
The sunset was coloring the sky with pink while Jisoo was watching the waves of the sea.when she went downstairs,Taehyung and Chaeyoung were talking so she decided to take a walk at the beach alone.

That place was paradise indeed.Jisoo thought her parents would love to go there someday,but she remembered it was a private island.

"This is not my reality" she thought out loud.

As the air was getting cold she embraced herself.after a few minutes,she felt big and warm hands touching and hugging her from behind. that scent was unmistakable,so he didn't need to say a word. Jisoo already knew who it was.

Her whole body shivered with that touch.

"I was looking for you" Taehyung said in her ear.

She didn't answer. Jisoo just wanted to feel that heat in silence,enjoying the sensation of their bodies together. She didn’t know if it was the place or the man,but she felt comfortable in that moment.

"A penny for your thoughts" he said calmly while resting his chin on her head.

"I'm not thinking about anything, I'm just enjoying the moment" she replied.

"Hum" he murmured "it's getting cold let's go back to the house. The barbecue night is about to start"

"you can go first. I will wait until the sun disappear in the horizon" she didn't want to sound rude.

"Why ?" Taehyung was confused.

"Because it's my favorite moment of the day" Jisoo simply explained.

Then they watched the sky darken in each others arms,like a couple in love.

Back in the house,Jisoo sat on an immense sofa near the pool,where Chaeyoung and were drinking cocktails.

"Are you feeling better, Jisoo ?" sounded like a mother.

"Yes Thank-you mom" Jisoo answered promptly.

"So,let's have fun tonight!" Chaeyoung raised her glass and said loudly. "Tae,bring a cocktail for Jisoo,please"

Taehyung was at the bar,grabbing beer for him and his father. He just nodded in affirmation.

"Where are the kids ?" Jisoo asked randomly.

"Here they are" Chaeyoung nodded at the door. Where the two boys were running toward them with a bag of marshmallows in their hands and Jisoo watched that scene with a smile on their faces.

"Mommy! Can we start now?" They were screaming in excitement.

"I already told you the bonfire will happen only after dinner" Chaeyoung explained the kids.

"Ok,Mommy" they lowered their heads with a sad face.

"Go help grandpa with the bonfire now go!" ordered and the kids were already running in Mr.Kim’s direction

"How old are they?" Jisoo asked

"3 and 4" Chaeyoung replied with a proud smile.

"That's your drink, ma'am" Taehyung arrived with a drink and a beer in hand.

"Thank-you" Jisoo just said.

She took a sip and glanced at him. "This is really good!"

"Everything that I do is good,love." He answered and sat beside her.

Jisoo understand the intention of the statement which made her embarrassed.

"Are you thinking about having children?" asked

Jisoo choked and Taehyung helped her.

"Not so soon,mom" he answered.

"Sorry" Jisoo just said.

"Dinner is served" interrupted the moment and Jisoo thanked him for that

A few hours after the dinner,Jisoo was happier than usual because she drank countless different cocktails she was dancing and laughing with the boys near the bonfire.

Taehyung was seated on the Sofa,watching her with a smile on his face his parents were talking to Chaeyoung something about her divorce and Taehyung was not paying attention.

His eyes was on her,the pretty face with an innocent smile Jisoo looked so pure,so natural Taehyung wonder how she could be that beautiful without effort.

"It's time to roast marshmallows!" Chaeyoung got up and spoke louder to be heard by everyone.

Jisoo and the kids started to celebrate and Taehyung got up to join them. and did the same.

When everybody was seated around the bonfire, started to tell stories when Taehyung and Chaeyoung were younger.

Jisoo tried to pay attention,but after some minutes,her eyes were almost closed Taehyung noticed and hugged her by the shoulder,leaning her head against his chest she was comfortable so she felt asleep quickly.

Taehyung realized it was late already; his parents were helping Chaeyoung to take the kids to bed so he tried to call Jisoo. She was sleeping as a baby and didn't wake-up
Taehyung held her in his arms and took Jisoo to their room.

After putting her on the bed,he removed her shoes and covered her. that girl was really full of surprises TaehyungΒ  thought.

He took a minute to admire her while she was sleeping her calm breathing,her serene countenance,her perfect white skin that had a natural glow,those rosy lips that always teased him.

Taehyung began to realize that he liked many things about Jisoo. Her body was like a magnet that turn him on easily.

"What are you doing to me,Jisoo?" He wondered as he ran his fingers gently over her lips "why am I this excited just watching you?"


and if you follow vsoomylife
