
Taehyung sighed heavily and opened the file

'Dear Taehyung, I'm sorry for everything I've been putting you through. I'm sorry for the photos in the magazine. I loved you at some point, but I was so blinded by fame, power and money that I couldn't realize in time how happy I could be with you. I am sending this email to inform you that I am leaving. I will go to Paris to resume my modeling career. Be happy. Maybe someday we'll meet there. Love,Tzuyu'

Taehyung leaned back in his chair and stared at the computer screen

For the first time after all the mess Tzuyu created in his life, he felt nothing for her That rage that burned his body and made him think of all the times she made a fool of him was gone

That wedding plan was designed to play in Tzuyu's face that he could be happy without her However, at no time Taehyung really believed he could be truly happy

And there he was, smiling like a lover and feeling his heart warmed because the reason for his happiness was lying on his bed

Three months went by and Jisoo was feeling much better than before.

That morning sickness no longer happened The baby was no longer life threatening due to the rest that Jisoo did correctly with Taehyung's strict supervision

The restaurant was a success and Jisoo's parents couldn't be happier Mr.Kim's treatment was in the final stages, he was almost cured of his cardiovascular problem

Jennie had helped Jisoo plan the entire wedding, which was to take place in a few hours

Jisoo was seated on her bedroom balcony, admiring the beautiful landscape of Jeju while thinking about how much her life had changed in less than a year

She could never imagine that the love of her life, her prince charming, would be so close all that time He was a human prince, with all his flaws that made Jisoo go crazy, but he loved her as much as she loved him

Sometimes love appeared in the most inhospitable moments and in people we could never dream of Anyway, nothing could be more perfect and magical

Jisoo looked out over the garden, where there was a large table decorated to welcome the few guests to that celebration

Her heart raced and tears appeared in her
eyes as she remembered why she was there
She stroked her belly, which was much
bigger now at six months

"We will be happy, son. We have a family

"Jisoo!" Jennie showed up in the balcony. "I was looking for you! It's time to get dressed, darling. Let me help you."

Jisoo got up and went to get dressed for her big day with a large smile on her face.

After everyone was in position, Chaeyoung's children came in throwing white rose petals along the way The nuptial march began to be played on the violin and Taehyung was more nervous than ever.

His hands were sweating, his heart was beating fast and he couldn't see anyone else. His gaze was fixed on the door, where Jisoo would pass in moments.

When the doors opened and Jisoo appeared beside her father, Taehyung couldn't help but smile.

She looked like an angel floating towards
him. Their eyes were locked on each other. Jisoo wore a simple yet elegant dress, with lace on the bust and not too tight around the belly, so as not to squeeze the baby. There were so many emotions that she was already exhausted.

"Are you feeling good, princess?" Taehyung asked as he bent down and kissed her forehead "Yes. I'm just a little tired"

"I brought juice for you It's your

She smiled and looked around. The sun was setting on the horizon, which made that moment more special.

"Let's make a toast. To your favorite moment on your special day!" he suggested.

Jisoo got up and they toasted, while watching that spectacle of nature.

Taehyung hugged her sideways and whispered in her ear

"To infinity and beyond. I will always love you." she grinned and he kissed her lips lovingly

"Congratulations to new couple. I wish all the best!" Taehyung's father said as he stood in front of them with a glass in his hand

"Thank you, dad" Jisoo simply thanked. "I'm gonna talk to Jennie and my mom Excuse me." Both men nodded and the bride walked towards a group of women

"I hope you are happy, son. And I wish you have patience and resilience to deal with the adversities of life as a couple."

"Thanks, dad."

"I have another good news to give you." the middle-aged man looked at his son with a smirk. "You did it. The millionaire project is ours. The bidding result came out earlier today. I'm so proud of you!"

The men embraced briefly and Taehyung thanked his father for his support.

It didn't take long for ,Taehyung's mother to appear. "Darling, it's time to dance with the bride."

she said with a smile.

Taehyung searched for Jisoo with his eyes and she was standing in front of the dance floor, looking in his direction with a smile that could light up the universe.

He left his glass on the table and walked over to her, taking her hand gently and leading her to the middle of the dancefloor.

A slow music started playing and everyone watched as Taehyung calmly conducted the dance.

Jisoo wrapped her arms around his neck while he had his hands firmly on her waist

They looked at each other as if the rest of the world didn't exist.

"Thank you for existing, Jisoo. Love, for me, has always been an excuse for weak people to do stupid things. Now I know how stupid I was. A life without love is not a life. Thank you for saving me from myself."

"I always wanted love. I always dreamed of a prince charming who would love me despite everything. But when he finally arrived, I was scared and pushed him away. I'm sorry for letting my insecurities speak louder. We are not always prepared to receive what we want so much. Thank you for loving me."

Taehyung kissed her passionately, without haste; after all, they would have the rest of their lives to be together.

Happy endings didn't always start happy. Love was a daily construction, a feeling that grows based on respect. Although we really want to be loved, we are not always ready for that, Jisoo thought.

Moreover, most of the time, love comes knocking when we are least expecting it.



