Soobin - Love Me, Heal Me Prt 1

Hey guys, so I wanted to try something different in this imagine, so here you go. You'll understand what after you finish reading it.

I also changed the book cover cause I felt like it was due for some change.

Well, since that's all let's get on with the imagine!

B/N = Brother Name

Vote + Comment Loads! I want to know you opinions always.

Warning: Imagine is quite long so get comfortable!
Is it sometimes easier knowing when you're going to die? Being given a certain date instead of living in the anxiety of not knowing when or where you'll die? Regretting what you could've done or already done.

You guess the answer changes for different people in various conditions, but walking out of the hospital room, you held your younger brother, B/N's hand tightly, tears about to spill out of your eyes.

"We'll get the medication. Stay and comfort your brother" Your mum said

"It's not easy news what he's been told" your father chimed in, as they both left you.

You seated your brother, who was only 8, on the seats outside the hospital room not letting go of his hands.

"Are you hungry, B/N? Do you want me to get you something from the snack bar?" You asked as you got up to walk, but a hand pulled you back.

"I don't want to be alone. I want to be with you" He said, as you sat beside him.

He kept his head down, swinging his legs. You lifted his head, as you kissed his forehead.

"It's going to be allright. We'll get through this together as a family" You said, as he smiled slightly.

Your parents had finished getting the medication, as you offered to give a piggy back ride to your brother as he smiled immediately.

Timeskip: Next day at school
You were at your desk, twirling your pen around your fingers when the teacher came in with a new student.

He introduced himself , as Choi Soobin, who liked studying and reading.

The teacher asked him to sit on an empty seat, as he chose the furthest back seat in the classroom.

You turned around to see him, as he noticed and smiled. You waved back awkwardly returning back to your original position.

TimeSkip: 4 days later
You were noticing Soobin more over the days. In Gym class, he had sat out not participating.

You had forgotten to bring your uniform for that class that day so you sat out with him, curious about the new student.

It was mid year, so you wondered why he would transfer to another school at this time.

As you noticed him in other classes, you noted that he avoided any physical activities. He was incredibly smart though. You found that even curious, and one day you decided to ask him.

You were usually sitting alone at your lunch table, without friends so you mustered up all the courage in you to go sit opposite to Soobin who was alone as well on his table.

He seemed surprised when you'd sat down, staring at you for a while.

"So whats up with you?" You asked bluntly

"What do you mean?" He replied, shyly

"I mean, you don't participate in anything physical so why?" You asked

"I don't want to say" Soobin said, returning to eat his lunch.

"Okay, then. We'll just eat in silence" You replied, finishing your lunch. Once the end of lunch bell rang, Soobin got up ready to walk to his next class but you held his hand back.

"Let's get out of here" you said, dragging him to an empty class

"Wait, what are you doing? I can't not go to class" Soobin protested

"Who cares about class, Soobin? You never know when you're going to die, so why not make the most of life now" You said, as Soobin looked instantly into your eyes like you'd figured something out.

He followed you without a complain, as you lead him into the classroom. You opened the window, as you suddenly jumped out to Soobins shock.

The window was only in the first floor so it wasn't a big jump, but this classroom window lead to the back of the school gates, were there used to be a farm.

You had discovered a secret hole in the corner of the wire fence which lead from the school to outside.

Soobin slowly, jumped down after you, landing. You walked with him, through the hole and out to the bus stops down the school road.

"Where are we going?" Soobin asked as you smiled, getting onto the bus scanning your bus pass twice for Soobin as well.

The bus ride wasn't long, as you arrived at a place, where the salty breeze smell filled your nose and the sight of blue, calmed you.

"Tada! Its the beach!" You said as you smiled to Soobin bringing him down, to the sand. You both walked along the shore, only your feet getting wet with the waves.

You dipped your fingers in the water, as you felt the chill of the ocean. You smiled as you suddenly splashed Soobin with the water.

"I'm getting you back" He laughed, as he started spraying water on you.

It wasn't long before you were both soaked. You walked along the beach and played with the water and sand for a while before deciding to return home.

You got on the bus again with Soobin as you both sat next to each other. You were both really comfortable with each other as you talked.

