No fights

Third pov
Jays mother sent the both of them to heeseung'sΒ  house. As soon as they arrive, both Jungwon and jay fell asleep. DEEP SLEEP. She have to wake them up, like shake them till they wake up. She almost gave up but Heeseung came and tried to carry them one by one. Both slept on the couch while heeseung prepared their room. He didn't have enough room so both of them have to share. Oh boy will there be a problem with that, maybe. Heeseung live with his two other friends, Jake and Sunoo. They were buying some groceries. As they walk in the house, they were making so much noise causing Jungwon and Jay to wake up.
"OH MY- Oh it's Just Heeseung sibling and who's the other one?"
"Probably his mother friends son. Anyways sorry to wake you guys up"
Jay pov
I was peacefully sleeping when his two roommates made so much noise. Of course I was annoyed but one of them is younger than me by a couple of months. And the other one is 1 year younger. How?! I mean know he's their favourite junior.. ah Favourite junior.
"oh my god I want some peace"
I went to the empty room where Heeseung hyung is inside.
"Oh Jay you'll be sharing room with"
"yeah yeah I just want sleep. Right tomorrow you're sending both of us to school thanks mom said that hah!"
Jungwon pov
I was awakened by Heeseung hyung roommates. And both of them got to be older than me. What a great time to get treated like Jay hyung. I just walked to the empty room noticing that jay was inside too. I just went to the bed next to Jay hyung and continue to sleep.
"i'm at heeseung hyungs house. I can't play now. He'll scold me and it's night time. I JUST SAID NO!"
I woke up to Jay hyung voice. He was probably on a call with his friends. I just watch him hoping he'll notice that i'm trying to sleep.
"No even i can play, My mothers friend son is sleeping. BYE. Why must mom sent us here?! I can literally take care of myself . Oh my- Ah you scared me!"
The way I just scared him by just sitting and doing nothing..
Jay pov
I was so annoyed at my friend that i didn't realise i woke Jungwon up and scared myself. He is always deep asleep. Even if there is loud gun shot, he still can sleep. "I can not sleep comfortably here hyung"
My mouth just really open. I turn on the light just to see him wrap up in a thick blanket making him look small.
"Can't sleep? Just close your eyes"
"hyung~ i won't be able to sleep still~"
First was hugging me now whining at me? Oh please stop.I had no choice but to sleep with him. Well... he turn around facing me and just move closer to me. I tried to move away a little but he hugged me- Now what? He's already comfortable. I have to hug him back i guess. Right about the lights, it's automatic. It'll just off after 1-2 minutes.
Heeseung pov
"Ya wake up"
I went to wake them up just to find them sleeping on the same bed. I tried to wake Jay up first but both of them woke up together.
"He couldn't sleep comfortably last night geez.."
Obviously Jay has to be annoyed to almost everything. Jungwon just kept hugging Jay not letting him go. Jay didn't even get annoyed at that?
Both of them went to the kitchen and by surprise Jake and Sunoo was there.
"Uh...Sunoo let's go somewhere else"
"yeah we should hyung. Heeseung hyung uh.. both of them are being weird"
I swear if they complain about something small, i'll kick them out.
I have to send them? I really wish i could just sleep in. I open the door and boom somebody was in front.
"AH you scared me!Who are you??"
"I'm Jungwon friend. Jay hyung mother told me that both of them are here so yeah.."
He told me he was Ni-Ki? And his full name is Nishimura Riki?! I let him in as I on the car.
Third pov
Ni-Ki went in and surprise Jungwon.
"AH YAH NI-KI!" He scared Jay instead.
"Oh sorry sorry. Yah why are you not surpise..."
"Ssshhh. He was still sleepy and he fell asleep while eating breakfast"
Jungwon literally slept while hugging Jay. I guess you could say Jay is warm.
"Guys hurry!"
Jay didn't know what to do with Jungwon but to carry him and told Ni-Ki to carry both their bags. Jays bag is pretty light so it's not that heavy.Ni-Ki had to sit in front cause of Jungwon. Jay tried to wake Jungwon up but he didn't wake up.
"Wonnie~ wake up. we're almost there" Jay whispered in his ears.
Jungwon finally woke up. They got out of the car went in school but..
"Take the train home i'll text you once you finish school. I have to go to work now bye!"
Jay pov
I walked in with the two of them. Jungwon was a little sleepy but me and Ni-Ki talked a lot before the bell rang. I got to know more about Ni-Ki. I'm surprised that he showed me a video of him dancing.He was pretty smooth with the move. In class my home room teacher obviously had to collect homework and guess what i didn't do mine.
"Jay I want to change your place. It's useless for you to sit alone. Let see a-ha. Min Hyuk sit here Jay sit next to Sunghoon" well at least I got to sit with Sunghoon. But the thing is, he always talk about how much he miss ice skating ever since his mother got sick. The first period start but the teacher in charge wasn't around so we have to do what they say. ANNOYING. It was Math period- I don't like maths. Then i remembered Sunghoon can help me.
" have to divide the total number of carrots by two since half of it was rotten then-"
" enough! I'll just do it"
Hearing Sunghoon explain the working is worst.
