Beomgyu- Past Lovers prt 1

Hey readers, so this is your author-nim! I'm currently on a two week break from all assignments and work, so I'll have quite a lot of time to update my books. I might even pre write chapters so it can take some pressure off for me.Β 

I also had a goal to do like an hour of math every day, cause your author-nim isn't that great at maths guys, but yeah thatΒ  plan failed on the first day. I'm planning to start that today hopefully, but we'll see!

Anyways, enough about my life! Let's move on to the story!



"I'm sorry Beomgyu, but this can't continue" You said, unable to even look at Beomgyu's face.

"It's just that we're both going into our higher years of highschool and we need to focus on studying. My parents have put so much pressure on me to do well and get high marks" You explained.

"So..w...what are you saying, then?" Beomgyu asked,Β a tear streaming from his eyes.

"I think we should break up. I don't want any distractions from my studying and I want you to do well too. You've just got into one of the biggest entertainment companies. You should work hard on training and debuting" You said.

"Y/N, did you really just say our love is aΒ distraction? So all those times, I spent time with you when you were upset about something and I showed you how much love I had for you. Was that all distractions for you? So was I really distracting you from other things then, when all I wanted was to be with you?" Beomgyu said (A.N I really don't know if this makes sense, but just read on guys!)

"Well, when you say it like that, of course it sounds bad but Beomgyu, I'm doing this for the both of us" You said.

"Really? How are you doing it for the both of us, when I wholeheartedly disagree in your decision or do you really want to end our relationship that bad" Beomgyu asked.

You didn't know what to say, so you ended up agreeing.

"Well, I guess that answers it. In a relationship, you're both supposed to love each other equally but I can see now that I've loved you more than you loved me. Whats the point, in continuing this relationship now" Beomgyu said, as he wiped his eyes.

"I won't bother you or distract you again. I'll do as you wish, but I want you to remember that I still love you and just because we're breaking up, doesn't mean I'll forget my love for you" Beomgyu said, as he walked away.

You turned around too, walking away.

You still loved Beomgyu, but you were forced to break up with him, due to your parents immense pressure.

As you walked away, you thoughts wandered to,Β 

"Please don't let me leave!"

"Just run to me, and hug me again".

You turned your head back, to see if Beomgyu was looking but he was walking away, making you slowly lose hope he'd turn around.

Not realising, Beomgyu had already turned around to see if you were looking and you'd been late to catch that moment.

Beomgyu POV:

"Please, Y/N, hold me back" I thought, as many thoughts went around in my mind,

"Hold my hand!"

"Stop me from leaving!"Β 

I turned around to see her walking away, one last time. I prayed she would turn around but she didn't, so I continued walking ahead.

Not realising, she had turned to look at me after I'd turned away from her.

Timeskip: 3 years ahead, 1st year of University/College

It had been 3 years, since your breakup with Beomgyu and you'd dated some guys after that, but they were all short relationships.Β 

You were in your first year of uni/college, and everything was mostly perfect, except for the recurring memories of your relationship with Beomgyu which would appear whenever you saw another couple or watched anything romantic.

You'd deleted his contact, wanting to move on but you knew that you still liked him in your heart. You and Beomgyu had dated for nearly 5 years before breaking up.

But moving on from that, tonight, you were having a movie marathon with one of your friends, Im Chae-rin.

The takeaway delivery for the night had just arrived and you payed the delivery guy, when Chae -rin, turned on the TV.

"OMG, It's Tomorrow by Together!" she yelled, your ears nearly bleeding at her sudden scream.

"What happened? Is there an earthquake? An intruder?" You asked, scared.

"No, its not anything like that. It's one of the biggest Kpop groups and they're having their comeback show today!" Chae-rin explained, excited.

"We have to watch this!" She said, pulling you down to sit with her.

"They're introducing the member's now" Chae-rin said, as you got some cutlery for the takeaway.

The TV said each of their full names out loud, "Choi Soobin, Choi Yeonjun, Choi Beomgyu-"

The cutlery fell from your hands as you heard the name.

"Y/N, are you allright?" Chae-rin asked

"Yeah, I'm allright. But Choi Beomgyu, that can't be? It even looks like him though!" You said

"What are you talking about, Y/N?" Chae-rin said, as you started to explain to her, the relationship between you and Beomgyu, how it'd ended and how Beomgyu had said, he'd still loved you.

