xi. no one of that name.

chapter eleven.
β€” brady's pov 🌊
( the coffee shop ! )

I PRACTICALLY sprint to the coffee shop when it opens, and I guess Sabrina is right that her schedule changed, because she's not at the counter. Instead it's some random girl I've never seen.

"I need to speak to Sabrina, is she here?" I ask quickly, and the girl gives me a suspicious look.

"Uh... what?" She questions, and I sigh.

I don't have time for this. The longer she stalls the less likely it is that Sabrina is here.

"Sabrina Barlowe. I need to speak to her urgently." I say agitatedly.

"I'm sorry, nobody by that name works here, sir." She tells me, and I roll my eyes.

"Please, I have to talk to her. I know you're not supposed to disclose employee's names, but this is urgent. She's super pissed at me and I gotta fix it." I basically spill my guts out to this girl, and she shrugs.

"I'm sorry, I don't know a Sabrina." She mutters. "If you don't stop, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."

"Fine, whatever." I mumble. "Have a good day."

I walk out of the coffee shop, finding no better way to contact her then calling her, since she's apparently not at work.

I'm surprised when she answers.

"Sab!" I say quickly, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Please can we talk? I really didn't mean to upset you. I wanna talk this out more than anything."

"Cool." She mutters, seemingly uninterested in my words. "Is that all?"

"Sabrina, cmon." I beg. "I really don't wanna lose a good friend over this. I know I shouldn't have agreed to talk with Kendra. I feel awful about it and I wish I didn't do it. Please, can we just talk? I'll come to your place, you don't even have to go anywhere."

She sighs. "Tomorrow. I'm hanging out with Kalani today."

I catch her bluff easily. "Liar. Kalani's at work with Connor as we speak. He told me he was on shift with her all day."

"Damn it, Connor..." she grits. "Fine. I'll be here when you arrive. Don't waste my time, please."

"I won't, I proβ€”" she hangs up on me.

Well okay then...

I get in my car and drive the speed limit to Sabrina's house, and when I arrive I ring the doorbell.

She takes a minute, and for a second I think she's just gonna leave me standing here like a loser, but she opens the door.

She looks a little tired, but she's gorgeous either way. She's wearing black shorts with an oversized hoodie. Her hair is up in a loose ponytail.

"Hi," I say softly, and she doesn't reply.

Sabrina moves out of the doorway, allowing me to enter her house. It's a smaller house, but it's got cozy vibes. She leads me to the couch and motions for me to sit, so I do. She sits across from me, obviously wanting distance between us.

"You wanted to talk, so talk." She mutters, and I swallow nervously.

"I can show you the texts if you want, but we didn't do anything other than talk about our past. She wanted to try and get back together, I denied her. She obviously took a few pictures without my knowledge because I didn't know she was going to post that." I explain. "I wish I had more proof for you, but I just don't."

She sighs. "Brady, why didn't you just tell me beforehand that you were talking with her?"

"I didn't wanna hurt your feelings. Kendra doesn't mean shit to me anymore, I couldn't care less about what she has to say but she wouldn't leave me alone about it." I explain to her, and she sits silently for a moment.

"I know I said I wasn't jealous, but..." she hesitates. "It hurt that you chose to talk to her even though I'm in your life now. I don't know exactly what we are, but I thought we had something."

"We do have something, Sab. We do." I insist, and she shakes her head.

"Do we? You went to talk to your ex." She points out, and I sigh.

I run a hand through my hair, trying to think of a different approach for winning her over. I've said sorry a thousand times, it's not working. I have to prove I'm choosing her.

"I know, and it wasn't what I should've done." I hold my phone out to her, unlocked. "You can look at whatever you want, I'm not hiding it from you."

She looks at my phone for a second before taking it from my hand and setting it down on the table.

"I don't want to look through your phone, Brady." She says softly. "But thank you for offering. Since you obviously regret this... I wanna meet her. I wanna know why she's coming back, and why she chose to do it once I entered your life."

She wants to meet Kendra? That's an awful idea. Kendra will subtly try to tear Sabrina down the entire time they're talking and then she'll pull some absolute bullshit from her ass to try and make Sabrina mad at me again.

"I'm not sure that's a great idea..." I trail off, scratching the back of my neck. "Kendra has a way of... making people mad."

She shrugs."I'll be expecting it. Can you set something up?"

I sigh. "Fine, I'll try. Do you want me to approach it as she knows your coming or she doesn't know?"

"Doesn't know. Have it be some place out in the open so I can walk up without her being suspicious that I'm also there." Sab explains. "The beach could work? Plus if we needed backup Kalani and Connor are on shift usually."

"Alright..." I nod. "I'll try. I'll let you know if it works, okay?"

"Okay. Now I actually am hanging out with Elena and Liv, so goodbye." She shoos me out the door, laughing as I shoot her an offended look. "Bye bye!"

"Byβ€”" she shuts the door in my face.

Well, at least we're back to normal.


at least theyre not fighting anymore! but Kendra is back next chapter... 🌝.

I'm trying to decide if there's enough plot left for these two that I can make their story 20 chapters or not...! We'll see.

how many of you would read connor and Kalani's story if I wrote it? (Not sure if I will or not yet)

anyways, tysm for reading and I love you all so so much as always!!
