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"That is WHY!-" Chaeryeong almost jumped when Professor Lisa shouted near her ear when she was about fall asleep. These past few days she haven't had enough sleep because of their consecutive exams, which she always aced.

"-you shouldn't act recklessly in class. Or you'll get detention automatically" Professor Lisa continued. Chaeryeong was still mad at Taehyun for talking to her in the middle of the class. At least we're both in detention she thought. They had to write an essay worth of one thousand words about why they shouldn't act recklessly anymore. Taehyun was feeling drained, he already got five hundred, and it seems like he can't write more.

As Professor Lisa was walking back to front, Taehyun nudged Chaeryeong's shoulder. Chaeryeong looked at Taehyun a mad expression.

"I think what we're writing is useless" Taehyun whispered. Well it is. It's going to be thrown to the trash bin after Professor Lisa read it.

"Well you won't be writing it, if you haven't done any fault" Chaeryeong said as she continues to write.

"Detention's pretty cool though" Taehyun glanced up to look at the room's interior. "Cool? How come this is cool?" Chaeryeong asked. Taehyun shrugged his shoulder, and continued to write his essay.

"Just because you're a Rubyian who knows me. Barely, actually. Doesn't mean you can already drag me into this" Chaeryeong said while writing.

"Look I didn't plan this-" "Taehyun Kang! Add a hundred more words on your essay" damn it. Taehyun thought, but the negative vibe flushed away when he saw the girl beside him smile.

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Flying Class

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"Jaemin you're so cool!" One of the witches shouted.
"You're the coolest!"
"Oh gosh you're the best"
Jaemin was smirking while walking towards his class in the field. Everyone was admiring him, for he got himself in the Serpents, Emeraldeen's quidditch team.

Ryujin was silent, but she was so proud of him. He's the youngest in the quidditch team, but he's one of the best. She suddenly felt the excitement to watch the first quidditch game, and that would be next month.

"Earth to Ryujin?" Beomgyu snapped his fingers, and Ryujin looked at Beomgyu. Who was beside him.

"Class is going to start. Better focus" He said, and that's what Ryujin did.

Professor Taehyung taught them how to get their brooms on their hands, mount them, and fly using it.

"Okay start flying your brooms" Professor Taehyung said. Most of the witches in their class gulped. They didn't really focus on what the professor was saying, he was too good-looking, luckily Ryujin didn't care so she immediately knew what she's going to do.

Beomgyu didn't move, and waited for Ryujin to fly first.

Ryujin was ready to fly, but as she was about to do it she lost her balance. Beomgyu was quick to catch her in his arms. Beomgyu glanced at Jaemin who was right in front of them. He was looking at Beomgyu like he's going to kill him.

He glanced back to Ryujin, and she was looking at Beomgyu. Their faces were just centimeters away, and Beomgyu felt his heartbeat raising.

"Galloping gargoyles. Miss Shin be careful next time" Professor Taehyung shook his head side to side. Beomgyu immediately put Ryujin down, and she fixed her hair.

"Thanks..." Ryujin said, and they began to do the flying
once more.


After flying class, Beomgyu was about to leave the field together with Ryujin, but Professor Taehyung called him.

"Mister Choi" Ryujin glanced at Beomgyu and glanced to their professor.

"You can go" Beomgyu whispered. "As if I'll wait for you" Ryujin said chuckling and left the place.

Beomgyu smiled, and looked up to professor Taehyung who was looking at him with suspicion. Beomgyu was confused, and asked his professor what's wrong.

"You like her don't you?" Professor Taehyung was smiling while looking at Beomgyu.

Beomgyu flushed, and pretended he doesn't know what his professor is talking about.

"I can read minds, don't deny that. Anyway, are you up for tryouts as a seeker?" He asked.

"S-Seeker? I don't quite understand sir" Beomgyu said scratching his head.

"Oh right. Mark Lee will explain it to you tomorrow during tryouts. I'm hoping to see you there" Professor Taehyung snapped his fingers and pointed Beomgyu.

"Sure sir" Beomgyu said with a smile. When professor Taehyung left, there was still questions inside Beomgyu's head. But it was far related from quidditch.

He can read minds? So...I am really starting to like her...

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Next day...
Muggle Studies

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Soobin was already inside the classroom, and he just realized that he was too early. He thought his class starts at 7 AM, but it actually will start at 9 AM. So, he had to wait for two long hours. He couldn't go back to the common room, for it was too crowded.

He looked out the window, and he noticed that the clouds were become grayish. Autumn was coming, and he found it exciting.

"Stop daydreaming"
"Oh my-Lia. you scared me" Soobin said feeling his hearbeat.

"You always get scared, so what's new" Lia said sitting on the seat in front of Soobin.

"So you finally decided to get close to me?" Soobin asked teasing the smart girl.

"I like the view outside. Don't be so full of yourself" She said and opened her Muggle studies book.

"Studying again?" Soobin asked. Lia didn't reply. Dorcus! Of course she's studying again! She's a sapphire! Soobin scolded himself.

"Hey Julia" Lia and Soobin looked up to see who it was.

It was Minho Lee. "Aye Minho!" Soobin greeted. Minho greeted Soobin with a smile, and sat beside Lia. Soobin felt rejected, but he let the boy be.

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"Minho." Lia said flatly. Soobin pouted. Hearing how Lia just greeted him. Minho was one of his kindest school mates. Probably one of the kindest person in his life.

"How is life going?" Minho asked.

Soobin who wa behind them felt awkard, and decided to roam around first. So, he stood up quietly and he was ready to leave, but then Lia called him.

"Wait" She added.

Lia stood up, and walked towards Soobin. Surprised, he stared directly at her. She clung on to his arms, and looked up to him.

"Let's go to the library. I have to get something" Lia said with a smile on her face, and left the classroom where Minho was still in. Soobin was so confused.

since when did we get this close?!
