xv. about time

chapter fifteen.
β€” sabrina's pov β˜•οΈ
( the forest ! )

"BRADY, I'M not exactly sure a forest is a great place to hang out..." I mumble, and he laughs as he helps me step over a fallen tree in the path.

"As if we didn't hang out in a forest the first time we met." He says sarcastically, and a smile creeps onto my face at the memory.

"It was actually the third time we met, Bradley." I joke, and he shakes his head at me as I jump off the log and continue to walk next to him.

He doesn't let go of my hand, though, and I make no attempt to pull it away. We walk for a while, just talking about whatever we find to talk about. His acting career, the sports that we play, Disney movies, anything really.

Eventually we arrive at a lake, and I remember it from the first time we came here.

"Brady, this is where we hung out before!" I exclaim, and he nods as he smiles at me.

"Yeah, I took a different path so that you wouldn't suspect that this was where we were going." Brady explains, and we sit down on the same log as we did the first time that we hung out.

We sit closer than last time, our knees fully touching. I lean my head on his shoulder, and his arm goes around my waist, resting on my hip.

"Sab?" He whispers, and I take a second before answering.

"Yeah, B?" I reply softly, and he moves my head off his shoulder, kissing me once.

He smiles sweetly at me as my reaction settles, and I peck his lips in response to his kiss.

I finally take notice of his outfit, which should've distracted me sooner with how good he looks. He's wearing a silver chain which peeks out from beneath his beachy-looking shirt, which pairs surprisingly well with his messy hair.

"You're outfit is cute." I compliment, and he laughs softly.

"Cute? Really? I'm not sure that's what I was going for..." he jokes, and I narrow my eyes at him.

"Fine, you look awful. How's that?" I challenge, and he gasps in a faux-offended way. I get up and start to run away from him, knowing him well enough to know damn well hes gonna chase me. He hops up and chases me, catching me quite quickly.

"Take that back, Sabrina." He threatens jokingly, "or else."

"Or else what, noon?" I tease, and he picks me up, carrying me towards the lake.

"Or else you're goin' in, Barlowe." He whispers, and my eyes widen.

"I take it back, I take it back! Don't throw me in the lake, Brady! I take it back!" I shout, and he smirk's victoriously as he sets me down.

"I hate you." I mumble, and he raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah?" He challenges, his tone slightly raspy, causing my cheeks to heat up, going a little pink.

"Yeah..." I whisper.

"Do you kiss people you hate often, Sabrina?" Brady asks me, his voice barely a whisper.

I flip him off, not having a better comeback. He laughs at me and we make our way back to the log and sit down.

"You're absolutely gorgeous, Sabrina." Brady whispers, and for a second I think I heard him wrong. His eyes widen, though, and he blushes. "Uhβ€” sorry, I... I didn't mean to say that out loud."

I smile at him. "No worries, and thank you. You're not too bad yourself, Bradley."

"You're never gonna give that up, are you?" He asks, and I shake my head.

"Nope. Absolutely never. Maybe I'll name my kid Bradley just to taunt you." I tease, and he raises an eyebrow.

"So you're basically just obsessed with me?" He asks, and I decide to play into it.

"Maybe." I shrug, and he shakes his head at me, smiling fondly.

"I knew it. This is fan behavior." He pokes my side.

I nod, going along with the bit and pretending to fix my hair.

"Oh, definitely. Please give me a chance, Brady! I would die for even one second of eye contact!" I say sarcastically, and we both burst out laughing.

After we calm down, brady looks nervous. I furrow my eyebrows.

"Brady? What's wrong?" I ask, and he waves me off.

"Nothing, nothing. I'm just... nervous." He answers, avoiding my eyes as he hands me a small, flat box.

"What is this? Brady, Iβ€”"

"Open it, Sab." He insists, and I give him a wary look, but I open the box. It's a small necklace that's got a surfboard on a wave, and I smile.

"It's really cute, but why?" I ask, and he blushes as he scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Well... I like to surf when I can, andβ€” no it's stupid, nevermind. I can get a different one." He reaches for the necklace, but I snatch it away.

"No! I love it. It's like the one that Troy got Gabriella in high school musical... but it's not your initial. It's cute, thank you." I thank him, leaning in to kiss him, but he stops me.

"Wait, Sab. I need to ask something first." He tells me, and now I'm nervous.


He messes with his hair for a second before looking at me again. "...will you be my girlfriend?"

My eyes widen and I immediately nod, throwing my arms around him in a hug. "Of course I will!" I squeal excitedly, and he smiles at me as we pull back from the hug and almost immediately kiss.

bradynoon posted a tiktok!

tags : @sab2cool

Brady Noon
sab wanted to hard launch πŸ™

click to view all comments!

sab2cool say u can't sleep bby I know that's that me espresso ✊
β€· bradynoon ur weird

connor_noon AWWW FINALLY
β€· urfavkalani when is it my turn πŸ˜“
‷ connor_noon 🌝




c_hart about time mf πŸ˜­πŸ™
β€· bradynoon kay why ess

user4 me when????

user5 I KNEW IT.

user6 If ur hating ur lonely and weird 🌝.
β€· bradynoon type shit


I know this chapter was kinda lame but all that really needed to happen was for him to ask her out so.. πŸ˜“. anyway I hope you enjoyed this fic and that you so so much for reading!! literally like at the same time I'm releasing this chapter I'm releasing a new connor noon fic, (in between) so go check that out if you'd like!

I'm unsure if I'm gonna write Kalani and Connor's story (leaning towards no) but if I do, I'll make sure to let you all know!! I love u all sm <3
