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Sam couldn't describe what he was feeling. He didn't understand how one encounter with Ophelia could affect him that much. He wanted to see her again, he wanted to talk to her or just look at her and never stop doing it. He felt mad at himself because of his feelings about Ophelia, how could he think of another woman when having a fiancรฉ let alone her cousin?. He just wanted to stop thinking about it and stay away from Ophelia, of course that wasn't the case because Leah came and told him that they were having a welcoming dinner at Harry and Sue's house for Ophelia. He knew he was screwed.

"Sam? Are you okay, son? You have been very quiet since you came here." Allison asked his only son sitting down across from him.

"Yeah. Everything is fine. I'm going to Leah's house. She told me that they are having a dinner tomorrow for Ophelia."

"That girl is precious. Yesterday we talked a lot about her work, you should have listened how she described her work! She absolutely loves it. She has changed so much for the better, lucky the man who is going to marry her." Allison said grinning. Sam couldn't help but agree about the compliments but when he listened to the last part, he let a growl that fortunately his mom couldn't hear.

"Yeah, lucky man." Sam said with a forced smile that made her mom furrow her eyebrows.

"Is something wrong?"

"What? No, nothing is wrong."

"Okay. Well, I'm gonna finish reading my book- Oh! I totally forgot!" Allison exclaimed while running to the kitchen making Sam confused.


"Could you take some cookies I made for Ophelia? She told me her favorite flavor so I decided to make some for her new house." Allison said to her son with a glint of something in her eyes that Sam couldn't describe.

"Yeah, let me do it." Sam said with a small smile before leaving his mom's house. He was excited because he now had an excuse to see Ophelia but felt bad when Leah would come to his mind. He really felt bad but he couldn't just stop thinking about Ophelia it was like the only thing in his mind and being away from her hurt him and pained him.

Sam was driving thru La Push when his house came to the view, he parked his truck when something caught his eye from the rear view mirror. He turned his head around and saw Ophelia sitting in her porch making some type of craft while drinking a cup of tea. She was smiling and singing. It was a sight Sam never wanted to miss.

He got out of his truck and began walking to her with the cookies on his hands. He was nervous, he didn't know what to say to her or how to talk to her. Thank god she noticed him first and smiled meeting him in the middle of the driveway.

"Hi Sam! How can I help you?" Ophelia said enthusiastically making Sam immediately smile at her, he couldn't help but notice the slight hint of a blush in her cheeks.

"Hey Ophelia! My mom told me that she made your favorite cookies, she wanted me to bring those to you."

"Oh yes! You don't know how much I missed your mom's cookies!" Ophelia took them from his hands making small contact with his skin that made her freeze. She felt like electricity when she touched him and she thought that Sam felt it too because he froze as well.

Sam cleared his throat before speaking again. "I know, I go every day to her house for those cookies." Sam smiled at her. "So, how are you doing with the settling? Do you need help with something?"

"Well, everything is going good so far but thanks for your offering." She said smiling at him. "Do you want some tea?"

"Yes, thank you." Sam smiled at her, they began walking to the porch where Ophelia guide him to the table, Sam noticed there were paper of all kind of color, scissors, markers, glitter and more stuff that he couldn't help but ask, "What are you doing with all this?"

"Oh, on Monday I start working at the local kindergarten so I'm preparing posters and stuff for the kids! I already want to go." Ophelia said excitedly while Sam chuckled at her making Ophelia blush profusely.

"You must really love teaching little kids."

"I love them! I can't wait to have of my own." Ophelia said with a dreamy look in her face. Sam couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart hearing that she wanted kids knowing that it was never gonna be with him.

"You're gonna be a great mother, Ophelia. I can already see it."

"Thanks, Sam." Ophelia said with a smile. "So, what do you do for a living?"

"I actually work at the police station." Sam said to her, the council had a great influence with the police station so Sam worked there to help and also make sure they never knew about the pack. It was a win-win situation.

"Oh! That's good you know being a cop. You help everyone here, you should be proud of yourself."

