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It's been exactly two years.

Yes. Two years.

Two years since these six lucky students got accepted by the headmaster of Eternal in their school. Two years since they became friends, and at the same time... became strangers to each other.

Beomgyu and Ryujin ( who has now blonde hair ) are not friends, but they also don't ignore each other. You can say they've come to the point where they're comfortable to talk to them only when needed, and only when it's about something worthy to argue about.

Yes, they fight a lot since that day. That is why most of the students around them during eating time are quiet because you could feel the tension between these two talented students.

Taehyun, Chaeryeong, and Yuna are the ones who have each other's company most of the time. Taehyun has other friends of course, he doesn't always hang out with these two ladies. Only when he has time.

With the help of Taehyun, Chaeryeong learned how to talk to people often. She has a lot of friends now. Most of them are fake though. Only befriending her because of her mind reading skills. She's kind enough to help these students anyway.

Yuna's the same girl since the first day she stepped on Eternal. The same confident, loyal, and smart girl from two years ago. Unlike Huening Kai. He's been quieter than usual. He's pretty much considered as an outcast now despite of his skills and talents that he possesses.

Yeji and Yeonjun are still friends, but Yeji's been feeling uncomfortable with Yeonjun's actions. He spends more time with her, and focuses more on what she says. That's a really abnormal personality of Yeonjun's. Yeji thought.

Soobin and Lia well... Soobin's finally confessed what he feels for the Sapphire girl, but Lia still hasn't said a thing about that. She basically ignored his confession, and moved on with life. They still talk though, they're actually closer than usual, but Lia has the same exact personality from two years ago as well. Soobin's braver now by the way.

"Good day everyone. I've only gathered because of a single announcement. Yeah my wife told me to do this, so... I don't have a choice at all," Headmaster Seokjin laughed, and there was an awkward silence filling the entire Great Hall of Eternal.

Feeling rejected, he clears his throat, and got himself ready to tell everyone the announcement.

"This year, we're having the Dragon Games for the second time. Last year was the year when Dragon Games was first held as you all know, and our champion was Changbin from Rubyian house. In second place was Mark Lee from the same house as well. Third place, Vernon from Emeraldeen house. So the rest of you must be better this year alright."

Headmaster Seokjin gave everyone a smile, and the young students were head over heels for their headmaster. I mean, who can blame them? Headmaster Seokjin is indeed handsome.

"The registration is on the enchanted bulletin board. Write your name there, and if it stays, you're one of the contestants. If not, I'm sorry but you're not worthy to be one. Only Third and Fourth years are allowed to enter the contest."

After the gathering, Soobin headed towards the enchanted bulletin board. He stared at it while students from both Rubyian and Emeraldeen houses are pushing each other to put their name on it.

"I still don't get it why students are risking their lives for this game. Dragons aren't easily tamed. It's not even possible to get them tamed based on the books I've read," Lia appeared literally out of nowhere.

"How the... nevermind. I'm joining the game though," Soobin said, waiting for the crowd to go away.

"What?! You can't be serious. You'll die!" Lia exclaimed.

"Does that concern you though?" Soobin asked with a smirk on his face, trying to catch the truth from Lia.

The girl didn't realize Soobin's intentions, so she answered without any hesitation. "Yes!"

"Oh you care about me?" Soobin squats a bit, to level his face with Lia's.

"I- what?! That i-is not the point here. The point is students can actually die in that game. Sanha from the Citrine house literally broke a leg, and an arm after the second round." Lia was trying her best to stop the Citrine boy, but Soobin just won't listen, and wrote his name on the paper.

Every stroke made a glow from the text he wrote. He waited for a few seconds to see if it was going to stay or not.


Soobin couldn't help but smile. He's worthy being a contestant of the Dragon Games.

"Seriously Soobin? Goodluck then," and Lia left Soobin there.

Ryujin together with Taehyun and Chaeryeong were also in front of the enchanted bulletin board. Waiting for the results to pop up. Three out of many students' names stayed on the paper. First, was Yeonjun. Second, was Hyunjin. Third, was Soobin. Now Taehyun's planning on joining too. The required number of contestants is only ten. So seven students more to go.

Ryujin's view of the board got blocked by now a tall boy who was just an inch tall before from Ryujin's height. Beomgyu.

"Excuse me? You're absolutely not blocking my view." Ryujin said with pure sarcasm.

"Oh am I not? That's great then." And Beomgyu stayed on his place.

Ryujin groaned, and adjusted to see the enchanted paper. Beomgyu wrote his name without any hesitation. And, as expected from a Choi like him. His name stayed.

"You joining?" He asked Taehyun.

"Yep," and Taehyun wrote his name. As expected from a brave pure blood, his name became permanent on the paper.

Five out of Ten. Ryujin thought, and left the place to go to her next class early.

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Muggle Studies

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"Muggles don't have broomsticks to fly. They only have air planes? Which costs a lot for only one flight?" One of the students asked.

Professor Park nodded, and everyone laughed.

"Poor muggles." Some of them said.

Immature kids... Yuna thought. It's how Muggles live what can they do, right?

"Anyway, that is all for today's lesson. Mister Huening Kai. Goodluck on the Dragon Games alright?" All the sleepiness in Yuna's body came out after hearing what Professor Park said.

Is he trying to kill himself? Yuna thought.

"Stop thinking too much. He just wanted to try to join, and can you please start talking to that guy? Don't make me your owl," Doyoung shook his head, and stood up to leave the room.

"Are you joining too?" Yuna asked.

"I have more important things to do." Doyoung smiled, and left the classroom.

Yuna was about to leave too, but students started to panic and go inside the room.

"The last contestant of the Dragon Games...IS A GIRL!!!"


I'm pretty sure you all already know her...
Or maybe not 0-0
