
Sunghoon pov
Why would he even ask me for help when he's just going to do it himself? Well i did my work just to see jay writing Jungwon's name all over his notebook.
"What are you doing-"
"shhhh I don't know either he just pop out of no where in my head"
Not me thinking Jay missed him when school isn't half way done. It's possible too. He has been close with him for a couple of days now. He miss a whole day yesterday. I had to ask Ni-Ki what happen.
" Jungwon had a fever. And since Jays mother isn't home. He decided to skip school" that's all i could remember.The principal didn't even ask him for a letter why he skipped school yesterday. Lucky him. If it was me, he still have to ask knowing my mother is sick.
Jay pov
And recess starts after 2 hours. I slept throughout the whole lesson. I went to our secret hangout with Sunghoon. Then we coincidentally met Ni-Ki. " where's jungwon? he's always with you"
"he went to the nurses office. Since yesterday he was absent cause of fever. The teacher had to check his temperature. It was 38.1Β°"
He's still having fever? No wonder he was tired in the morning. As we were half way reaching our secret hangout an announcement was going on.
"Jay from class T5 please pack your stuff and take Jungwon home. I repeat Jay from class T5 please pack your stuff and take Jungwon home thank you~"
I ran back to class because i had to and ran to the nurses office. I carried Jungwon bag and realise that we have to take the train home. Luckily Heeseung hyung gave me money. I called a taxi instead.
"Jay hyung..."
"I can go back myself. I don't want you to worry too much about me"
"It's okay I don't really want to go to school.And in fact nobody's home Heeseung hyung is at work. His two roommates is still in school"
hearing what he said made me fell bad. He fell asleep in the taxi and I have to carry his bag and him also. In my bag was just a notebook and my pencil case so i can where his bag over mine. The door had a pin. I put heeseung hyung name and it open. I place Jungwon on his bed and made some noodles for him and myself.
Jungwon pov
I was peacefully sleeping when Jay hyung called me.
He cooked me ramen, curry flavoured.
"You better eat it or else.."
"Or else what?"
"Meh I don't know. Just eat it"
It was delicious. Jay hyung is good at cooking. "But since when did he ever cared to cook for me? Why did you suddenly cook for me you usually told me to do it myself" I ask him the question. "I notice every detail about you and you're younger than me"
I didn't expect that kind of answer. In the room i was just drawing and jay hyung was playing his game as usual. I ran out of ideas on what to draw. The game Jay hyung was playing seems fun. I just watch him play his game when he notice me watching him.
"You can try it wonnie!"
I sat at his place and try the game. It was so fun to play it instead of watching.
"How are you better than me?!"
"cause you suck and i don't . hahah"
"ya! come here right now!"
"Try catch me then"
Third pov
Jay was chasing Jungwon around the house. They were laughing together.
"Gotcha haha"
Jay finally caught him. He decided to watch a movie instead. "You okay with scary movies?"
"w-what? o-oh y-yeah.. yeah I am"
The movie was pretty okay at first until the scary part comes up. Jay was just having fun watching it while Jungwon on the other hand, was covering himself with the blanket, moving closer to Jay.
"I thought you weren't scared?"
Jay went to hug Jungwon just to comfort him but as soon as the movie is over Jungwon was asleep.
"SHUT UP HE'S ASLEEP" Jay shouted back when Heeseung and his roommate reach home.
"Oh sorry, Jay you eat first i'll put jungwon on his bed."
"No. No need to I'll do it myself"
When he place Jungwon on his bed, he lay down next to him in case he's still not comfortable.
Jay pov
I woke up early so I went down.
"Oh Jay hyung. Hello!" Sunoo was up and energetic already.
"In the morning really? I just woke up,"
Sunoo gave me breakfast to shut me up. Well at least his cooking does not suck.
"Jay hyung?"
"I'm here wonnie"
I guess Jungwon is awake now. Obviously he's still tired so he place his head on my shoulder while eating breakfast. This time Heeseung hyung is off from work so he can pick us up after school.
"Let's go hurry"
It's still early why is he rushing for?
In the car I was just listening to music while Jungwon was daydreaming.
School started late today. "You did the homework?"
Sunghoon just ruin my day.
"You think?"
As soon as the day started announcement was made.
"Jay from class T5 and please pack your stuff and go to the office"
"ooh jay~"
"Oh shut up Eunha. You're not going to get a boyfriend anyways.HAH" She's so annoying like what.
When i step in the office, Jungwon was there too.
"Jay... Jungwon and Ni-Ki is causing trouble with a group of boys.Please i'll allow them to go home to stop the trouble,"
"Yah! Sorry.. Okay I'll let my mother know and also Ni-Ki.."
Jungwon and Ni-Ki pov
"Please don't tell mom!"
We don't want to get scolded. We kept begging Jay but he had his headphones on.
"You think I will? Wow you guys do really thought,"
"YAH! Don't ever do that again"
"woah woah hey there Jungwon I'm older than you"
We were walking home and we bumped into a group of girls. And they were staring at Jay obviously.
"Oh hey there~ what's your name Handsome"
"Jay. Can't you see my name tag? No? Oh okay. Sorry to let you know I'm not your boyfriend. Bye. Sorry for your loss of eyesight!"
"Yah come here!"the girl was so frustrated. Hahah