"Well, I try to help everyone so remember if you ever need anything I'm across the street. Even if it's in the middle of the night, it doesn't matter. You're alone in your house I don't want anything bad happening to you." Sam said seriously, he didn't know where this protective side of him came but he needed to make sure she was safe.

"Thank you so much, Sam. I really appreciate it and please if sometimes you are hungry or need anything come to the house. I love cooking and baking so I have to share the food that I make." Ophelia said with a blush in her face while looking at Sam in the eyes.

"I'm gonna take your word on that. I don't know how to cook, the boys and I always order takeout but a homemade meal sounds awesome."

"Well, why don't you bring the boys sometime? I missed Paul and Jared, although I kept contact with them all this years." Ophelia said to him.

"Yeah, I'm gonna talk to them. Well, thanks for the tea, Ophelia but I already have to go. I'mย  going to Leah's tonight." Sam said making Ophelia feel sad about Sam leaving and her heart hurt when he mentioned going to Leah; but how could she feel that when is his fiancรฉ and her cousin?, Ophelia was mad at herself for thinking that way. She wanted to be away from Sam already.

"Uh- Yeah, see you soon, Sam." Ophelia said making Sam furrow his eyebrows at the sudden change of her behaviour.

"See you soon, Ophelia. Thanks again for the tea, I really appreciated it." Sam tried to change her behaviour and make her smile. But Ophelia, just stood with a small smile in her face making Sam worry about her.

After, he left Ophelia's house he got to his house, took a shower and changed before going to Leah's. When he was driving he was already preparing for a possible fight that was going to happen, he was ready; it happened every single day.

He was right. Just before he parked his truck in the driveway, Leah came fuming out of her house. "What took you so long?"

"I was with my mom, then she told me to give Ophelia some cookies. After I gave them to her she asked me if I wanted a cup of tea and I accepted. That's why I was a little late." Sam explained camly to Leah who scoffed and glared at him.

"And you couldn't tell me? I have been waiting for you for about an hour."

"I'm sorry, Leah. I forgot my phone in the truck."

"You have an excuse for everything I say, don't you?" Leah said with narrowed eyes. 'Since when does Sam drink tea?' she thought.

"Leah, please don't make a fight for something stupid." Sam said sighing making Leah scoff and shake her head.

"It's always stupid to you. Come inside, mom was looking for flowers for the venue." Leah said before walking inside the house. Sam stood there for a moment thinking about the wedding, they didn't have anything planned yet and he couldn't shake the feeling when he thought about marrying Leah, he just didn't know how to feel about it anymore.

He walked inside the house greeting Seth before going to the living room where Sue and Leah were talking about the type of flowers for the church, Harry was at Forks with Billy and Charlie Swan so it was just the three of them at the Clearwater's house.

"Hey, Sue." Sam greeted her with a kiss in her cheek before sitting in front of them.

"Hi, Sam! We're just looking at the flowers for your wedding. Leah has already something in mind. Oh! and remember that tomorrow Ophelia is coming for dinner so make sure to be on time." Sue said with a small smile on her face.

"Yes, I remember. Do you want me to bring anything?" Sam asked to her making Leah look up from the magazine she was reading and tilting her head with narrowed eyes. 'When has Sam offered to bring something?' she thought. She just hated the he changed so much.

"Oh, uh no everything is good. I'm making her favorite food, John and Estella are coming too so we're having a big dinner." Sue said a little dumbfounded about Sam offer.


"Sam, what do you think about red roses?" Leah asked him giving him the magazine.

"If you like them we can have them." Sam responded to her while looking at the magazine.

"Yes, but do you like them?" Leah said with little annoyance in her voice that he and Sue noticed.

"I think they are lovely, Leah." Sam said with a small smile.

"Good. At least we're on the same page about that." Leah muttered making Sam sigh softly. Sue just looked at him with a small smile trying to calm the tension in the room before standing up walking to the kitchen to bring some snacks for them.

That's how Sam spent the entire evening, trying to remain calm with Leah while she just continued doing some snarky comments about what happened earlier.

I hope you're liking this story so far!! Don't forget to comment. I'm honestly excited for all of this...

I hope you have a great great day!โœจ
