Day 12πŸ™ƒπŸ₯°(part 2)


I finished my lunch and then went into the living room to see everyone on the couch just on their phones

I just went upstairs and into my moms room and say "hey mom" she smiles and says "hey sweetie" I sit on the bed next to her as she watches tv and I say "mom..." she pauses her tv and looks at me and I say "do you think me and Kai would make a cute couple"

She says "honestly yes...I've seen the way he has treated you for so many years and he is such a great young man so yeah" I say "but like people keep shipping us and stuff but we don't feel that way about each other and right now I'm trying to find someone to talk to and so far I'm trying to talk to this boy Derek"

My mom says "oh really. That's nice" I smile and say "yeah he's cute and sweet and funny you know" she nods and says "well if you and this derek kid end up together I hope y'all stay together" I smile and hug her then go back downstairs


*Couple hours later*

I had just got out the shower and got ready to lay down for bed so I put this on

And then laid in my bed and pulled the covers over my body and FaceTimed Derek

He answers and says "hey" I say "heyyy"

Me and him talked for a while when I check the time to see it's 2am so I say "hey it's 2am so imma go" he smiles and says "mk goodnight beautiful" I just laugh and say "goodnight" and hang up

I tossed my phone on my bed and quietly walked downstairs to get a small snack from the pantry when I notice something on the couch so I slowly walk closer to the couch to see kai was asleep on the couch

So I sighed and whisper "Kai..." he doesn't wake up so I tap his shoulder when he says "hmmm" I say "come sleep with me, why did you sleep on the couch?" He says "I didn't wanna bother you" I sigh and say "come on" and I grab his arm and pull him upstairs and say "ok let's sleep" he jumps in the bed and I lay next to him and we go to sleep
