Day 15πŸ˜·πŸ™ƒ

(So I needed to republish this so yeah sorry)


I woke up nice and early, to kairi jumping on the bed while screaming "RISE AND SHINEEEEE"

I was sooo tired and he was really annoying me so I pushed him off my bed πŸ–πŸΌπŸ₯°

"HEYYY THAT HURTπŸ–πŸΌπŸ˜”" kairi yelled , I then got up and stepped right over him and went to go pick out an outfit

I picked my outfit out and then went back to my room and grabbed kairis arm and led him outside my room and shut the door,

I then changed into this πŸ₯°

(If u don't like the outfit then imagine it as another one)

After I finished changing, I opened the door and let kairi back in and then I went downstairs to NO ONE there.

I just sat on the couch when ALL OF THE OTHERS come rushing down along and jump onto the couch as they all say "GOOD MORNINGGGGG" in unison.

I just gave them a weird look and said "good morning dumbasses" πŸ–πŸΌπŸ˜Œ

Then once again the last one to always come down,


He came down and jumped onto the couch next to everyone else and then we all just sat their, on our phones, 😐

Untilllll my mom came down..

When she came down she looked a little off, she looked tired, like she couldn't sleep, like something was bothering her...

So I went up to her and said "is something wrong mom? You look off.." she looked at me and bursted out into tears

That caused everyone to turn around and look at us

I then said "wait calm down first ok.."

She sat down at the kitchen table and I sat in the chair next to her and waited for her to calm down

After about 5 minutes she eventually calmed down and stopped crying..

She then proceeded to say "ok so Um the other day I wasn't feeling so well, so I went to go get tested... well last night , I got a call back with my results saying that umm... I was positive for corona.."

The second she said that everyone face went completely blank.

Until then again she said "um if it gets worse I need one of y'all to take me to the hospital.."

I nod and said "yeah um just go get rest for now.. let us know if anything's wrong"

She nods and walks back up to her room

I turned and looked at everyone and they looked just as shocked as I was...

Avani then spoke up and said "damn hopefully we didn't catch it..." we all shrug and then I went back to the couch and sat down and went on my phone once again.. trying to get some bad thoughts out of my head..

The others didn't really talk much either until malu says "soo um my m-mom... um she wants me home..." everyone looks up at her and she continues on to say "I just told her about ur mom y/n.. she said she would like me home now..." I nod and say "I'll give u a ride.." she goes upstairs and grabs all her stuff and then comes back down

I grabbed the car keys and me and malu went out to the car and she put everything in the car and we both got in and I started driving her home...

β€’5 minutes laterβ€’

"Mmk we're here.." I said with a slight smile on my face, malu smiles and hugs me and says "Mmk welp stay safe ok, and also I hope ur mom gets better.." I smiled and said "thankss"

She then gets out the car and goes around to the trunk and grabs her things and then goes up to her front door, just to see her mom standing there waiting for her and then gives her a hug and then they go inside.

β€’drives back homeβ€’

Once I got back home, I went inside to see no one there

I shrugged it off and started walking upstairs until I hear laughing in the backyard, so I turned back around and went outside to see the others all in the swimming pool , playing around like a bunch of little kids

I just laughed and kairi says "ouuubur back now go change into your swimsuittttt and come onnnn" I nod and go upstairs to change into this

After i changed, I ran downstairs and then to the backyard and jumped into the pool

As soon as I came up from underwater, everyone splashed me, causing me to gasp and wipe my eyes

I then look over at them and said "y'all so mean for whatπŸ–πŸΌπŸ˜”" they laughed and I just swam to the other side of the pool and sat on the steps

After a while of sitting there while the others Chile k fight, I finally got bored and swam over to them and said "I WANNA PLAYYYY" they all looked at each other and nodded

We all swam around for hours until it got dark, and we decided to go inside and change and go to sleep..😴

Note: ayo sorry for being inactive, I've had a lot going on but I'm back hoes😼
