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{Please let me know if you can read the new chapter title font! I wanted to try something new}

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"Why did you choose now to contact us?" Draco asks the boy from his seat in front of him, his hand laying on the wooden table.

"Cause things got bad quickly for children of Death Eaters." Theo tells him, as he gives him a look of annoyance.

"Not a Death Eater or a child of a Death Eater, but alright." Blaise rolls his eyes, shaking his head, annoyed that his friends continue to call him that.

"What do you mean? Where's Daphne?" Pansy questions him from her seat beside Draco as she stares at the boy.

"Daphne's dead."

Pansy pulls her head back, a shocked look forming on her face as she stares at Theodore who just stares back at her.

"You're serious?!" Blaise asks, turning around to face the boy that he sat beside.

"No, its a hurtful joke!" Theo shakes his head. "Yes, I'm fucking serious."

"How did she die?" Pansy questions the sandy haired boy, as she leans forward.

"She got into contact with me and we went out for drinks." Theo starts his story. "We were drinking and she explained to me how she was looking for a husband to take care of her and I listened to her rant over the last few eligible men she hung around. When we finished our second round of drinks, I went to get more and when I came back, she was gone and there was a note where she sat. It said that a man wanted to get to know her so I shrugged it off. I finished my drink and left. I took a short cut down the alley and there she was, dead on the ground."

"Oh my god." Pansy whispers, her head falling in her hand as Draco shakes his head.

"You didn't see anyone or anything that could have given you a hint of who did it?" Blaise asks, turning to face his friend and ex-lover.

"By Daphne's head, was a drawing of the dark mark." Theo tells him. "And I barely escaped from the aurors cause they, you know, believed I did it."

"Oh god."

"Look, older Death Eaters are coming to kill us." Theo tells them, as he looks at each one of them before he reaches into his coat and pulls out a inked letter and sets it in the middle of the table.

"Oh god." Pansy groans as she scans over the note before she rubs her forehead. "Oh my god!"

"Shut up with your "oh god" for the love of Merlin!" Draco raises his voice as he feels a headache coming on.

Pansy sends him a glare before she crosses her arms and falls back in her seat.

"Okay, so what do we do?" Blaise asks, getting to the point as he turns to look at his friend. "Are we safe in Hogwarts?"

"When is Hogwarts ever safe?" Theo gives the dark-skinned boy a look before shrugging his shoulders. "I think you guys are safe here for the meanwhile. I'm going to try and hunt down Crabbe, Millicent and Tracey and inform them or to see if they've been caught already."

The four stand up from the table and step around the crowd before exiting the three broomsticks.

"Alright, please let us know anything when you find out." Pansy tells him as she hugs Theo, staying there for five seconds before pulling away and stands to the side.

"Thanks for updating us about Daphne." Draco thanks as he and Theo shake hands before patting him on the back and stands beside Pansy and brings the cloak out.

"Thanks." Blaise gives Theo a small smile before looking to his two other friends. "You guys go on ahead, I need to talk to Theo for a quick while."

"You sure?" Draco asks and sighs when he nods his head. He wraps and arm around Pansy to keep her warm before they walk to the exit of Hogsmeade.

Blaise and Theo face each other before Theo sighs, his hands going in the front pockets of his pants.

"What did you want to discuss?"

"I'm sorry with how I left things." Blaise tells him, as he gives him a small frown. "I'm sorry with how I shut down your feelings and used you for my personal need and didn't care for yours at the time."

Theo gives him a deadpanned look before looking away.

"I know." Theo turns back to the boy who had hurt him. "Did I ever have a chance back then?"


"Do I have a chance now?"


"Well, there you go." Theo scoffs, looking away before he turns to face him again. "I'm oddly okay with that."

"If there is anything I can do, I'll do it in a heartbeat." Blaise tells him, feeling an odd amount of guilt.

Theo looks at him, and stares as a frown twists on his light pink lips. Without a word, he leans forward and presses a soft kiss on Blaise's lips and pulls away not even a second later.

"I'll see you later."

With that, Theodore Nott apparates away.

Blaise breathes deeply before putting the cloak over his body and walks to the exit of Hogsmeade and sees his friends standing there.

"What happened?"

"None of your business." Blaise snaps at her before putting on the cloaks hood and starts the walk back to Hogwarts as Draco covers him and Pansy up and follows after him.

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"What are we going to do?" Hermione asks as she looks at Harry and Ron, who's face was red and his arms crossed.

"I'm going to yell at him."
