


Tanjiro's POV

After the weekend, school is back. Inosuke left yesterday sunday morning since school would be on monday. Today is the day I have to talk to Kanao and say sorry to her since my sister is forcing me to say sorry. I get up from bed and change into my school clothes. I grabbed my gym uniform and placed inside my backpack. I grab my items and carried them to the kitchen.

At the kitchen

Nezuko's POV:

Last weekend was not it. My best friend's heart gotten broken by my brother, I convinced my brother to apologize to Kanao after what happened. She might not forgive him but might as well just try. I take a seat on the kitchen table while Zenitsu cooks food for us. I'm happy that Zenitsu is now living with us. It's less slient ever since Zenitsu arrived. A few seconds later, my brother, Tanjiro comes in the room. "Good morning Nezuko and Zenitsu!" Tanjiro says. "Oh Tanjiro! Good morning to you too!" Zenitsu answers back. "Good morning brother!" I say back too. "What are we having for breakfast Zenitsu?" Asked Tanjiro as he grabs a chair to sit down. "Well today we're gonna have some waffles!" Zenitsu answers. "Oh alright!" me and Tanjiro reply. "It's 6:10! We have to go before we miss the bus!" Tanjiro shouted. I turn to look at the time. It was 6:11 am. "Oh no! Zenitsu we're sorry but we have to go to the bus stop or else we're doomed!" "Oh alright.. I wanted you guys to taste my waffles!" Zenitsu frowned. "Don't worry Zenitsu, we can try them later!" Tanjiro replied. "He's right now come on and lets go!" I said, pushing them to the front door so we can go.

(Time skip.)
first period (School)

Tanjiro's POV:

Why do I have to do language arts(Ela) first thing in the morning? I like school but having to write a essay in the morning is overwhelming. Luckily we have 15 minutes until school starts. I sit by my desk, waiting for Inosuke to arrive. I look at Muichiro who is three desks away from me and Inosuke's. Muichiro is giving me a weird look. Did I do something? A few seconds later, Inosuke comes in. Thank gosh. I turn to Inosuke. I smile and waves at him. He waves back at me. Inosuke walks and takes his seat. "Hey Monjiro."
"Oh hello Inosuke!"
"How...Are you?"
"Well i'm doing good! I'm surprised you're not shouting at me like you usually do."
"SHUSH KENTARO OR ELSE I'LL PUNCH YOU!" Inosuke screamed. I start laughing. "WHAT'S SO FUNNY?" Shouted Inosuke being confused.

Inosuke's POV:

I look at Gapachiro, confused of why he's laughing. Seeing him laugh is giving me a stomach ache again right now. I like seeing him like this. I smile at him. "HAHAHAAH! LORD INOSUKE HAS MADE HIS UNDERLING LAUGH! LORD INOSUKE IS GOOD AT EVERYTHING! EVEN WITH MAKING SOMEONE LAUGH!" I cheered. Rinjera calmed down a bit after laughing. "Hey Inosuke?" Tanjiro questioned.
"Yea Quenjaroe?"
"Wanna sit outside today for lunch? The weather is nice today,"
"HAHAHAH! LORD INOSUKE LOVES THE OUTSIDE! I SHALL SAY YES!" Inosuke declared. The whole class went slient and stared at us. Whoops. I look around seekng everyone is looking at us, especially Kanao although she's giving both of us a death stare. A few seconds pass and everyone is back to their conversations. "Hey Inosuke I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick" Tanjiro stood up and went up to the door. "Oh okay Monjiro!" I answer.

The hallway

Tanjiro's POV:

As I walked to the bathroom, I felt small hands aggressively grab at the back of my shirt. It was Kanao. "Hey asshole. I hope you're having fun with your new pretty boyfriend. He seems like a nice guy, don't you think?" Kanao grabs my shirt for me to get closer to her. "What do you want Kanao? I don't have a boyfriend eit-" "Then why the hell were you cuddling him?!" "Why do you care about that? We're not dating anymore." Kanao stayed slient. "Look, I'm sorry for arguing with you and the other stuff but you need to understand that we're gonna soon enough move on. It's not like we were gonna be dating for a long time." I try to make Kanao let go of my hand but she didn't let go.
"I know well you're not trying to get out of this conversation," Kanao snarled as shes squeezing my arm.
"I need to go to the bathroom. Kanao you need to understand that you will someday have to let me go for a new person." I reply as I shove her away from me and continue my way to the bathroom.

