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In front of Sapphire's common room

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SOOBIN WAS GETTING WIERDED OUT BY LIA'S SUDDEN ACTIONS. For heaven's sake he knows Rubyians are the only ones who are very reckless, but he knows by heart that Sapphires are far from being like that.

"Just wait here." Lia pointed a wand at Soobin telling him that.

"Now she's threatening me" He whispered after Lia left him there.

After a few minutes, Lia came back with a new book, and she was looking straight at Soobin while walking towards him. It was a bit scary for Soobin, but he found it actually pretty cool. A girl like her graceful, elegant, and smart. Not so kind, but tolerable. He smiled realizing what he just thought.

"Why are you smiling?" Lia asked pushing the book to Soobin. "Nothing"

"I hate Minho so much. He may be smart, but he's talkative. Very. Actually" She said crossing her arms on her chest while walking back to their classroom.

Oh... Soobin thought. Now he knows why she left. For some reason, what Lia told him made him smile. He shook his head off to get rid of the smile, or else Lia will think he's wierd. Since when did I even thought about what she thinks about me?

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After Detention

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"You know I actually thought you're a good guy" Chaeryeong told Taehyun who was laughing after getting our of detention.

"I am" Taehyun said with a smile on his face. Chaeryeong didn't speak anymore, she was too shy to say that she thinks he's an idiot. And she's worried that she might hurt his feelings.

Then, someone bumped into Chaeryeong that made her trip. Taehyung was quick to hold her hand, and pull Chaeryeong to him. Now, Chaeryeong's face was only a few inches away from Taehyun's, who wasn't looking at her at all. Her heart was beating like a drum. She was hoping that he wasn't feeling her heartbeat.

"Hey you!" Chaeryeong was pulled away from Taehyun, and she faced the Emeraldeen girl.

"How dare you bump into me?" She asked with an eyebrow raised. Chaeryeong felt a bit scared. The girl was too intimidating for her to handle.

"Can't you see it was an accident?" Taehyun said.

"She's not allowed to do that too" The girl said with a smirk on her face.

"Are you perfect enough for you to say that? Let's go Chae" Taehyun pulled Chaeryeong away from there, and then again Chaeryeong felt her heartbeat raising, and her cheeks burning. This is so odd. She thought. She felt like everything just went slow-mo. Just like in the muggle movies.

"Earth to Chaeryeong Lee?" Taehyun was calling her all this time, but she was too mesmerized to hear him.

"Y-Yeah?" She stuttered. Taehyun smiled at him and asked, "Are you fine? Do you feel hurt? Or something?" Chaeryeong smiled. He actually cares. She shook her head and answered. "Yes I'm fine. Not hurt. Just fine" She said that as fast as she could, so that Taehyun would finally let him go. So he did.

"I'll get going. Bye" Chaeryeong gave him a smile, and left rushing towards the Citrine common room.

Taehyun was left there, puzzled by the girls actions. But actually, he found it quite adorable that it made him chuckle before leaving.

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Transfiguration Class

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Yuna got in her class early, but the room was already full. Her sister Ryujin was already sitting next to her best friend Chaeryeong.

She was about to sit next to the girl with an adorable baby face, but she looked up to Yuna and glared.

"I'd never sit with a useless Citrine" She said. Then a student behind Yuna nudged her on her shoulder, and laughed. She sat next to that girl who just talked bad to Yuna.

"Nice on Wonyoung" The girl who nudged her said chuckling.

Ryujin stood up, and was about to shout at that girl, but her younger sister stopped her. She didn't want a fight. Specially not in their first month.

Yuna decided to sit on the last seat which was on the back. The seat was empty, and Yuna felt a bit lonely. But she thought it's much better to sit there than sit beside a mean witch.

A professor came in, and suddenly a student came rushing in the classroom, panting. Obviously because he was running too much.

"I-I'm s-sorry I-im late" He said. Yuna looked up, and realized it was the boy who helped her. Huening Kai's the name, yeah that's right. She thought while nodding her head. The boy looked for a seat, and that's when he saw Yuna. He pointed at her, and waved his hand to say hi.

"I do appreciate this reunion, but we need to start the class" Their professor said. He walked rushing to the seat beside Yuna. "Sorry about that" Kai said with a smile on his face.

"Didn't know we'd be on the same class" Yuna said. Of course. Sapphires are usually on a different class together with Rubyians, but it looks like today's different for the Citrines.

"I thought so too, but it's nice. To be seatmates with someone who's not in my house" He said with a smile on his face. Yuna nodded, and that's when their books opened by themselves.

"You have a lot of time to chat." Both of the students laughed quietly, and looked down to their books.

The class has finally ended, and as Yuna was about to leave. Ryujin called her. "The boy seating beside you is cute" Her sister said.

Yuna chuckled, and looked at her. "Kai? Yeah sure he is, but I bet Beomgyu's cuter for you" Yuna teased. Ryujin instantly slapped her cheeks lightly, and it made Yuna laugh.

"Stop it" Ryujin said. "Stop it~" Yuna mocked, and she started running for her life. Then she heard someone call her name, so she stopped. It was definitely not her sister. It was a male's voice.

"Yuna!" She turned around, and her lips curved into a smile. "Jeongin!"

Jeongin was a year older than her. He was in the same age as her sister, Ryujin. She's known him for a long time because they both went into the same elementary school, and he's also friends with Ryujin. Yuna actually 'had' a crush on him.

"I thought you're going to Hogwarts?" Yuna asked beaming. "Nope. I chose this school. Congrats on becoming one of their advanced students though" He said and tapped Yuna on her back.

"Thanks! I have to go now. See ya!" She walked away together with the crowd around her. While the boy didn't move, he was just watching her until she was out of sight with a smile on his face.

It's nice to see her here...
