
It was a month later and Voldemort was gaining more power. Everyone in the school was worrying about it. Especially Severus Snape. Severus sat next to Harry. "I don't know what to do." Severus admitted to Harry one evening.

Harry gave him a cup of tea and sat next to it. He shuddered. "I want to become a teacher, but Dumbledore won't be recruiting during this war." Harry sighed. "It's Professor Dumbledore Severus." Severus looked down guiltily. Harry took a sip from his Coffee. "I can see you as a teacher. Bossing around kids. I mean, in a good way!" Severus looked up. "Really?" Harry nodded. "Follow your heart. If you want to become a teacher, become a fucking teacher." Severus smiled. " I want to be a teacher." Harry grinned. "There's the determined Severus I know. Times may be hard but we still need teachers and you would be a great teacher, even if the kids don't appreciate you."

Severus nodded. "Will you stay at Hogwarts?" Harry shook his head. "Sadly no. I'm thinking of moving to America." Severus looked shocked. "You mean I'll never see you again?" Harry smiled. "You will see me again. It might just not be in a way you expect" Severus looked confused by the words but he calmed down.

"I still think you'd be a better Potions teacher than me." Harry choked on the Coffee he was drinking. "Me? Being Potions Teacher?" he laughed. "Severus, I was crap at Potions. My teacher hated me because I would always mess up my potions or blow up the cauldron!" Severus snickered. "Really? I'm sure your teacher didn't hate you.." Harry internally smiled at the words. No he was sure that Severus didn't hate him.

Lily and James had become the power couple of Hogwarts and were already talking about getting married. Harry couldn't count how many times James had thanked him.

Sirius and Marlene were still going strong. They weren't talking about getting married but they could be found making out in empty classrooms.

It was at Breakfast one morning that Harry started worrying. He had been eating his breakfast when he got owled a letter. He opened it up and read it

Harry Smith,

I know your secret.


Harry's eyes widened and his hand subconsciously went to his scar. He put the note in his pocket and continued about his day as normal, although inside his mind he was freaking out.

He went and called Ginny. Ginny noticed that he looked panicky. "You look ill" Harry showed her the note. Ginny frowned. "That's not good."Harry nodded." I know"

Ginny then sat up, obviously pregnant. "Oh yeah, Severus Snape's portrait came to visit me from Hogwarts today." Harry raised his brow. "He actually entered our painting? He's always stuck at Hogwarts." Ginny smiled. "He wanted me to tell you that you made a big impact on him." Harry blushed.

"That's nice." Ginny snorted. "Nice? Harry, that man Idolises you."

Harry then found himself talking to Remus. The boy was in the Hospital Wing as it had been a full moon. It was lesson time so the others were in lesson, but Harry had no one that lesson.

He entered the Hospital Wing and went to Remus' Bed. Remus looked up and grinned. "Hey Harry." Harry noticed that Remus had a new wound on his face and he looked weak. Harry sat down next to the bed.ย  "How was it?" Remus shuddered. "Not as bad as last time but Moony wanted to play with Padfoot." Harry nodded.

"Are you scared?" Harry asked Remus. Remus frowned. "About what? My lycanthrophy or the war because I fear both of them." Harry laughed. "I meant the war but okay." Remus sighed. "Something is telling me we aren't all going to make it out alive." Harry bit his lip, feeling sorrow.

"When is there a war where no one dies?" Remus nodded. "True. I - just don't want to get involved." Harry looked out of the window.

"and you don't have to Remus, however quoting someone that I loved greatly, 'What's life without a little risk?' " Remus scratched his arm. "That sounds like something Sirius would say." Harry looked amused. "Yeah, it does."

Harry was about to leave when Remus called his name. Harry turned back around to see Remus sitting up. "Moony can sense that you will be leaving soon and I just wanted to say, thank you."

Harry eyed Remus. "It's my pleasure." He then left the room, the words 'you'll be leaving soon' echoing in his mind.

Three more chapters!

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