Necklace 2

Jay pov
At home Heeseung hyung cooked some food. It was disgusting- I mean delicious.
"I-its delicious definitely.." Jungwon tried not to actually tell the truth. I saw that he was looking at the necklace.
"Nice necklace. Now tell me you guys just want Ramen?"
"YES RAMEN IS BETTER THAN YOUR COOKING" I feel like he knew we were lying about his cooking haha.
After eating ramen for the fifth time this week. We decided to take a walk well without heeseung hyung.
The sky was pretty.
"Hyung look!"
The butterflies attracted Jungwon. It felt like he was seeing it for the first time.
"Jay please pack your stuff today along with Jungwon. You guys are moving back to our house"
Finally back to our original house thats not far from school.
Jungwon pov
The butterfly was so pretty. I wanted to catch it but it kept flying away. I chased after it without Jay hyung knowing.
"A-ha got it. Huh?"
It flew out of my hand before i closed it. I decided to go back to where I was before. But before i knew..
Jay pov
I thought something fell but when i turn around Jungwon gone. I ran to find. I saw people crowding around. There was also ambulance. I went to see what happen but all I saw is just Jungwon covered in blood.
"sorry kid only family members are allowed to follow us"
"Im his brother! Move!"
"kid hey kid! just follow us"
Seeing him covered in blood is a different thing. My phone rang again.
"Did anything happen? You know you're supposed to pack your things"It was Heeseung hyung. I dont know if i should tell him.
"Hyung..J-jungwon got hit by a car.. we are on the way to the hospital right now.."
"what?! Im coming I'll tell mom! bye"
I told him just so that they know earlier..
I waited outside.
"You're his brother right?"
"Okay he's fine for now but the hit was pretty hard. It might take a while for him to wake up. Or maybe he wont make it"
"Oh okay.."
Jungwon.. I hope he wakes up soon.
"Oh and here we found this"
It was his necklace. Covered in blood. His own blood. I should've payed attention to him. This wouldn't happen if I payed attention.
Third pov
Heeseung finally arrived.
"Hyung! Its my fault! Its all my fault. It wouldn't happen if we didn't go out!"
Jay hugged heeseung crying out everything he had to say.
"And for that Jungwon will take a while to wake up or maybe he wont make it!"
"Jay.. pray for him. You still have your future. Dont let this ruin it"
Their mother finally came.
"Dad?!" Both of them were shocked that theirndad showed up.
"You guys grew. Haha. Oh jay you still kept your promise about going to school"
Their Dad have always been busy with work that he did not have time to go back home.
"where have you been?! We waited for you for too long already?" They were glad to see him again.
"Hows Jungwon doing Jay?"
"Oh.. Him. He will take a while to wake up or maybe he wont make it. The hit was pretty hard."
"No! not my Jungwon!"
"Please calm down pray for him. Pray for your son recovery," Jays mother calmed Jungwons mother down.
"Uh sorry guys I have to go back to work"
"But you might not come back!"
Jay pov
We went back to pack our stuff. I still held on to his necklace. I put it in my secret box. Luckily school holiday came. One week is enough ti forget about him.
Yo dude. wanna go ice skating?

Im sorry bro Im busy this whole week..

its holiday time. how are you busy?

dude just go with Ni-ki. bye

Sunghoon texted me and I had to reject it.
It was morning. Im waiting for the usual good morning but forgot that Jungwon is in the hospital.
"Jay? You want to see him?"
"if he has woken up.."
"Oh okay i guess you aren't following"
wanna go to the arcade?

not now gyu..

Beomgyu texted me next. Im just going to ignore everyone messages. But i got a call from mom.
"Jay please come to the hospital now.."
I heard her voice and she was crying. I know something happen. I went out with just jungwon hoodie I mean. I only have dark colours.
Third pov
As soon as Jay arrive. He heard something he did not expect.

thank you for reading.
