Hueningkai/Yeonjun - Always 2nd Choice prt 2

Hi my wonderful readers! I'm so sorry but I took an unannounced hiatus cause I was really sick for the past few weeks. I still feel a bit under the weather now but I'm slowly recovering.

Also, guys I was reading some of my first ever imagines that I wrote and I was cringing so hard. I think my writing has improved a lot since then but yeah I was wondering if you guys were cringing as well while reading?

Anyway enough talk and onto the Imagine!
P.S this is a really long imagine so be comfortable

You tilted your head up to see a familiar pair of eyes looking back.

"Don't look behind you. Just look at me allright?" You heard him say as you nodded.

He smiled as he replied,
"That's my doll!"

"Yeonjun, just take me away from here" you asked him, as he agreed

You kept your back to the scene behind you as you left with Yeonjun.

He took you to the nearest cafΓ© as he suggested you find a seat while he bought you the drinks.

"Here's your Matcha Iced Latte" Yeonjun said arriving back at the table.

(A/N This is my favourite go to cafe drink so I thought I'd incorporate it into this story)

He had his own iced coffee in hand, as he slowly drank from it.

"Hey, are you allright? I'm sorry for what you had to see" Yeonjun said

"What makes it hurt more is that she's not even serious about him. She told me that directly to my face. She's just toying with him to piss me off" You replied

"Then tell Kai that! I mean you've been friends for so long, he's sure to listen to you" Yeonjun suggested

"You don't get it Yeonjun. Kai's been in love with her for around the same amount of time he's been friends with me. I know how much he likes her. I just can't tell him that Lilli's only even batting her eyes in his direction to anger me" You responded back.

Yeonjun sighed as he continued drinking.

"Why don't you move on, Y/N? I'm sure there are other guys out there who would be happy to date you. Me for example?" Yeonjun replied

"Yeonjun, this isn't a time to be joking around" You retaliated

"I'm being perfectly serious. I know this is bad timing and everything, but I promise you that I won't ever put your feelings into confusion like Kai did. I've liked you since orientation day, so please just give me a chance?" Yeonjun said

You thought about it for a while. Maybe this was what you needed to move on from Hueningkai. He clearly wasn't interested in you so why should you be moping around about him

"Ok" You said

"One chance, Y/N. Just-....Wait you just said Okay! Omg, you just said Ok" Yeonjun said his face turning into one of surprise and joy

"OMG, she just said okay guys" He said yelling into the cafΓ© as the other customers stared at the two of you.

"Yeonjun, be quiet! We're in a cafΓ©" You said, trying to get him to quiet down.

"Ahh, you don't know how long I've been waiting for this. You're not going to regret it at all, Y/N" Yeonjun said smiling.

You smiled back at his enthusiasm.

Timeskip: The Next School Day
Yeonjun had decided to pick you up in the morning as you both went to school. He accompanied you into your classroom before leaving you to go to his own.

When break arrived, you went to your usual room near the back of the library, waiting for Yeonjun to arrive.

You decided to start your work, before you heard the room door open.

"Hey Yeo-" You started before you found out it wasn't Yeonjun. It was Hueningkai.

"Hey Y/N" He said as you tried to smile back

"I know we haven't been too close recently but I wanted to tell you that Lilli and I are officially dating now" Kai said.

"Oh, umm that's great" You replied trying to sound happy for him.

"Is everything allright, Y/N? You just act so different around me these days" Kai asked as you were about to reply before the door opened again.

"Hey doll, I bought you your favourite chocolate drink from the convenience store. This thing has soo much suga-" Yeonjun said before noticing Kai in the room.

"Oh hey, you're here as well" Yeonjun said disinterestedly as he shifted his eyes back onto you.

"Here you go, doll" Yeonjun said as he bent down to place the drink infront of you, about to get up but not before kissing your cheeks slightly.

"Yeonjun" You whisper yelled as he smirked

Hueningkai stood infront of the both of you in shock.

"You didn't tell me you were dating him?" Hueningkai said

"It only happened recently. Its all new. Just like your thing with Lilli" You replied

"oh, I see. I'll leave now then. Don't want to disturb you two" Kai said glaring at Yeonjun before exiting the room.

Neither you or Yeonjun wanted to comment on what had just happened, so you changed the subject to homework.

Timeskip: A few days later, on a Saturday Night
Lilli had gotten ready to go out to a party, wearing the shortest dress you had ever seen with heavy makeup on.

You didn't think twice about it as this was pretty normal for her to be going out to parties, regardless of whether it was a school night.

The only unnormal thing was when you received a call from Hueningkai at 11am, asking you to meet him at the local park

You were on your phone anyway, so when you got the call you wore a coat over your pajama's and rushed over to the park.