You looked forward to see a man, maybe in his mid 20's staring at your shirt. You wondered why as you stared down to see your uniform shirt had become nearly see through.

The mans gaze didn't stop and Soobin noticed your worriedness. He easily figured out what was happening as he glared at the guy, before taking off his school jacket to wrap around you.

He zipped it up fully, as he pulled you closer to him, as if to say "eyes off. She's mine!"

"Thanks" you mouthed as he simply nodded.

Weeks, went by like this as you spent more time with Soobin. After school trips, and ditching class became often for the both of you.

So it wasn't a surprise that in the amount of time you'd both spent together, you'd both developed a crush for each other!

Today, you'd decided to go to the beach again, the first spot you'd taken Soobin. You wanted to confess your feelings to him as you walked along the shore.

As you were about to start, you heard someone call Soobins name from behind. You both turned around as Soobins face turned into worry.

It was a few students around your age, who didn't go to your school.

"Hey, Soobin! What are you doing here huh?" One of the boys said

"I thought you were too sick to do anything. And here you are on a date with a girl" the other boy commented.

"She's not that bad looking as well" the first boy spoke again

"Why don't you send her with us? I'm sure a sick person doesn't need a girlfriend that looks this good" The third boy remarked.

"Watch your mouth" Soobin threatened, as he approached the students.

"Oh yeah, and what are you going to do about it?" One of the boys said, before punching Soobin.

"Soobin!" You yelled, as you walked up to the boys. You took out the bottle of pepper spray in your bag that you kept for your safety, spraying it onto their eyes as you held Soobins hand.

You both tried to hide away from them as you knew you couldn't run since Soobin couldn't do anything physical.

You hid behind one of the sailing boats, in the rowing club as you both waited until the students left.

You turned to Soobin instantly after,
"Soobin, who are they?" You asked

"They're the reason I transferred schools mid year" Soobin replied

"Did they bully you or something? But what for?" You asked

"I didn't want to tell you Y/N, but I'm sick. Severely. I have cardiomyopathy. It's a condition where it's harder for the heart to deliver blood to the body. It can eventually lead to heart failure. It's a irreversible condition" Soobin confessed, continuing.

"Those bullies found out at my old school and they forced me to do physical activities. When the teachers found out they got in massive trouble and everyone at the school looked down on them for bullying someone like me. They felt humiliated that no one respected them so even after I moved schools, I avoid them so that they don't hurt me anymore"

"Soobin, why didn't you tell me this all before? You know I would've understood" you said

"Would you have though? It's not easy to confess that I could die at anytime my heart rate goes up too high or If i do something too physical. Why would you want to be with someone like that?" Soobin replied

"Soobin having this condition doesn't mean you have to feel ashamed of it. You have to learn to live your life to the fullest still as I told you when I first met you. Do the things you can do and enjoy the moments that you can while you're still alive. Why are you taking about the fact you could die anytime, when you could be enjoying the moment you live in now?" You said

"But what is in this moment for me to enjoy
Y/N?" Soobin questioned looking into your eyes.

"Right now, I'm with you Soobin. I don't know if thats enough for you to be enjoying this moment but I want you to know that I like you. I've liked you over these weeks we spent together. I want you to be my boyfriend" you confessed

"You don't deserve a sick person like me Y/N. You deserve more. I like you so much, that I can't make you suffer being in a relationship with me" Soobin replied, tears rolling down his cheek

"I don't care if I deserve more, Soobin. I'm happy with you and that's all that matters. You won't ever make me suffer. I want to be in a relationship with you" you said

"Are you sure? You won't be disappointed that we can't be like other couples?" Soobin asked, as you smiled.

"Our relationship will be special and different. I can promise you that I won't be disappointed" you said.

"Well then, from now onwards, we're boyfriend and girlfriend" Soobin said as he hugged you tightly.

You hugged him back as he whispered in your ear, "I wish this moment would freeze in time"

A tear streamed out of your own eyes as you thought in your mind,
"How can I tell him now? How can I tell him I'm supposed to be dead in a months time....."
The End!
Should I make a part 2 for this guys?
Maybe I should be evil and just leave it here?

Nah, I'm not that evil guys! I promise a part 2 will be coming out soon!

I hope you enjoyed reading, and thanks for all the continuous support!

I love you guys!❀️