Inosuke's POV:

While Monjiro is gone, I look around. I look at Kunao's group. It was just full of girls. This is just hella boring without Kentjuro...I turn to have a conversation with the person behind me. The person who sits behind me looks like a girl.. Why isn't she with the group with the other ones? I might as well ask. "OI, BLACK HAIR WITH MINT GREEN EYES! WHY ARENT YOU IN A GROUP WI-" before i could finish my sentence, I get hit by a rock. How did a rock get here anyways. "OW! WHAT THE HELL!"
"Can you stop acting like a 5 year old? You're voice is making my ears hurt with all that shouting." ruffled a boy with a scar in his face.
"SHUT UP IM GONNA FIGHT YOU!" I shouted but before I can dash to him I felt someone grabs me. It was Monjiro.
"Inosuke! Let's not fight other people, okay?" It was Monjiro who came back from the bathroom.
"Whatever." I sit back down. Ranjerut lets go of me and takes his seat too. The bell rings and 1st period is now starting.

Time skip
At lunch.

Tanjiro's POV:

I grab my lunch from the cafeteria and I walk outside to go eat with Inosuke. On my way to outside, I see Zenitsu wnd Nezuko sitting with...EACHOTHER? Zenitsu is lucky we're in school cause by the moment he steps in my house, i'm gonna lock him in a basement. I look back to the door that's leds out to outside. Once I'm close to the door, I opened the door and entered outside.

I arrive and I see that Inosuke is already there. "Hey Inosuke!" I called out. I speed walk to the bench table where Inosuke is sitting at. I walk over to the table and I take my seat.
"So Gapachiro, after we're done eating, can we walk around the school?" Inosuke questions.
"Well a walk around the school doesn't seem to be bad so might as well!" I respond to Inosuke's question. Inosuke looks at his food and started to devour everything in less than a minute. Wow, never knew he can eat that quickly. As I was enjoying my food while Inosuke is finished with his food. I can tell that Inosuke is still hungry. I turn to him and asked, "Inosuke, are you still hungry? I can give you some of my portions!"
"Hmm... Lord Inosuke is still hungry...I SHALL ACCEPT YOUR OFFER!" Inosuke shouted as he snatched some of my food and ate some. I chuckle and I continue to eat my food.

After a few minutes, I finish my food then me and Inosuke start to walk around the school. While walking we encounter two people kissingΒ  eachother. "What are they doing with their lips." Inosuke asked me.
"Well they're kissing, let's leave them alone before we might get beaten up." I whisper. I take Inosukes hand and continue our walk. Surprisingly Inosuke didn't but the moment we left that area, "HAHAHAHAH! MONJIRO I CAN DO BETTER THAN THOSE LOVEY DOVEY IDIOTS! WATCH ME!"
"Inosuke! We shouldn't be calling people dumb and also you'll have to get someone to do that with you in order to kiss." I explained.
"Inosuke..That would be gay though." I reply. My face starts to heat up and my heart races from hearing that.
"What's gay."
"It's basically two of the same genders like boy and boy likes eachother."
"...That's gay."
"No it's not Inosuke, it's alright for people to be gay!"
"Whatever." Inosuke rolls his eyes. "BUT I WANNA BE BETTER THAN THOSE PEOPLE WHO WERE KIZZING!" Inosuke shouts then all the sudden he grabs me and pulls me close to him.
"Inosuke I-"
"You're gonna be the person who I try out this kiss"
"Inosuke, you can't just kiss someone so you can know how it's like, you have to at least be inlove with that person so it's a better first time experience!" I muttered. I look around, checking if nobody but us is around. All the sudden Inosuke grabs my chin and leans closer to me. My heart beats faster. This is gonna be my first kiss.
