ix. investigation.

chapter nine.
β€” sabrina's pov β˜•οΈ
( the barlowe residence ! )

"APPARENTLY KENDRA is his ex..." I tell Kalani, and she raises an eyebrow.

"Interesting. You two haven't kissed yet, right?" She asks, and I stay silent.

Kalani' jaw drops. "What?! When! Don't you dare deny this, Brina."

"I'll tell you when it you admit you're into connor." I bargain, and she scoffs.

"I could never be into that asshole. He called me a bitch yesterday!" Kalani argues, and I nod.

"Okay, yeah... but that kiss was insane! That's the most passion I've ever seen you kiss someone with." I tell her, and she sighs.

"Fine, fine. He's not... awful to look at. If he asked me on a date I'd say yes, but it'd probably go horribly. But I wouldn't say that I'm into him. More like... open to the idea of maybe eventually being into him." Kalani mumbles. "He may be hot but his anger issues annoy me to another level. Plus it's fun to piss him off. Now you admit you kissed brady and tell me details."

"It wasn't anything crazy, he was dropping me off last night and I just.. kissed him. I'm not sure how he felt about it because he was sorta just frozen there." I say awkwardly. "I hope it doesn't put distance between us, I wasn't even thinking. What if he only sees me as a friend? I mean, I thought I only saw him as a friend, but then he told me Kendra's his ex and I was like... envious or jealous or something and I just kissed him."

Kalani smirks at me. "I'm gonna hold your hand while I say this, Sab..."

She grabs my hand, giving me a sympathetic look. "You're most definitely into him. You can't deny that if you were jealous of his ex."

I sigh as I run my hands over my face. "Yeah, I realized last night after he left. I just... I don't think he has time for me. He's an actor, half his time is spent in LA or elsewhere filming something. And he goes away to UCLA at the end of the summer, then what?"

She gives me a look. "Just see what happens this summer. It just started, don't worry about that until it happens, Brina. He's cute and you two get along amazingly. Don't ruin that by being paranoid."

I smile softly at her. "Thank you, K. I gotta get back to work, and I assume you do too."

She checks the time and her eyes widen. "Shit! I told Coβ€” I mean... yeah, my break's over! I gotta go, bye!"

She basically sprints out of the coffee shop, and I furrow my eyebrows. Did she almost say she told Connor something? What would she have told him?

As I get back behind the counter to take orders and Liv goes on her break, Brady walks in the door. He smiles at me awkwardly before his eyes flick down to the ground. He approaches the counter without looking at me again.

"Hi, Bray." I smile, and he looks at me for half a second before looking away once more.

"Hey." He mumbles. "Same as usual."

I frown as I punch in his order and type his name in. I don't go back to make his order, though, I let someone else do it today.

"That'll be out in a few minutes." I tell him. "Are you alriβ€”"

"Thanks." He says quickly, walking off and sitting down at a table.

I stare at him as he avoids looking at me, his eyes strictly looking down at his phone his drink takes a little longer than usual since it's not being prioritized by me, and he seems a little impatient. After I take another costumer's order, he walks up to me.

"Sorry to ask, but when will my drink be out? I'm sort of in a rush today." He mutters, and I send him an offended look.

"Soon." I snap. "I don't know why you're being weird, but I didn't do anything to be iced out, Brady. You'll barely even look at me? What is wrong? I don't understand."

"I just..." he sighs as my coworker calls his name. "Don't go anywhere, I'll be right back over."

He grabs his drink and comes straight back over to me, finally making eye contact with me for longer than a second.

"The kiss." He says awkwardly. "I don't know how to say this really, butβ€”"

"Oh my God. I'm so sorry, Brady. I completely forgot and I should've asked before I kissed you!" I panic immediately. "I'm so sorry. Please don't hold this against our friendship, if you don't want it to mean anything it doesn't have to, but Iβ€”"

"Sab, stop." He says softly, and I stop talking. "It wasn't a bad kiss. I just thought I only saw you as a friend, but you kissed me..."

"And now you're unsure?" I ask, and he nods.

"Same. I was just talking with Kalani about it, actually." I tell him, and his eyebrows shoot up. Oh, I should ask about Kalani and Connor. "By the way, has Connor mentioned anything... different about Kalani? Or been suspicious at all since yesterday?"

He furrows his eyebrows. "Now that you mention it... he left an hour early for work today even though his shift started at the same time and said he was meeting someone but wouldn't tell me who... do you think somethings going on there?"

I shrug. "I'm not sure, but I wouldn't exactly be shocked. They give me some typa enemies with tension vibes... I could definitely see something secretive happening between them."

He laughs. "Oh for sure. Connor may not be famous for it, but he's a damn good actor too."

"Kalani's a really good liar. I could see them getting away with something... let's allow them to think they're being secretive for a little longer." I say smugly, and he nods in agreement.

"I like how you think, pretty girl." He answers, and I resist widening my eyes at the nickname, but my face beats up anyways.

"Uhβ€”" I cough awkwardly. "We're cool still, yeah?"

"Yeah, of course." He smiles. "I'll text you later."

"Bye! Have a good afternoon, Bray." I shout after him as he walks away.

"You too, Sab." He replies, walking out the door and over to his car.

He called me pretty girl.


no angst yet...! But it is coming 🫑.

thank u sm for reading, and what do u think is going on with Kalani and Connor?
