
Apparating a little ways from the wall between 9 and 10 causes a suspenseful feeling to rip through your body, knowing you could be spotted by Muggles but knowing that time of day, it was most likely to be busy so you had to risk it.

The blond looked around, seeing smaller figures pushing through the wall undetected. Looking around once more, he tries to spot familiar faces and frowns realizing he's early.

"Who are we out looking for?" A voice whispers in his ear, making him jump and turns to see the dark headed girl with a bob and bangs, a small smile on her thin pink lips.

"Parkinson, way to give me a heart attack." Draco snaps at the girl, sarcastically, who rolls her brown eyes after him in return.

"Shove it." She looks at her friend, and frowns seeing the dark circle under his eyes and sighs, before she hugs him. "I missed you this summer."

Draco looks down at shorter girl, before hugging her back as well, his chin resting on the top of her head. "So did I."

"Not to sound disgusted or anything, but could you not act sappy? Anyone passing by is going to stare." A low voice speaks, making the friends pull apart and smile, seeing their third member.

Draco steps back, as Pansy and Blaise hug, and he takes this as his chance to scan them, seeing how different they had changed over the summer, after the war.

Pansy was still shorter than the two, even in her heeled boots, which only made her at a 5'6 heigh, while Blaise stood at 6'3, and Draco himself at 5'9. Draco sees that his two best friends carry themselves differently, not as confident as they used to be.

Next, was their clothing which turned into Muggle clothing since the three could only afford that after the war.

Pansy stood in white wool sweater and jeans, plus her boots with her natural makeup, which was only mascara and pink lipstick. What Blaise was wearing was similar to the Hogwarts dress code, but instead of robes, it was a dark blue blazer, black pants and gray shoes. Draco looked down at his own clothes, his black shirt that was under a green flannel with black jeans and shoes.

"-ay? Draco!"

Draco looks up, seeing a concerned Pansy and Blaise, who stared at him, expectantly.


"It's time to go on." Pansy clears up for him, giving him a look as Draco nods before the three walk where they stood, and into the wall between nine and ten.

'There is no going back now.'

โ€ข โ€ข โ€ข

Sitting down in an empty compartment, with empty seats all around them, reminds them of Sixth Year, just the three of them.

Pansy was flipping through a book, her head on her hand that was in a fist as Blaise had his eyes closed, head resting on her shoulder. Draco was starring out the window, looking at the scenery.

"Somebody say something!" Pansy shouts, slamming her book shut making the two boys jump as they look at her. "God, I'm going crazy!"

"What do you expect us to talk about?" Draco's monotone voice asks, looking at the fair skin girl in front of him. "Which question would you prefer? How was your summer after the war? Or, what did the Ministry of Magic take from you last week?"

Blaise let out a small chuckle, making Pansy glare at the both of them before sighing.

"Fine." Pansy crosses her arms, thinking of a question. "Least favorite thing about going back to Hogwarts."

"The judgemental looks." Blaise speaks quickly, making his friends nod.

"The house unity for eighth years." Draco adds, as his friends nods in return at his words.

"Potter, Weasel and Granger." Pansy speaks, making Blaise and Draco look at each other.

"That one takes the gold!" Draco speaks sarcastically, before muttering an ouch as Pansy kicks his leg, the heel digging into his leg. "And that was for?"

"No, Potter and his friends are here." Blaise backs his friend up, just before the door opens.

"Ah, finally an empty place." Weasley's voice speaks, making the Slytherin's tense, waiting to hear more talking. "Never mind, lets go."

"Ronald." Granger's voice speaks, as she grabs her boyfriend. "They're not going to do anything, lets just sit farther away from them."

Draco cranes his neck, seeing the trio sit in the seats closest to the door and rolls his eyes, turning to his friends.

"What do we do now?" Pansy asks, looking at her friends who shrug.

"Favorite thing about going back to Hogwarts?" Blaise shrugs, leaning back into his seat.

"Is there any positivity at this point?" Draco speaks sarcastically, making his friends glare at him, before shrugging. "Let me think."

"Getting away from your family." Pansy speaks, breaking the silence as her friends look at her, both grabbing her hands.

Granger looks over, listening into the conversation, as does Potter and Weasley.

"From that broken, silent house." Blaise adds, as his friends nod, their stone faces falling into a deep frown.

"And the empty rooms." Draco finishes as the three look at one another before pulling their hands away.

Pansy opens her book back up and starts to read it from the middle as Blaise leans his head back against her shoulder. Draco turns his body to the window, watching the scenery once again.

Hermione turns to her friends, whose gazes linger on the Slytherin's, before they meet her eyes.

"What should we do?" She whispers, her voice quiet enough so the Slytherin's can't her.

"Nothing, all they want is pity." Ron spits, a glare on his face as he crosses his arms over his chest.

Hermione gives him a look, before turning to Harry. "What do you think?"

"I think we should keep an eye on them. They came back for a reason." Harry voices his opinion, making Hermione sigh, shaking her head.

"Boys are so irrational." Hermione mumbles, before Ron changes the subject quickly before Hermione could yell at the both of them.