Kai seemed extremely upset and crying over the phone so you were worried about what had happened.

You arrived at the park to see him, slouching against a tree, crying.

"Hey, what's up? What happened?" You asked

"I went to this party with Lilli cause she asked me to and.." Kai started before his emotions got the hold over him

"Tell me what happened okay? Its allright, I'm your friend aren't I? So tell me" You asked

"I saw her with another guy. Both Half Naked. I confronted her about it and she said It was cause she wanted to piss you off? Apparently you've had a crush on me for so long and she was only interested in me to toy with you" Kai replied

"I'm so sorry, Kai. I had my doubts she would try to do something like this but I didn't think she would do it to you. I mean you've grown up with her as well" You said

"I know that's why it hurts so much" Kai replied

"It's going to be hard, but you can get through it. There are so many more deserving people out there Kai, who would be so lucky to date someone like you" You commented

Kai looked into your eyes, as he smiled. He leaned in as his lips suddenly touched yours.

You were shocked by his actions, not knowing what to do. You instinctively pushed him off, as his back hit the tree.

You heard a sound behind you, as you looked around to see Yeonjun. He glanced at you once before turning in the opposite direction walking away in anger.

"Yeonjun, wait!" You yelled as Yeonjun continued walking away. You tried to follow him, as Kai held your wrist turning you around to face him.

"Where are you going? You've liked me for so long haven't you? Isn't this what you want?" Kai asked

"Kai, It was true I liked you and I found it really tough to move on. But all those years I spent on a one sided love and you were only interested in Lilli. Yeonjun really did support me through some of those years and ever since we started dating recently, I'm sorry to say that he's been there for me more than you have. You paid little attention to me when you fell in love with Lilli, even though we had been friends first" You replied continuing

"Look, I'm beyond being jealous right now. There's no point in that. But all I want to say is that I'm finally sick of being the 2nd choice in your life. I thought it was fine to be considered like that but not in a relationship" You said ending off your words

"But Yeonjun...Aren't you dating him to forget about me?" Kai asked

"Maybe at the start I was, but it's more than that now Kai. I want to try to move on with him" You explained as Kai nodded

He let go of your hand as you smiled, "I'll call you later okay?" You said, as Kai smiled nodding again.

You ran in the direction that Yeonjun had stormed off to, trying to find him. You ran and ran, but to no point. He was gone.

You found an empty seat infront of a convenience store as you sat there. It suddenly started raining heavily, as you got your phone out of your pocket to call Yeonjun.

He wasn't picking up though, as tears streamed out of your eyes. You placed your head on your knees, trying to control your tears but you couldn't.

Out of nowhere, you couldn't feel the rain falling on you anymore as you opened your eyes to see Yeonjun holding an umbrella over you.

"Hey, don't cry doll. It's allright" Yeonjun said, comforting you

"Yeonjun, you're here. I looked for you" You said getting up to hug him. He stepped back however, not letting you come any closer.

"I saw you kiss Kai, Y/N. Were you planning on breaking up with me the moment Kai confessed to you? Was I just a little pawn you could use and throw away once you were done? You know Y/N, I've always felt like I was your 2nd Choice" Yeonjun said accusingly

"Yeonjun, just listen to me please! I pushed Kai off the second after I felt something was wrong. If I still liked him, I should've felt happy but I didn't. It's cause I like you so much" You replied all in one breath as you breathed heavily after

"You like me?" Yeonjun asked curiously as you nodded

"I didn't realise how much I've taken you for granted. You've supported me so much these past three years and I'm so lucky to be in a relationship with someone as amazing as you. So yes Yeonjun, I like you a lot and you are my first choice, I just had a hard time realising it" You confessed as a smile was brought into Yeonjuns face.

"I like you too, Y/N! With all my heart" He said leaning in to slightly kiss you on the lips.

He pulled away shortly before he spoke,
"I wanted to come by to your house since it's our one week anniversary. I know it's pretty childish to celebrate a week anniversary but yeah. Umm, do you want to head to a 24 hour cafe?" Yeonjun suggested as you smiled nodding.

He grabbed your hand, intertwining it as you both stayed close under the umbrella.

You looked at him as you remembered this quote that someone had told you.

If you ever fall in love with two people, always choose the second person. Cause, if you truly loved the first guy, you wouldn't have fallen in love with the second.

Maybe Yeonjun being your 2nd Choice wasn't such a bad thing. Maybe it was just so you could realise that, you did truly love Yeonjun. More than you did, Hueningkai...

The End! Wow that was a long one, huh? I hope you did enjoy reading guys and until next time...

Your Author Nim
