It's like everything around them faded and it was just the two of them there. Sam felt as if something was pulling him towards her. He was staring at her with adoration in his eyes, he couldn't stop himself from looking and memorizing every detail of her beautiful and delicate face, from her dimples to her brows to her lashes just everything before someone cleared their throat making them snap out of a sort of state. Ophelia just smiled and blushed a little bit making Sam immediately smile at her again before letting go of her hand and taking a step back. This interaction didn't go unnoticed by Harry and Billy who already knew what had happened.

Harry didn't blame Sam because he knew that he couldn't do anything. But he knew his daughter was going to be devastated by this. Especially because it was her cousin, he needed to talk to Sam and let him know everything about the imprint bond. He was going to explain that the relationship could be like a best friend or in a brother way. But just looking at the way Sam stared at Ophelia with already adoration in his eyes and her looking at him the same way, they needed to break up. He knew that Leah was about to hate someone from her own family and he couldn't help but feel bad for her lovely niece. She was a lovely girl who didn't know of anything about this.

Everyone had a good time in the bonfire, laughing, joking and remembering good times with Ophelia. Sam took glances to her way, he just couldn't keep his eyes of her. This didn't go unnoticed by Leah which made her narrow his eyes at him and her cousin. Ophelia also took glances at him but then she would turned around because she felt immense guilt of doing that. After three more hours, they all went home.

Ophelia thinking of Sam Uley and Sam thinking of Ophelia Ford.

Guys! I'm loving writing this book!!โœจ

I feel very comfortable because I can make my own plot and I don't need to use specific lines of a script.

How are you liking so far this book?

I hope you have a great great day!โœจ
