The Disaster


Nezuko's POV:

I honest think it's funny to pull a prank on him while he's gone for today.
"How about we destroy Tanjiro's place since he is a asshole for cheating on me?" Kanao said.
"Wouldn't that be too far though." I told Kanao.
"Come on, he need his revenge Nezuko." Kanao said. When we arrived at my brother's door, I tried to open it but it was locked. Strange, my brother never leaves his door locked so I knocked on the door. I heard footsteps and the door being unlocked. I felt myself shocked to see who it was. It was Inosuke.
"Whatt..?" questioned Inosuke. I turned to Kanao who looked frustrated.
"WELL IF IT ISNT MY EX'S BOYFRIEND, INOSUKE!" shouted Kanao, I can feel myself getting ghost bumps from seeing Kanao this mad. I heard footsteps and it stopped and the door was opened widely.
"What?" a voice replied, it was my brother, Tanjiro.
"SO AFTER WE BREAK UP, YOU IMMEDIATELY DATED THIS BOY? YOU'RE SUCH A ASSHOLE TANJIRO!" Kanao yelled at my brother and slapped him hard on the face.
"Ow! We aren't even dating Kanao calm down!" Tanjiro answered. "BUT YOU FUCKING CHEATED ON ME WITH A GUY! YOU PLAYER!" Kanao shouted as tears started to appear on her face. I grabbed Kanao but she was stronger than me and pulled away so I had to use all of my strength that I still have.
"Kanao stop! This is too far!" I shouted.
"Monjiroo...Why is everyone shouting though?" questioned Inosuke.
"It's nothing Inosuke, you can go back to sleep." Tanjiro said calming, Inosuke nodded and walked away from the door to the bed.

Kanao's POV:

I want to kill that asshole for cheating on me. I did everything just for him to cheat on me with a boy?! Even my best friend is defending him! "NEZUKO, HE CHEATED ON ME! WHY ARE YOY DEFENDING HIM?!" I shouted.
"HE'S MY BROTHER! I WAS JUST MAD AT HIM FOR A BIT BUT WE SHOULDN'T END THINGS LIKE THIS!" Nezuko shouted back. Tanjiro looked at me and said,
"She's right Kanao, we shouldn't end this fight like this. I never cheated on you, I love you a lot but then you thought I cheated on you for him and left me for just a misunderstanding thing plus i'm not gay Kanao." Tanjiro claimed. "I never wanted this to happen but you just randomly thought I liked him just because I spend time with him a lot and started to go off on me. If you ever ask if we should date again well you lost your chance of us to get back together." said Tanjiro. I looked at Tanjiro with complete shocked. I realized that I messed up a lot. Why have my jealousy overwhelmed me? I've should've never assumed Tanjiro was in love with Inosuke. I feel so stupid.

Tanjiro's POV:

I looked at Kanao, I can feel regret and guilt from her. I look away and closed the door. While closing my door, I take a quick glance at Kanao while closing the door and closed the door. I turned to Inosuke who was laying on my bed.
"Monjiro what happened?" asked Inosuke who was laying on my bed.
"Oh nothing Inosuke just to go back to sleep," I answered as I sighed.
"What about you Kamaboku?! Where are you gonna sleep?" Questioned Inosuke. I thinked for what words to say. For some reason I felt like just sleeping next to him but something is telling me not to. I sudden I hear a voice shouting at me.
"OI KENTARO WAKE UP! NO TIME TO BE SPACING OUT AND SHIT! JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION!" "ILL SLEEP WITH YOU THEN INO-" I before I could even finish the sentence I instantly covered my mouth. Why did I say that?

Inosukes POV:

I looked at Monjiro confused. Why he covered his mouth and his face is red too. What he said isn't even that bad at all.
"Monjiro it's fine I'll sleep on the floor. I know you didn't mean to say that and your face is red, are you sick?" I answered back. Why the hell am I being so nice now?! What is wrong with me. I start to feel butterflies in my stomach and my face starts to heat up with him. So many things.
"You're not mad at me for saying that? Also i'm not sick Inosuke," asked Kentaro. I looked at him and smirked,
"HAHAHAH! LORD INOSUKE IS NOT MAD AT MY UNDERLING AND YOUR FACE IS RED AND I THINK THATS ONE OF THE SIGNS OF BEING SO NOW GO SLEEP!" I shouted. Monjiro stared at me in confusion for a second and went to the bed and laid down next to me. I got up was about to lay on the floor so I sleep on the floor when a pair of hands grabbed my arms, it was Monjiro's.
"Stay here," Gapachiro said.
"I said, stay here."
"I like you being next to me." Tanjiro said. That's a unexpected thing Monjiro would say.
"Well okay," I answered as a went to go back to lay down on the bed. Why am I agreeing? I should've just tried to convince him to let me sleep on the floor but there really isn't a point since he's gonna keep asking me to sleep wigh him.The pair of hands of Kenjuro'sΒ  let go of my arm.Why is Tangerine being like this? I looked at Tanjiro and I see him adjusting away from me. Why does he want me with him in bed just for him to move away from me?

Tanjiro's POV:

Why am I being like this? This feeling is bothering me so much.Why am I even acting like this around Inosuke? I look at Inosuke and adjusted myself away from Inosuke to the end of the left side of the bed. It got slient. Inosuke looked at me and said, "You sure you want me here? I can sleep on the floor though,"
"No." I answered.
"What do you mean no Monjiro?" "I dont want you to feel uncomfortable so might at well sleep on the bed instead of sleeping on the floor,"
"Fine." Inosuke said. I smiled and looked away then I slowly close my eyes but I can hear Inosuke coming close to me. I felt Inosuke gently wrap his arms around mine and slowly get close to me. My face starts to heat up, this feels new. I've never experienced this with Kanao, we only just sleep in the bed in different sides apart from each other. For some reason this feels so nice. I wish this isn't just a rare thing to happen.I close my eyes, pretending to sleep and he makes me turn around to look at him.
"You're so beautiful but it's sad how you're asleep. I wish you're awake so I can ask you what a crush is to make sure then ask you out," Inosuke whispered as he was stroking my hair. My heart rate starts to speed up and I feel like saying something but he would find out I heard him say that. It was slient for a few minutes, Inosuke stopped stroking my hair but still had his arms wrapped around me. A few minutes later I hear Inosuke snoring. Looks like somebody fell asleep. I looked up Inosuke who is sleeping and smiled and fell asleep.Β  Β 

Authors notes:


