

Tanjiro's POV:

I wake up next morning to see Inosuke not in bed. I look around to see if Inosuke is in the room until the door opened. I turned to face Inosuke carrying a tray with food.
"Here Monjiro, Nozoku wanted me to give you breakfast once you woke up and you woked up at the right time," "Oh! Thank you Inosuke I appreciate it!" I answered back to Inosuke who is putting the food down on my desk and walking to the other side of the bed to lay down.

Inosuke lays down next to me and pulls me to his arms then starts cuddling me. My face turns pink. Why am I acting like this with him?I never act like this to any of my friends or Kanao during our relationship either.

"What Monjiro."
"You know you're cuddling me.. Right?"
"So? What's the matter with that?"
"You know what never mind,"
I told Inosuke.
"But my sister might-"
"Quiet. Nozeku won't come in the door." "Why?"
"I told her not to," Inosuke told her not to interrupt up? Well I guess I dont need to worry about that since he already told Nezuko not to come in here. I look up to Inosuke and smiles and slowly close my eyes to fall asleep in Inosuke's arms.

Nezuko's POV:

Me and Kanao are supposed to hang out since today is a saturday. A few minutes, someone is knocking on the door. I walk towards it and opens it. It's Kanao. "Oh hey Nezuko." "Oh hey!" "Is Tanjiro here?" Kanao asks. Why is she asking that? "Yea, why?" "Well I still like Tanjiro and I wanna apologize to him for assuming him and Inosuke were dating. Also I wanna ask him if we can try again and also hang out with you." replied Kanao.

Oh no. Tanjiro and Inosuke are in the room together and who knows what they are doing. I guess I have to back up my brother. "Oh about that, Tanjiro is sleeping right now and I don't think you wanna wake him up." "No Nezuko, I know well that he's awake by this time." Shoot I gotta make a better excuse than that. "Well when I was in the room, hes asleep." "Oh, alright," said Kanao. Thank god. Kanao looks around as she enters the house and notice Inosuke's shoes.

"Why are Inosuke's shoes here Nezuko?" she asked. Shoot! Come on Nezuko think! Me and Kanao both suddenly hear footsteps. It's Zenitsu. "Hey Kanao and Nezuko-chan!~" Zenitsu giggles. I look at Zenitsu and gave him with a "Help me" look. Zenitsu looked at Kanao and said, "Sorry for interrupting a conversation but can we get something to eattt!"Β  "Oh sure Zenitsu. Now I realized I'm kinda hungry, how about you Nezuko?" Asked Kanao. Thanks Zenitsu. "Oh sure!" I reply.
Β  "Oh yea Nezuko, I was also here to grab my stuff too from Tanjiro's room so be right back," Kanao mentioned as she walks to Tanjiro's room. Oh noo... "Kanao wa-" before I could finish my sentence, she walked away to go upstairs for her things.

Kanao's POV:

I walk towards Tanjiro's door and open it to see Tanjiro and Inosuke cuddling eachother while they're asleep. I stand there, shocked. Tanjiro said he wasn't gay and now Tanjiro and Inosuke are cuddling eachother while they are sleeping.. My eyes start to form tears and I run away. Why would he do this to me? I know I messed up but he didn't have to do this to me.

I run downstairs and rushed Into Nezukos arms. "Kanao! What happened?" Nezuko asked. I wanted to say something but I couldn't. Nezuko starts to stroke my hair while trying to calm me down. I look up to Nezuko and said, "Tanjiro and Inosuke were cuddling and Tanjiro said he wasn't gay either so he lied to me!!" I shouted as I started breaking down. "Kanao, Tanjiro didn't lie it's just he got stressed out after the argument so Inosuke wanted to hug him to make him feel better." Nezuko replied.

"But Nezuko! It's obvious he-" Zenitsu was about to finish his sentence until Nezuko Interrupted. "Zenitsu not now! Kanao, maybe you should go home and feel better. I'llΒ  grab your stop and drop it off and also talk with Tanjiro, is that alright?" Nezuko questioned. "I-I guess... Thanks Nezuko.." I smile weakly. I pull away from Nezuko and walk away from the house.

Worst weekend ever.

Nezuko's POV:

Kanao didn't deserve that but Tanjiro and Inoske cuddling? I thought Inosuke wanted to go in the room with Tanjiro to hang out with him. Zenitsu looks at me and comments.
"Nezuko! Can't you see that Tanjiro is slowly falling for Inosuke! It's so obvious since he's always with Inosuke!"
"I know but should we really tell Kanao that? She's literal heartbroken from Tanjiro! We can't make her feel more miserable."
"But Kanao needs to understand that they officially broken up. Which means that they aren't together anymore and Tanjiro is gonna move on!"
"She's not gonna move on though! She still loves him!" I comment back at Zenitsu. "What's going on?" Another voice speaks, it's Tanjiro. "Tanjiro, why the hell were you hugging Inosuke?! Now Kanao is running home, crying because of you!!" I raised my voice.
"Why in the first place was she in my room?!" Tanjiro yelled back.
"Maybe if she DIDN'T OPEN MY DOOR MAYBE THIS WOULD'VE HAPPENED!" "YOU BROKE HER HEART!YOU MOVE ON SO FAST TOO WHICH MAKES YOU AN ASSHOLE!" before I was about to throw fists at Tanjiro, Zenitsu stopped us.

"Knock it off you two!! This won't fix anything! We get it, Kanao didn't ask Tanjiro for permission to go in his room but we don't have to be fighting like idiots!!" Tanjiro sighs and says in a softer voice, "Nezuko, me and Kanao are over plus i'm not cheating on her or anything if we aren't a thing anymore." Tanjiro is right. I just really care for my best friend since she got heartbroken by my brother. "Now you both hug eachother and you guys better apologize to eachother too." Said Zenitsu. I hug my brother and he hugs me back. "Sorry brother, i'll try to not be mad at you for things." Tanjiro replies with a smile. "It's alright Nezuko, I forgive you."

Authors notes
