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The team were now gathered outside one of Reyes' cash houses until a man approached the door so Sapphire put on her ski mask before creeping up behind him with her shotgun aimed at the man's ribcage.

"Ato normal" She ordered and the man nodded "Sem movimentos bruscos, vocΓͺ me ouve?" The man nodded once more before knocking on the door and the peephole opened making the man lean forward to show them it's him.

Sapphire gave a subtle nod to the team who quickly made their way over each with ski masks on when the door was unlocked giving Sapphire the go ahead to send the shoulder of her shotgun into the man's face, causing him to stumble back. The team burst into the cash house with their guns raised.

"NinguΓ©m se mexe!" Sapphire shouted.

There was rows and rows of women in their underwear doing the men's dirty work. They soon started to scream once they saw the sight of the team. Sapphire helped Brian and the rest of the team gather the money and tie up all the workers.

In the blink of an eye, they owned the warehouse without firing a single bullet.

"That's all of it" Brian said to Dom as they stood next to the pallet full of money.

"Are you crazy? Do you know who's house this is? Whose money you're stealing?" One of the men yelled.

"We ain't stealing it" And to their utter shock, Dom douses the money in gasoline before lighting it up.

"You're a dead man! You're all dead men! There won't be anywhere for you to hide!" The man continued to yell.

"Who's hiding?" Dom asked, pulling off his mask as the team followed suit.

"You tell your boss exactly who did this. And you tell him there's more coming" Dom finished as the money burned without any hope of stopping it, the team exited the warehouse and back into their cars.


In a garage hideout, Luke Hobbs stood watching his team as they finished resembling the GT40. Fusco placed the last piece.

"VoilΓ "

"Turn it over" Hobbs said so he does and it ran perfectly.

"Diagnostics are fine" Fusco said but Hobbs wasn't having it.

"Keep looking" Hobbs ordered before he leant in and checked the dash were he saw a slot for the custom installed navigation system "Goddamn shame adding bullshit like that to a classic...Might as well slap neon lights on it"

Hobbs pressed the power button on navigation device.

"I'm telling you, man, if something was missing, we'd kno-" Suddenly, a message flashed across the screen:

Error. No data detected. Please insert nav chip.

Hobbs looked at Fusco with an annoyed look "They took the chip" Just then, one of his other men who was monitoring the local police scanner frequencies, piped up,

"We got a hit on the police scanner. Armed robbery of a house in Leblon. Address cross checks by one of Hernan Reyes' corporations"

Hobbs quickly made the connection "If that's our guys, whatever was on that chip led them to that house"

"It's them for sure" Elena Neves said with no hesitation.

"Yeah? How do you know that?" Wilkes asked.

"Because no one else in Rio is stupid enough to rob Reyes" She responded.


"Number one is on the move" Tego said over the radio.

Roman was eating at a diner, watching everything from his seat when two men with poorly concealed weapons walked out of the house each carrying a duffel bag, chucking them into the trunk of their car before moving out.

Roman then stands up and pays for his bill "Two is heading out"

Gisele watched two men getting into a car so she put her sunglasses back on, kicked up the stand on her motorbike and waited a few minutes before trailing behind them.

"I got mine" Han spoke into the radio, a smirk on his face as he followed the black car.

"We got eyes on five" Sapphire said from where her and Tej were stood on a rooftop with binoculars in hand.

"I know y'all said they were gonna consolidate the money somewhere...but you guys ain't gonna believe this" Tej said in disbelief as the two watched the building across the street were the money was being transported too.

After the team had all met up with Tej and Sapphire on the rooftop, they were all taken back "This job just got a hell of a lot harder..."

"Thank you, Captain Obvious" Sapphire smiled. Brian gave her the middle finger in response to her remark, the others couldn't help but smile at the twos childlike behaviour.

"If he's moving it into a police station, he's got some serious brass in his pockets" Roman said.

"Parece que este va a ser un viaje mΓ‘s corto de lo que pensΓ©" Rico said.

"Yeah, we can't hit that place, man" Santos agreed.

"Can't? You mean shouldn't" Han corrected.

"I say this doesn't change a thing" Dom started before turning to Brian "We stick to the plan" There was a moment between them, then Brian nodded before looking at his sister and she sighed before nodding too.

"You say what? This just went from mission impossible to mission in-freakin-sanity! Whatever, man. I ain't scared, I'm just letting you all know. Going in that building is crazy" Roman said before walking away from the team.

Brian smiled "I got this" He then went jogging after Roman.


"What time was the robbery?" One of Hobbs' men asked.

"Around 11:00" Elena replied.

"Here we go" He said as they all gathered around his laptop and a picture of what looked like Dom's car came up.

"Enhance it" Hobbs ordered.

"Their faces are covered"

"Run it through FRS" The man did as he was told and the faces of Dom and Han pop up on the screen "Well, hello, you son of a bitch. Wilkes! Run the photos of known associates of Toretto and the O'conner's against customs entries into Brazil in the last two weeks"

"Check planes, trains, boats, everything short of the goddamn space shuttle" Soon enough the team's profiles started to pop up on the screen
"They can change their names but they can't change their faces"

"Something big is going down" Elena said.

"That's a 1970 charger. Fusco! Upload these specs into the database. Have the computer cross-check it with overheard satellites every fifteen minutes, the van behind it, too. If these vehicles move in the streets of Rio, I wanna know about it"