"Woah, really? And this Beomgyu, who's apart of TXT is that Beomgyu you had a relationship with?" Chae-rin asked, as you simply nodded.

"But, how did you not know he'd debuted already? It's been a year since their debut!"Β  Chae-rin said.

"Well, I have more important things than keeping up with a Kpop group, Chae-rin and I guess I just didn't notice" You replied

"Woah, that's insane. Does he still like you now?" Chae-rin said, and you hesitated for a moment before saying

"I don't know, but I still like him"

Timeskip: Tomorrow Morning

You woke up the next morning, tired.

You'd stayed up late with Chae-rin, after TXT's comeback show to stalk Beomgyu's online presence.

Chae-rin had left already, you weren't sure when, but she had classes today which might be a reason why. Today, was the one day, you didn't have classes so you slept in.

You checked your phone for the time, but saw messages from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey Y/N

Unknown: You probably deleted my number after our breakup

Unknown: I didn't expect you would be using the same number though

Unknown: I just wanted to say that I still love you. I know you're probably wondering, why wait this long to say it but I guess I was just afraid you wouldn't want to be with me again.Β 

Unknown: I hope everythings going well in your life now,Β  but I want you to know that i never stopped loving you.

You scanned through the texts wondering "WTF?"

"Is this from one of my ex boyfriends? I thought I deleted all their contacts though?"Β  you thought

"Which one of them is this?"Β Β 

You decided to block the number, not needing one of your ex boyfriends to come creeping back into your life.

You woke up, and went outside to check for any mail in the postbox.Β 

You didn't find mail, but a box of chocolates, with a note.

Hey, Y/N. You're still so beautiful, that whenever I see you I light up like a thousand light bulbs. Be mine forever, won't you?

- B

Recently you'd been getting a lot of gifts and flowers, not knowing who from. They were all signed off with a B, so you didn't know who it was but you wondered if it was anyone from your class. There were a lot of boys, who's names started with B?

You didn't know who it was from, but you knew the person was a romantic and that they knew you well. They'd been leaving little notes, the hazelnut chocolates you absolutely loved and cute plush toy's in places such as your mailbox, class locker and sometimes on the top of your car hood.

"Whoever this person is, they're so sweet. They remind me of the things, Beomgyu used to do for me!" you said, just realising you'd mentioned Beomgyu.

"Why did I have to mention, him" You thought as you went back inside your house.

Timeskip: That Night

You were preparing dinner for yourself, when you heard furious knocking.

"I'm coming, please wait! Don't knock my door down" You said, rushing over to the door.

You found your friend, Chae-rin on the other side holding two tickets.

She was out of breath, as she walked into your house and sat down on the couch.

After a minute, she said,

"Y/N, you won't believe what I went through for you!"Β 

"What did you do?" You asked, curious.

"So since TXT had their comeback recently, there having their fansign so I stayed up from 4am today, to get tickets for us both" She said.

"So you ditched lessons just to get fansign tickets?" You asked

"Yep! It's tomorrow okay, and you're coming with me to see Beomgyu" Chae-rin said fiercely.

"OMG, Beomgyu will be there! Nope, No way am I going!" you said, protesting, but Chae-rin was persistent

"I stayed up until 4AM for this! You're coming with me and that's final. I will drag you there myself if I have to" She said, as you hesitantly agreed.

"Oh, and I'm sleeping here tonight so I can wake you tomorrow" Chae-rin said, as you replied saying, "Sure".

As you both finished dinner, you went to sleep on the bed as Chae-rin wanted to sleep on the air mattress on the ground.

You stared at the ceiling thinking, "This would be the first time I'm seeing Beomgyu after our breakup in 3 years. So much has changed, so does that mean his words would've as well? What he said that day about continuing to love me, Would that have changed now? I don't know but all I can hope is that you remember me!"


Hey guy's so part 2 of this, will be out soon! I'm not super pleased with the title of the imagine, so it might change. Also, for the fansign event, pretend that COVID-19 doesn't exist in this imagine, so that the fansign is face to face. I wish COVID didn't exist at all but, for now, I doesn't exist in my writings.Β 

Also, I wanted to remind you guy's that I do take requests, If you've forgotten that! Just message me your request and I'll be in contact with you!

Other than that, this has been your author-nim!

Have an amazing day or night!
