
jiro - "And I have a feeling that Bomi has a crush on me." I said to Tyrone and Dante.

β‡’ Dante was running his fingers through his hair.

dante - "Why didn't Bomi tell me? Why did she lead me on?" He asked me.

β‡’ I shrugged my shoulders.

jiro - "By the way, I don't like Bomi romantically, I have feelings for someone else-" I said to Dante and Tyrone not finishing the sentence.

β‡’ Wait! Did I actually say that to them?

tyrone - "Wait, back track....did you just say you have feelings for someone else?" He asked me.

dante - "Who's this someone?" He asked me.



β‡’ I decided to stay at the party for an hour and Tyrone and Dante was still curious of who I was talking about.

tyrone - "Jiro, you still didn't tell us who you have a crush on." He said to me.

jiro - "I-I wasn't serious about that, just forget about it." I said to Tyrone and Dante.

dante - "No, we aren't going to forget about that, just tell us." He said to me.

jiro - "It's none of your guys's business." I said to Tyrone and Dante.

tyrone - "But we're your friends, Jiro, we won't tell anyone." He said to me.

β‡’ I sighed.

jiro - "I will tell you guys at the right time." I said to Tyrone and Dante.

dante - "Oh come on Jiro." He said to me annoyed.

bomi - "Hey Dante, did you like my parents?" She asked Dante walking up to the three of us.

β‡’ I cleared my throat and looked away.

dante - "Listen Bomi, we need to talk." He said to Bomi.

β‡’ Bomi nodded.

dante - "Do you like Jiro?" He asked Bomi straightforwardly.

β‡’ I choked on my water and was coughing a lot.

bomi - "W-what?" She asked Dante acting confused.

dante - "Don't do that right now, Bomi. Tell me, do you like Jiro?" He asked Bomi.

β‡’ Bomi sighed before she spoke.

bomi - "Y-yes, I do." She said to Dante nervously.

β‡’ Dante sighed and looked down.

bomi - "How did you find out?" She asked Dante.

dante - "Jiro told me your parents told him, why didn't you tell me and why did you lead me on?" He asked Bomi upset.

bomi - "I'm sorry Dante, when I found out Jiro was Korean, my feelings for him began to grow." She said to Dante.

dante - "Bomi, please get out of my house. This party is over! Everyone out!" He yelled out.

bomi - "Dante-" She said to Dante but he cut her off.

dante - "I don't want to hear it, please get out." He said to Bomi.

β‡’ Bomi sighed and left the house with everyone else. Dante's house was a mess now since a lot of people were here.

tyrone - "Dan, want me and Jiro to help you clean this place?" He asked Dante.

dante - "No it's okay, I think I should clean this place up myself to try to forget about just happened, but thanks for offering." He said to Tyrone.

tyrone - "No problem bro, call us if you need us, okay?" He asked Dante.

dante - "Thanks guys, and thanks Jiro for telling me." He said to me.

β‡’ I nodded.


β‡’ AdΓ©lard and I were making up the table and he kept trying to touch my hand purposely. I was quick and was moving my hand around so he wouldn't touch it.

delphine - "So....w-when is the croissants going to be done?" I asked AdΓ©lard nervously.

adΓ©lard - "Um, I don't know, I guess my maman will let us know, but we aren't close to finish setting up the table together, we can take our time-" He said to me trying to touch my hand again but I pulled my hand away.

delphine - "M-maybe we should finish quickly?" I asked AdΓ©lard.

adΓ©lard - "Why? You don't like this time with us-" He said to me but I cut him off.

delphine - "AdΓ©lard, I have a boyfriend-" I said to AdΓ©lard cutting myself off.

β‡’ I covered my mouth with my hand and looked at AdΓ©lard dumbfounded.

adΓ©lard - "A-ah, I see." He said to me.

delphine - "Hold on-" I said to AdΓ©lard but someone cut me off.

elise - "Ok mes chΓ©ris, les croissants sont cuits." (My darlings, the croissants are cooked) She said to me and AdΓ©lard bringing the pan of croissants to the dining room.

henri - "Γ‡a sent dΓ©licieux, non ?" (It smells delicious, right?) He asked me and AdΓ©lard.

delphine - "oui, Γ§a sent et Γ§a a l'air dΓ©licieux." (Yes, it smells and looks delicious) I said to Henri.

elise - "tout le monde, asseyez-vous. je vais sortir les autres plats." (Everyone, sit down. I'm going to take out the other dishes) She said to everyone.

β‡’ All of us nodded and sat together. I sat down and AdΓ©lard sat beside me.

adΓ©lard - "puis-je le rencontrer ?" (Can I meet him?) He asked me.

delphine - "Meet who?" I asked AdΓ©lard.

adΓ©lard - "Your boyfriend, can I meet him?" He asked me.

delphine - "U-um, actually-" I said to AdΓ©lard but Elise cut me off.

elise - "voici les autres plats, attention c'est encore chaud." (Here are the other dishes, be careful, it's still hot) She said to everyone.

henri - "tout a l'air bien." (Everything looks good) He said to Elise.

elise - "merci chΓ©rie, mangeons !" (Thank you darling, let's eat!) She said to all of us.


β‡’ Last night's dinner was on my mind. Why did I tell AdΓ©lard that I had a boyfriend? And why did I tell AdΓ©lard he can meet my boyfriend? I'm such an idiot.

jiro - "Delphine!" He said to me coming from the corner.

delphine - "Oh, hi." I said to Jiro.

jiro - "Can I tell you something?" He asked me.

delphine - "Sure." I said to Jiro.

β‡’ Before Jiro could say anything, AdΓ©lard came from the corner too.

adΓ©lard - "salut, Delphine." (Hi, Delphine) He said to me.

delphine - "Hey AdΓ©lard." I said to AdΓ©lard.

β‡’ AdΓ©lard looked at Jiro up and down.

adΓ©lard - "Is this the guy?" He asked me.

jiro - "Who are you?" He asked AdΓ©lard.

adΓ©lard - "My name is AdΓ©lard, I'm a very close friend with Delphine." He said to Jiro.

jiro - "Ah....I see." He said to AdΓ©lard.

β‡’ I looked at Jiro and he was biting his bottom lip. Was he jealous?

jiro - "I'm Jiro." He said to AdΓ©lard.

adΓ©lard - "Jiro, are you Delphine's boyfriend?" He asked Jiro.

delphine - "Actually, AdΓ©lard, Jiro is my-" I said to AdΓ©lard but Jiro cut me off.

jiro - "Yes, I'm Delphine's boyfriend." He said to AdΓ©lard.

β‡’ I choked on my saliva. Jiro wrapped his arm around my shoulders and brought me close to him.

β‡’ I looked at AdΓ©lard nervously and I avoided eye contact with him. It was like Jiro and AdΓ©lard were having a stare off with each other.

delphine - "U-uh, Jiro, m-maybe we should go to class? We're going to be late." I asked Jiro nervously.

delphine - "And AdΓ©lard, maybe you should head to class too." I said to AdΓ©lard.

adΓ©lard - "je ne l'aime pas." (I do not like him) He said to me.

jiro - "What's he saying, Delphine?" He asked me whispering in my ear.

delphine - "N-nothing, let's hurry to class?" I asked Jiro once again.

jiro - "Good idea." He said to me.

delphine - "au revoir, AdΓ©lard." (Goodbye, AdΓ©lard) I said to AdΓ©lard waving bye nervously.

β‡’ Jiro and I were walking to class and I stopped us from walking.

delphine - "Jiro, what was that back there?" I asked Jiro.

jiro - "I don't know what you're talking about." He said to me.

delphine - "arrΓͺte de plaisanter (Stop joking) Jiro, tell me what was that you did? Why did you tell AdΓ©lard you're my boyfriend?" I asked Jiro.

jiro - "You need to teach me French because you speak it to me sometimes and you know I don't understand you." He said to me.

delphine - "Jiro, stop changing the subject." I said to Jiro.

β‡’ Jiro sighed.

jiro - "Remember when I told you that I had something to tell you?" He asked me.

β‡’ I nodded.

jiro - "What I had to tell you is-" He said to me but someone cut him off.

nalerie - "Delphine, there you are-" She said to me but she cut herself off.

β‡’ Nalerie eyes widened as she saw Jiro's arm wrapped around my shoulders. I quickly removed Jiro's arm from my shoulders and adjusted myself.

nalerie - "What did I just see?" She asked me.

delphine - "N-nothing, let's just go to class." I said going inside the class with Nalerie.

-to be continued-
