Day 1πŸ’•πŸ§Έ

I wake up early in the morning to my sister avani calling my name when I get out of bed annoyed and say "WHATTTT" she walks in my room and says "Malu is here" I nod and say "ok I'll be down in a minute" she nods and walks out as I get into the shower

After I'm done I get out of the shower and get into my outfit for today which is this

Just a simple outfit for today, anyways I then go downstairs and see my best friend Malu there and she runs to me and hugs me and says "girl we doing quarantine together and with the boys toooo" I smile and say "yeah I'm excited but I'm also sleepy as fuck because I went to bed late last night" avani comes downstairs and says "the boys will be here in about a hour, y'all wanna go get some Starbucks" we nod and grab our stuff and get into the car

Avani pulls into the drivethru and orders our coffees and then pulls up to the window and pays and gets our coffee and we go back home when we see another car pull into the driveway behind us so we unlock the door and see the boys get out of the car and they say "HEYYYY" we laugh and go inside when the boys trail along behind us when kairi hugs me from behind and says "heyyy" I turn and say "heyyy"

Kairi and me have been best friends for the longest time now, and everyone else always says we would be a cute couple but I don't know

The others say "bruh date already" as kairi pulls away from the hug and flips them off and says "SHUT UP YOU RAT FUCKS" we all laugh and so say "yeah and we are just friends ok"

To be honest I may have the tiniest feelings for kairi but idk if he likes me at all so yeah

Anyways we all sit on the couch when my mom comes down and says "hey guys" the others say "heyyy mrs.(your last name)" i smile and say "need help" as my mom gets out some eggs to make breakfast and she nods and says "please" as malu and avani come to and help make breakfast as the Boys sit on the couch just on their phones

Once breakfast is done I go to the boys and say "foods done fat asses" they roll their eyes and laugh and go sit at the table and say thanks to my mom and we all start to eat and talk

I'm sitting next to avani and she says "OK WHO DONT WANT THEIR EGGS" the others grab their plates and scoot it closer to them as I laugh and say "here I'm full" she claps her hands and says "yayyy I love you sisterrr" I smile and just get up and go to my room when after a while the others come to my door and Knock and I say "come in" kairi says
"Y/NNNNN" as he jumps on top of me and I say "whatttt" he says "they are doing it againnnn" I look at the others and say "STOP FUCKING SHIPPING USSS" they laugh and say "but y'all would be so cute" kairi hides his face in my hair and says "no no no we are only besties" I laugh and mess up his hair and he says "heyyy that's not very niceee🀧" I say "oh come here Olaf" I hug him and we lay on my bed as the others sit down somewhere in my room like on my chair and little couch and the edge of my bed as Alejandro says "OMG LOOK" he shows us a edit of me and kairi and Mattia says "even social media ships y'all lmaooo" malu says"ok y'all really need to stop playing now"

I just get up and say "JUST BESTIESSS" I then go to use the restroom and come back and see the others are all gone so I go down stairs and say "WTH YALL JUST LEFT ME" they shrug and I say "ugh I hate y'all to" they laugh and I say "where's my midget bsf πŸ–πŸΌπŸ™„" Kairi runs to me and says "right hereeee" he hugs me and then picks me up and lays me on the couch and tickles me until I say "n-no please STOPPP" he says
"Ok ok only because your gonna pee yourself" I say "I was about to"Β  I then say "let's take a pictureeee" kairi then says "okkk" so I take this picture

(Random usernames)
Liked by @kairi and 132,407 others

Caption: my bestieeee🧸🀍

Kairi: Hey thats meeee🀭


Alejandrosario: bruh SHIPPPP
β†ͺ️Mattia.polibio: sameee

Yogurl_maddy: please date alreadyyyy
Theyadore_.y/n: sorry just bestiesπŸ₯ΊπŸ€

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After that post I say "damn people keep shipping us kairiiii" he says "ikrrrr" we all laugh and I say "I'm bored y'all wanna swim?" They nod and go to their suitcases and get their swim suits out and go change and I wear this one

I then wait for the others outside when the first ones out are the girls and they look at me and say "oop tryna impress?" I roll my eyes and say "I don't need to impress anyone" they say "ok whatever you sayyy"
I then turn around and see the boys and Mattia runs and grabs me and throws me in the pool and then I say "you mother fucking bitchhhh" we all laugh and the others get in to


When I walked outside and say y/n in that bathing suit I couldn't help but stare at her, she is so beautiful and I have the tiniest feelings for her but I don't wanna ruin our friendship if she doesn't have any feelings for me at all but it is what it is
β€’END IF POVβ€’

I then get out and sit on the edge of the pool and just let my feet rest in the pool when The others all sit beside me to and avani says" DANG WE ALL LOOK GOOD" we laugh and I see Mattia stare at her and I whisper to Mattia "ouuu u like my sisterrr" he whisper "shut up you like kairi" I say "I actually don't😌" he says "yeah sure"

We then all get out and go inside and I say "ok whose sleeping with meeeee" everyone points at kairi and he sighs and says "ok but y'all to much sometimes" they all laugh and me and kairi go up to my room and I say "imma shower. You can watch tv if you want" He nods and turns on the tv and lays on my bed as I get into the shower

I take about 30 minutes in the shower when I'm finally done and then I get out and peek my head outside the door and say "kairi hand me my robe over there "he gets up and hands me my robe through the crack of the door where my head is peeking out and I say "thanks" and grab the robe and I put my underwear and bra on then put the robe on and go out and go to my closet and say "hold on don't come in the closet imma change" he says "ight imma shower" I say "ookk" he goes into the restroom and gets into the Shower as I change into this

After I change I go to lay on my bed and switch through the Channels when kairi says "Y/Nnnn" with the bathroom door still shut and I say "yeah?" He says "I need some shorts" I say "a shirt to?" He says "nah we have known each other long enough for me to not wear shirt" I laugh and grab him some shorts from his bag and hand them to him through the crack of The door

Kairi then comes out the restroom with his hair wet and water droplets still on his body as he runs his hand threw his damp hair and lays next to me on the bed and says "I love you bestfraaannnπŸ–πŸΌπŸ˜Œ" I smile and say "I love you to kairiπŸ–πŸΌπŸ˜­" he smiles and says "so what we watching" I shrug and hand him the remote and say "here you pick" he nods and turns on friends and I clap my hands all excited and he laughs and we watch friends for while when we both end up falling asleep like this
